The Joy of Eating. Petia Raeva. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Petia Raeva
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627959
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see that the fruits pass quickly through the digestive system, food rich in carbohydrates (bread, rice, potatoes, pasta) digest faster than food rich in protein (meat, eggs, fish, cheese, soy).


      In the good old days books were written by writers and read by all. Now all write books but nobody reads

      Oscar Wilde

      The word “carbohydrates” comes from “hydrates of carbon” as their structure is composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. These include glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch, cellulose, pectin, etc. - they are organic substances in the composition of cells and tissues. They are divided of absorbable substances (glucose, fructose, starch, etc.) the main source of energy and non-absorbable (ballast substances) pass through the digestive tract without being digested but helps to reduce high cholesterol, weight gain and to treat digestive disorders.

      The main energy for the brain and central nervous system comes from carbohydrates. The process of absorbing carbohydrates breaks down into glucose molecules. When used as a source of energy carbohydrates fuel the brain and muscles. The body converts excess and unused glucose into glycogen which is stored in the liver and muscles as an energy reserve. When the body has more glucose than is necessary for energy, or for processing into the excess supply of glycogen it is converted into fat. Without carbohydrates your brain cannot function but their overuse leads to accumulation of fat. So my diet includes carbohydrates, when I want but in moderation, without combining them with protein.

      Let me share interesting facts about the most obese nation and its eating habits. Throughout the 70’s an American scientist Ansel Keyes compared the mortality rate from cardiovascular disease in seven countries and found that people who consume less saturated fat and full fat products and those who eat more fruits, vegetables and nuts have a lower mortality rate.

      This research and its results were adopted by the American Association of cardiovascular disease. Their recommendations to millions of Americans have diets including foods low in fat and high in carbohydrates. As a result huge profitable food industries have emerged which produce low-fat foods. So people, believe that were are eating healthier by changing to low fat options of cakes, cookies, ice cream, crackers and more. No one ever thought about the calorie count and the accumulated weight of fat by a carbohydrate-deprived diet. The Shocking fact is that the Keys’ findings changed the American way of eating reducing consumption of fat by 11% and increased their consumption of products with reduced calories from 19 to 76%.

      According to a study published in 1997 by two American doctors during this period the number of obese people has increased by 31%. The authors were so surprised by the fact that they called it American paradox.

      In the 60s the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States creates a so-called "food pyramid" which became a panacea because the American diet is a response to the sharp increase in cardiovascular disease. The main focus of the "food pyramid" is against fat and the most interesting in it is that the complex carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice and breakfast cereals) dominates food that Americans should consume. The graphical "food pyramid" shows a pseudo nutritional balance of how energy consumption of each meal should consist of 15% protein, 30% fat and 55% carbohydrates. We have already seen what results lead to excessive consumption of these products - obesity, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes - and "food pyramid" of the Ministry of Agriculture, the U.S. is processed. In 2001 one of the most prominent critics of the "food pyramid" American scientist Walter Willett established the "healthy food pyramid" of the Harvard School of Public Nutrition. The Press in the U.S. claimed: The "Food Pyramid" of the Ministry for Agriculture of the United States offers stupid, scientifically unfounded advice on a vital topic - eating. In the worst case, misinformation which offers leads to obesity, ill health and unnecessary early death.”

      Willets’’ Pyramid is based on the priority consumption of whole grains and vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables, nuts and beans, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products. Contrary to the recommendation of the Ministry of Agriculture, he stated, bread, pastry, rice, macaroni, butter, red meat should be consumed sparingly and turns the "food pyramid." upside down. The "Healthy food pyramid" of Harvard University even recommends moderate alcohol consumption.


      People are managed easily by their vices than by their virtues

      Oscar Wilde

      People's minds are especially tuned when it comes to protein, particularly meat. Some believe that they have not eaten if they have not eaten meat. In ancient societies the hunters were with the highest status. The man who could hunt for the most meat was a candidate for tribal leader. In the so- called Modern Times the opportunity to put meat on the table was a sign of wealth and prosperity in comparison to the poor who ate bread, rice and potatoes. Meat was expensive and sustainable. Nowadays, pictures of starving in Africa not only produce sympathy, but they instill fear in our society of malnutrition and starvation.

      Proteins participate in most of the processes occurring in living organisms. Primarily to the specific proteins which are responsible for the cell structure, the course of metabolic processes and the body immunity. In order to keep a balanced diet protein should be consumed with even quantities of fat and carbohydrates. To have perfect health does not really provide us with large amounts of protein. Protein needs increase in breastfeeding mothers, infants and people who are recovering from illness and surgery. It is recommended that 20% of your diet should consist of protein.

      The Role of Enzymes, Vitamins and Biologically Important Elements

      Enjoy life and not its meaning

      F.M. Dostoyevski

      Enzymes, vitamins and minerals are very important for weight loss. Mined from protein, carbohydrate and fat energy is distributed throughout the body by enzymes. Enzymes are ferments that speed up chemical reactions in the body. They play an important role in all life processes that guide and regulate metabolism. Vitamins affect growth, metabolism, immune function, nervous system, endocrine system, blood formation, coagulation, etc.

      Tier types are soluble (A, D, E, K) and the rest are water soluble. Vitamins are distinguished from other organic nutrients that are not used by the body as an energy source. Biologically important elements are chemical elements that ensure the normal functioning of the body. There are two types – micro and microelements. Microelements are chemical elements contained in the organisms in parts per thousand (iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, bromine, fluorine, argon, stroke, etc.) which affects growth, reproduction, hematopoietic, etc. Their deficiency or excess leads to disturbances in metabolism. The body accepts trace elements in large quantities from the external environment.

      I’ll give you a few simple rules to follow in order to keep the vitamins in your diet. Containers, graters and iron or brass knives can destroy the vitamins in food so if possible, tear the leaves for salads, cut the vegetables into large pieces, use plastic graters, plastic juicers not metallic one. If you can, eat raw materials reduce boiling times and avoid refreezing and warming your food. Always wash all foods carefully. You should eat vitamin rich food so there is no need for synthetic tablets to replace natural vitamins.

      Let’s take a look in more detail at Principle Two

      Eat your fruit separately, before or between meals.

      When we constantly meet the same people they become part of our lives. When they become part of our lives they want to change it. And if we are not such as they want, they become angry. Because everyone thinks that they know exactly how you should live our lives. But nobody knows exactly how to live their own life

      Paulo Coelho “The Alchemist”

      When you eat another meal in combination with fruits, the fruits stays in the stomach fermentation begins as fruits lose their beneficial ingredients. As a result, carbohydrates ferment and protein rots forming acids and gases. Fruits fall into the category of superfoods. When consumed alone they undergo little digestion in the mouth and no stomach. Their digestion is performed in the