Junior Year, 93-94. Megan B. March. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Megan B. March
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456625467
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awkward when Aria climbed into the bed and snuggled up next to him. Nate held up his hand and gave a slight wave. Was that a show of embarrassment?

      “Hey, Nate. I thought I saw your truck out front. This isn't a bad time, is it? I don’t have to stay, I can go.” I fumbled for words and motioned toward the door, desperately hoping they'd send me away.

      “No, no, it’s fine,” Aria cut in. “Mom’s out of town and Nate’s been keeping me company.” I couldn’t help but notice her slight smile.

      Nate sat up taller and adjusted the blanket around him. “Yeah, for a second I thought I might have to hide under the bed, but you can imagine my relief when I didn’t hear our code word when Aria answered the door.” He put his arms around Aria and she reached up and kissed him. Awkward … this must be what a camera crew feels when they’re filming movie sex scenes.

      “So, what do you guys have planned for today?” I asked, taking a seat on the bottom edge of the bed. Once I was there I realized I probably should have just sat on the floor, but I didn’t know how to move without creating a scene of sorts.

      “Oh, we’ll probably hang out in here all day,” Aria stated, matter-of-factly.

      “Yeah,” I said, looking for a way out of there, “I’m actually supposed to be at Jensen’s right now. He had the guys over yesterday and I think they’re probably still there. I, uh, told him I’d come by after I registered. He may be wondering where I am, actually.” I knew I was babbling and decided to shut up.

      “Do you want to call him?” Aria pulled herself away from Nate and leaned over the edge of the bed, picked up her phone and handed it to me. As she leaned, the blanket moved a little too much for Nate’s comfort and he quickly grabbed for it with a harsh whisper, but not before I had confirmation that he wasn’t clothed underneath. I could feel my face burn red and looked down at the carpet. Not having any intention of calling Jensen before now, I didn’t know what else to do besides stand there and look as out of place as I felt. Reaching for the phone I dialed Jensen’s number and waited for someone to pick up, which turned out to be a long, long wait as I listened to Nate and Aria kiss. Finally, Alicia answered and wondered right away if I was broken down somewhere in my truck. When I told her no she said that was good because Jensen had been playing Sega all morning and probably wouldn’t leave to rescue me. She was about to say more when Jensen took the phone.

      “Hey, babe, did you register yet?”

      “Of course, it’s after noon. Right now I’m over at Aria’s … Nate’s here, too.”

      “Are you going to be there for a while?”

      “I don’t know,” I said, praying he would ask me to come to his house.

      “You can hang out there if you want. I wouldn’t mind having you here to snuggle with while we watch the rest of these movies, but to tell you the truth I don’t think I really want to watch Sliver with the guys. I hear it has some pretty steamy sex scenes and there’s someone else I’d rather watch those with,” he whispered.

      I wouldn't mind that, either. “OK, I’m on my way.”

      I couldn’t have gotten out of there any faster than I did, telling my half-dressed friends that I’d see them later. They were probably itching to have me gone as well. Nate kept looking at me and then Aria—they both had the same look in their eyes. Aria giggled as I walked out of her bedroom door. She yelled out to me, asking if I could let myself out and lock the door. The voyeur in me wanted to pause for a few minutes and listen, but I pushed myself forward. Nate had been clearly naked under those covers and if I knew Aria … .

      I couldn’t wait to tell Jensen about interrupting the two during a hot and bothered moment. I found my truck a block away and climbed in, revving up the engine, peeling out and driving a little over the speed limit in the direction of Jensen’s house. When I arrived I noticed there was one less car in the driveway; Karl and Tyler were still there. Gabe must have gone to work or had something else to take care of. Not knowing if his parents were home, I knocked on the door. A lightly wrinkled Alicia answered and I noticed James was in the family room on the couch. He waved and then turned back toward the TV. His normally scruffy brown hair was in more disarray than usual. What is it with everyone today?

      “Hey, Mia,” Alicia whispered, “Thank God you’re here! Gabe left, but Karl and Tyler are still here and they won’t leave!”

      Laughing, I asked, “Where’s Jess? She could easily take Karl out of the equation.”

      “Getting some last-minute stuff before she and Karl take off in a few days. They’re taking her car and together their hitching a ferry to Seattle and then driving to UC Davis. Karl is shipping his stuff, but I’m not sure what he’s doing with his car. Probably leaving it here so he can have something to drive if he comes back to town,” Alicia explained.

      “Leesh, you comin’ back in here?” James called.

      Alicia squeezed my arm and then glided to the other room and gracefully fell over the arm of the couch and into James' lap. I turned and went down the stairs to find Karl, Tyler, and Jensen sprawled on the couch watching Singles. They were laughing hysterically about Spam, the canned meat, and I wasn’t sure why. Jensen perked up immediately when he saw me, and everyone else gave me a hello. I sat down and snuggled up to Jensen, trying to catch up with the movie.

      “So, how was Aria’s?” Jensen whispered in my ear.


      He looked at me, puzzled. “What do you mean?”

      Just then we heard from the guys. “Hey, if you two are going to whisper to each other through the whole movie, then at least hand me the remote so I can turn up the volume. I can’t hear what the hell is happening!”

      “Sorry, man.” Jensen tossed Tyler the remote and he turned it up just enough to drown out our whispers.

      I moved a little closer to Jensen. “I walked into a very interesting scene today.” Jensen looked at me with raised eyebrows and leaned in closer yet. “So, I got to Aria’s house, right?” I paused and he nodded. “Well, she met me at the door barely wearing anything and her hair was all messed up. I was kind of surprised since she had already been up for the day because she registered with Krissa. Anyway, Aria was really relieved that it was me and not one of her mom’s friends.” Jensen nodded again but wasn’t getting what I was saying. “Oh, I left the part out about whose car was parked outside. It was Nate’s truck.”

      Jensen pulled away from me with raised eyebrows. “Are you kidding me?” Now he got it.

      “Not at all,” I giggled. “Now that I think about it I’m positive I interrupted them, but the worst part was knowing Nate was naked under the covers!”

      Jensen’s jaw tensed and his eyes seemed to harden. I thought he would have found that funny, but I figured wrong and was suddenly very aware that what I said bothered him.

      “How do you know?” he asked cautiously, trying to keep his anger in check, but I knew better. He always talked through his teeth when he was pissed.

      “Let’s just say he didn’t do a great job of keeping the covers in place when Aria moved to get her phone for me to call you. I was completely embarrassed,” I added.

      Jensen’s temperament seemed to subside slightly and he moved my ponytail away from my face. “Wait.” He paused and looked beyond me. “I’m getting a mental picture of this interaction.” He smiled as he talked and then he looked at me and chuckled. “I can only imagine what that was like for you.”

      “Yeah, it was weird. And when I left, Aria asked me to let myself out and to lock the front door! I swear, the minute I shut her bedroom door they jumped each other. I heard her giggling.”

      “Too funny. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out, right?”

      “I guess! I'm so glad I didn’t stick around.”
