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Автор: Lucella Campbell
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456628802
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focused his mind to allow for a slow entry into Earth space, so that he could savor the experience. As he drew nearer, it unfolded its secrets to him. The white clouds fell away to reveal a vista of greens and blues – rambling hills and plains, forests and vales, canyons and gorges, stretching on for miles and drawing one into its restfulness. And as one zoomed in closer to the planet, an array of hidden Earth tones became unraveled – the browns and oranges of barren deserts in stark contrast to the surrounding green abundance. For one millimeter of a second as he entered Earth’s atmosphere, he felt propelled by the magnetic pull of gravity. There was a density to the sensation, as it tugged at him briefly, but it was gone before it could be fully registered. This subtle brush with time and form was the closest he had ever come to experiencing physicality, but it was enough. He would never be the same again. The seed of curiosity about the nature of physicality was born, and he began to sense the human need to return to this condition. Above all else now, he longed to make contact with humans, to understand their relationship with physicality. He knew that unless he understood the full nature of this addiction to form he would not truly grasp that human dilemma that kept them separate from their true reality and in a state of isolation from the rest of creation.

      It happened on his second sojourn to Earth. This time he had zoomed right into Earth’s troposphere, and in a flick he had moved in closer on a thought wave. The sun gently announced its arrival, its rays embracing the area he had entered, tucked away in the foothills of a towering mound of green. There were several structures here stacked close together. Just nearby he caught sight of a space in one of them slowly opening up. And as he peered closer, he caught a glimpse of his first human. He recognized it from his research, to be the female of the species.

      He followed her into the cubicle she occupied, and then into a smaller annex. There she took out a small implement with bristles, with which she scrubbed out her mouthpiece. She then proceeded to spew out jets of liquid from her insides. She returned to the larger cubicle, peeled off an outer layer, leaving it behind on the floor. Looking on, he was jolted by this unexpected ritual. She then stretched out on a square flat pad, joining the male human who was already there. As the male turned over, the difference in form became clear. He could see an appendage in the middle of the body, which stood out erect. The male was also devoid of the two mobile upper appendages carried by the female. She settled herself in the pad, and the male reached out for her. Their various extensions began to move in unison, touching and exploring each other’s being. Increasingly, their motions became more frenzied as they moved around the small pad, cavorting and clutching at each other. The male then inserted his appendage into a hidden aperture in the woman, and after much jerky movement, panting and grunting, which culminated in a loud screech from both, they fell away from each other, seeming spent. Then curling up into each other, they basked in the warm glow that they had created. To him looking on from above, the two were enveloped in a glowing aura of soft colors.

      After repeating the process, they both made their way to the small annex attached to the cubicle, and performed an intriguing water dance. Dousing each other with water, each rubbed and scrubbed the other, interspersed with embraces and giggling antics. Following this, they both moved back to the larger cubicle, and each donned a new outer layer of varied colors. Then, they made their way to yet another cubicle; and sitting themselves at a small square structure held up by four extensions below, they proceeded to fill with various tidbits, a gaping hole that appeared in their upper extremities. Together, they then made their way out of the cubicle, into two separate moving vehicles and set off in different directions. From his vantage point, the rituals of humans in all their intricate detail seemed alternately bizarre, dumbfounding and hilarious, but always they held him spellbound.

       With each new sojourn to Earth, he became more intrigued with human antics, interactions and belief patterns. Never before had he found a life form that so challenged his knowledge bank and understanding. His trips to Earth became so frequent that he was almost more often found on Earth territory than on Altura. His fascination with this planet and its life forms began to take on a life of its own becoming the center of his world. He pondered almost nothing else. From his vantage point of spirit form, he was able to penetrate and completely infiltrate the human experience unobserved. On reflection he was able…almost…to infiltrate the human experience. The solid and sensual quality of the experience eluded him.

      With each recurring visit, he became more emboldened. He would join the humans in their beds, sit at their tables, listen in on their most intimate conversations, move through walls, invade and travel through their bodies. This last experience was truly awesome. It was like traversing another universe – vast dark spaces, black holes interspersed with incandescent structures, pulsating organs that seemed like planets hung in space, magnificent gorges racing through the body, rhythmic patterns moving in crescendo and all working in harmony to keep the human frame alive. And cradled in the womb of some was yet another life form, sedate, cushioned and oblivious to the outside world, moving in harmony with the larger entity…a mini replica, a microcosm of that larger universe in which it was enclosed.

      He never tired of exploring the human form. Every entry unraveled new worlds. His explorations traversed subtler and subtler levels of form, until he came to observe what seemed like the unit of human life – the proton. There, to his amazement in this tiniest of life forms, he found a most minute replica of the universe – dark spaces interspersed with agile blips, pulsars and incandescent quasars – a minuscule tribute to the universe in solid form. The energy field at the core of the proton was a light source from which it drew its energy and which gave throbbing life to the entire structure. Somewhere in the core of his being, he felt an inexplicable connection with that light source, and he knew that this light source held the answer to every mystery that ever was, the connection to the source of all life. And humans harbored it within their being in an almost tangible, palpable form. There were no words to describe the awe and rapture that entranced him with this discovery. It was all so magnificent, so magical…worlds within worlds, form within form.

      His every contact with and exploration of the human experience was relayed back to Altura in all its intricate detail through his instantaneous connection with the whole. The archives of Altura came alive, thrown open by the richness of the explorations of this unit. The attention of multiple units was riveted on him, and increasingly more units were choosing to tune into his wavelength. This was the closest they had gotten to observing almost firsthand, and in this much detail, the behavior and thought patterns of this culture, and it was spellbinding. His experiences became the main event on Altura.

      Within him however, there raged a fierce battle. He felt an irresistible urge to help the Earthlings reconnect to their source and consciously reduce and release the bondage of the physical. But it was clear to him that to be successful in that mission he would have to experience firsthand the full range of the human experience - its insatiable desires, its illusions, its joys, its sorrows. There were no shortcuts. Nothing short of incarnating into physical form would allow him to be successful in this mission that now was an obsession in him. The impetus had been born in that instant when he had briefly touched the sensation of density on first entering Earth space, and it increased in intensity with each recurring visit. But it would mean separating himself from everything with which he now identified. Initially, he had dismissed the thought as absurd, unwarranted and impossible.

      He had the best of both worlds.

      ALTURA– a highly evolved world and species, unlimited by space and time, where almost anything was possible on the impetus of a mere thought, where knowledge was unlimited and where the sense of community was unsurpassed.

      EARTH – where the possibilities for experimental discovery, growth, learning and exploration of potential through the medium of sensation were vast – unexplored territory.

      He entertained the notion that he would ride both worlds. But…whereas he was able to experience Altura in its fullness, the possibility of full contact with the Earthlings would always elude him, as long as he remained non-physical. The desire that lived at the core of his being would not be satisfied with half way measures. He knew that this limbo state was not healthy for him or for the whole, as it could engulf unfairly those who tuned into his wavelength in his ongoing internal conflict about taking on a physical form.

      A decision