Reason: Book I. Bo Bennett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bo Bennett
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626822
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      REASON: Book I

      A Critical Thinking-, Reason-, and Science-based Approach to Issues That Matter

      Written By


      365 Boston Post Road, #311

      Sudbury, MA 01776

      First printing - June 2016, June 13, 2016 Update

      [email protected]

      Copyright 2016,

      ISBN: 978-1-4566-2682-2

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      This book is dedicated to everybody from whom I have learned—which is virtually everybody with whom I have ever interacted.



      I take a critical thinking-, reason-, and science-based approach to exploring issues that matter with the goal of both educating and entertaining. I have a PhD in social psychology, but I cover a broad range of topics including: Science Education (scientific method, what is / is not science, etc.), Success, Entrepreneurship, Motivation, General Psychology, Social Psychology, Positive Psychology (well-being, flourishing, happiness, etc.), Cognitive Psychology (belief, cognitive biases, memory, our flawed brain, etc.), General Social Science, Critical Thinking, Logical Fallacies, Humanism / Secularism, and Philosophy. This book is part one of an ongoing project to do my part in making the world a more reasonable place.

      You can read more than you would ever care to know about me at But if you don’t care to know more than you would care to know about me, then let me give you some of the highlights. I am a serial entrepreneur who has started and sold many companies over the last 25 years. I focus on building web properties and marketing. I sold my first company of significant value in 2001 at age 29, which allowed me the financial freedom to pursue interests that could have a significant social impact. I passionately studied the sciences, philosophy, and religion. I went back to school and earned my master’s degree in general psychology, then my PhD in social psychology. My mission in life (and goal of this book) is to contribute to the well-being of individuals and society by combining education with entertainment.

      The topics I address in this book range from the light-hearted with more entertainment value than anything else, to the serious topics that can have great impact on personal and societal well-being. I like the balance because life should also be fun and we shouldn’t take everything too seriously.

      Much of this book is the result of my work at However, this book is written more for the layperson. I do my best to avoid jargon and explain the jargon that I do use, in clear language that most people can understand without too much thinking (save the thinking for the issues explored).

      The Point of Reason and Rationality

      One’s ability to reason properly is the underlying cognitive ability that generally remains stable while one’s rationality is greatly affected by temporary conditions such as heightened emotions, lack of sleep, or any cognitive impairment. One could usually be a very reasonable person but act irrationally when angered, for example. Being more rational can be a result of working on controlling your emotions, avoiding activities and habits that lead to cognitive impairment such as drugs and alcohol or not getting enough sleep, or just recognizing when you are not in the ideal state of mind to make reasonable decisions or arguments. The benefits of rationality (acting in accordance with your reason) should be clear. But what may not be clear at this point, are the benefits of being reasonable.

      There is an evolutionary argument for using reason. There is still some debate among cognitive scientists as to why exactly humans appear to have what we call superior intelligence compared to other species. We know the differences reside in the brain, we just can pinpoint what those differences are at this time. It is possible, even likely, that our level of intelligence emerges from several differences in our brain anatomy. Regardless of where those differences are, we know that our intelligence and thus, reasoning ability, has evolved to what it is today. Evolved abilities make us better suited for our current environment and by extension, reason makes us better suited for our environment. “Current environment” is a misnomer, however, since evolution works over thousands of years and does not respond to the rapidly changing social environment of today. It is possible that better human reasoning is still adaptive, but as the movie Idiocracy warns, it could also be maladaptive.

      Idiocracy: The Future of Humanity

      Virtually all behavioral scientists today agree that while there are both pros and cons to rationality and reason, in today’s social environment, the personal and societal benefits of reason far exceed its problems. A leader in this field is Dan Ariely who wrote the books, The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic and Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions which focus on many of the benefits of irrationality and many of its problems, respectively. There are many benefits to reasoning as well as just as many problems associated with poor reasoning that can be found in personal, professional, and academic domains. While reasoning ability has been directly linked to many academic outcomes, scientifically, it is challenging to link reasoning ability directly to any specific life outcome such as wealth, happiness, or well-being. Ironically, however, it is through the reasoning process itself that we can infer that better reasoning is more likely to lead to better life outcomes.

      An important distinction must be made between rationality on a personal level and a societal level. Virtually all of the benefits of irrationality such as the peace of mind that comes with believing in supernatural entities who are looking out for your best interests, eternal life in paradise, or the idea of Karma, are personal benefits that would have a potentially disastrous effect if implemented on a societal level. For example, societies that took the idea of Karma seriously would have no need for their own systems of justice since the gods, the universe, or whatever would see to it that perfect justice prevailed. World leaders who believe that the destruction of civilization is a necessary step for Jesus to return and bring about