Make a Splash!. Regina Carey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Regina Carey
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627935
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support, and cheer you on. After spending time with them, you feel happier, healthier, and more of who you are. They “get” you.

      Chapter 1: Anxiety - Unwelcomed Worry

      Take Away: Anxiety is normal at low levels. It is a method of motivation, excitement, and anticipation for something wonderful! Ride it out. If it begins to derail your progress, then it has become an “issue” to be addressed. When you feel anxiety, take a deep breath and tell yourself how EXCITED you are for this amazing opportunity. See what shifts.

      Reframing Dread

      Are you dreading the day before it even begins?

      Dread is defined as terror or apprehension about something in the future: to be reluctant to do, meet, or experience ( It is certainly an emotion with which everyone is familiar. We may feel dread because of our patterns, the “been there, done that” mentality associated with an unpleasant first experience. We may dread because of fear of the unknown – not knowing what to expect, how to behave, or what to say in a new situation. No matter the specifics, dread feels uncomfortable. There is not one positive sensation that accompanies this emotion. Now, what would happen if we neutralized DREAD with POSSIBILITY?

      Instead, ask the question, “What if…”

      “What if I walked in with my head held high and a smile on my face?”

      “What if I see someone I know who can sit with me and help calm my anxiety?”

      “What if everything goes exactly the way I want it to go?”

      “What if?”

      Make a game of asking “what if” possibilities in a positive light. See what happens to the uncomfortable sensations in your body. See what happens to the headache, the nausea, and the terrified look on your face.

      Do you know what will happen? Those feelings will begin to weaken and the corners of your mouth may contort into a smirk – the one that assures you that everything is going to be okay. You have exactly what you need TODAY to deal with your situation – this situation called LIFE!

      You have more power than that which is unknown. Anything is possible today! What if you have the best day of your life? You may spend the day, instead, in amazement!

      Are You Worried?

      You are an amazing human being! Instead of putting energy into worrying, put it toward something that helps you move forward!

      Everyone worries. Some allow worry to sneak in and out of their minds without paying much attention, while others let it consume them. What do we worry about? Money, sickness, our children, friends, something we said, something we didn’t say, what other people think, and the list goes on. Worry wastes time. It requires energy and evokes fear while thinking about something we DON’T want to happen.

      Focus instead on what you want, what you envision for your day, and how you desire personal, professional and loving relationships to develop in your life. By focusing on what you WANT instead of what you FEAR, you are sending out a more powerful signal to the Universe that this is what you desire. You bring what you want to you like a magnet. Recognize the worry, shift it into a positive light and watch what happens!

      Think about what you WANT instead of what you don’t! Before you know it, the sun will rise on tomorrow and you will begin to notice peace, harmony, health, love and abundance waiting right outside your door!

      No Playing the Outcome!

      Remember, most of the things we worry about never come true!

      We don’t know what we don’t know.

      You don’t get to play the outcome – no guessing what the client is going to say; no pretending that you already know what the boss is going to talk to you about; or even what your significant other is thinking. You don’t know. It’s not fair to you or the other person to let your imagination go WILD!

      When we start to play out our stories, the Gremlin brain takes over. It tells us that we are about to make a big mistake. We better run or get ready to fight, because we’re not strong enough, smart enough or good enough. It leads us to develop an outrageous ending - one that crushes our spirits, leaves us penniless, and possibly ruins our lives. Forever. This is untrue. And we must stop that train the minute it leaves the station.

      Instead, let go of the outcome and focus on the wonderful POSSIBILITIES! Stay positive! Set the best of intentions! Keep your head up and your eyes forward! It may be the BEST ending yet!


      See ABUNDANCE! You have enough time, money, ideas, love, support, and opportunities - to name a few - and trust that you always will. Remind yourself of this daily; believe it and know it!

      Get INSPIRED! What can you do today to enhance your living? Play your favorite music? Listen to a podcast? Doodle? Go on a short nature walk? How will you inspire that brain of yours? Let your ideas flow!

      Bring ACCEPTANCE! Of people, of experiences, of obstacles, of LIFE! Much happens in our day that we don't expect or anticipate. When we embrace it and use it to grow, it works in our best interest. It is a conscious choice to accept what comes our way. Open arms!

      Practice FLEXIBILITY! To be flexible in the way we approach problems, the way we stretch our understanding, and the way we bring creative ideas to the table is a powerful method for growth. It demonstrates the wisdom of a teacher and curiosity of a student.

      Release ONE THING! What are you holding onto? That one thing occupying your thoughts and waking you up at night? Let it go, and decide to move forward. You are smart enough, strong enough, kind enough and deserving enough without it!



      -Recognize when anxiety hits and maintain awareness.

      -Determine how anxiety is physically affecting you and place your hand on that area of your body.

      -Send love and compassion to the part of your body that is feeling the stress; breathe deeply until the physical sensation dissipates.


      -Share your feelings of anxiety with a trusted friend.

      -Move your body through exercise, dance, yoga, or other physical movements that help alleviate your feelings of anxiety.

      -Do something that brings you joy (read, play, spend time with animals, etc.). Sometimes focusing on cultivating joy helps us let go of unnecessary anxiety.


      -Journal through the emotion and determine actions that will help you get through it.

      -Develop a lifestyle change (eating/drinking/morning routine) to diminish symptoms of anxiety and commit to the change.

      -Make an appointment with your doctor/therapist to evaluate the severity of your anxiety.

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