Flow of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Ghost’s presence is irreplaceable in Davidic Worship. During David’s reign, the Spirit of the Lord came down to move upon the men and women of God as they worshiped, revealing the glory of God. Before Jesus left the earth He promised to send the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, and He arrived to dwell in the earth on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). How much greater then shall we experience the moving of God’s presence and glory in our worship than in all the worshipers of David’s era?
Since Davidic Worship is a priestly flow of love between us and God, that avenue is performed through the power of the Holy Ghost. Thus, it is vital to understand how He functions, His assignments, and how He flows through us to minister directly to God. As we learn how to step into His flow, we will experience both His manifested presence, and the power He possesses to change our lives.
Learning the Person of the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost, which is known to many of us as the Holy Spirit, is the third person of the Trinity. He was present in the beginning when God created heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1-2). In this assignment His role was to move upon the face of the waters, breathing life and form into the spoken Word of God. He is still activating God’s Word today.
Jesus prayed to His Father to give us the Comforter to abide with us (John 14:16-17), and called Him the Spirit of Truth. He was sent to teach us and to bring Jesus’ Word into remembrance (John 14:26). Furthermore, the Spirit of Truth was also to testify about the authenticity (John 15:26) of Jesus’ saving grace.
How He Manifests
The Holy Ghost is the manifested holiness of God; He is the Spirit of Holiness. God is a holy God and commands His people to be holy (1 Peter 1:16). Therefore, part of the Holy Ghost’s assignment is to make us holy which empowers us to approach God’s throne in ministry with clean hands and a pure heart.
He is also the manifested glory of God. He is the Shekinah glory that we see as a blue cloud moving into our worship services as we yield to Him. We may also see Him in the appearance of fire like the apostles did on the day of Pentecost.
The Holy Ghost is the manifested power of God. At times we will feel His power and hear Him speak boisterously, and then watch the glory of God manifest like a ball of fire. At other times, His power will function quietly while doing an inward work in people, changing their lives.
Physical Forms of the Holy Ghost
The Bible records the Holy Ghost’s physical forms in a variety of ways. He was the shadow over the Virgin Mary at the conception of Jesus, the son of God (Luke 1:35). He was the dove that John the Baptist saw at Jesus’ baptism (Luke 3:22). He was the wind and the holy fire the disciples saw on the day of Pentecost.
These physical apparitions of the Holy Ghost were confirmed by God. For the overshadowing of Mary, an angel visited her; for the dove John saw, God spoke in an audible voice; for the wind and fire, the people of the land heard their own language as Peter spoke. When the Holy Ghost does something out of the ordinary, there will be a confirmation from God.
His Functions
He is always moving like the wind; He is steadily working for us even when we are dormant. He is the breath of God that comes to quicken us from death to life in Christ. He was assigned to activate us with power for witnessing of Christ Jesus. He intercedes for us when we don’t know how or what to pray (Romans 8:26). The Holy Spirit brings liberty in our worship to express ourselves in dance, song, or prayer before the throne of God. He imparts gifts and helps us to birth things from the spirit realm into the natural. All of these manifestations may appear through our worship.
Purpose of Holy Spirit in Worship
The priestly flow of ministering to God is birthed from a repentant heart. Therefore, part of the Holy Ghost’s assignment is to convict us and bring godly sorrow into our hearts so we will desire to repent and come clean of the sin. (Conviction does not mean condemnation. Condemnation judges; conviction melts the heart to receive corrections and make restitution.) The Holy Spirit will meet you just inside the tabernacle at the Brazen Altar long before you can reach the Most Holy Place to minister to God.
Once we repent, His next job is to take out the trash of sin along with its guilt and shame which He joyfully does! Then He replaces it with love, peace, and a heavenly joy. He purposely removes the condemnation of our past because He is preparing us to go into the higher realms and into the presence of God. Therefore, He takes us from beginning to end. He sees the sin, reveals the sin, convicts the sin, removes its trash, and then replaces it with peace, love, and joy. He has now fitted us with the garment of righteousness that Jesus provided, so now we can enter in as priests to minister to God to fulfill the desires of God’s heart.
Furthermore, once we get into the presence of God, His next assignment comes; He validates us as being one with Christ Jesus. He witnesses that our sins have been forgiven by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our high priest, and by the washing of the water by the Word of God. Therefore, we are approved by God, and God grants us access into His Holy Place and His Most Holy Place to worship and commune with Him in His presence. This principle applies to all who have repented of their sins and are continuing on in their Christian walk, whether they are filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit or not.
Inspiration in Our Worship
The Holy Spirit is the inspiration that causes our hands to move with passion as we play our instruments. He is the One that will sing through our vocal chords and cause us to sing notes that we could not have done without Him. And amazingly, He is the One who embodies us, so that as we dance or run, we may even feel like our feet aren’t touching the floor (which is called hind’s feet). At times we may leap or wave a banner or a flag, yet we never get tired and many times not even feel sore the next day. There may be times that as we begin to write that He slips His hand into ours and gives us the words to put on paper. Thus, there are many ways that the Holy Spirit will manifest in the Davidic Worship meetings.
The Holy Ghost wants to move among us. He purposely comes to manifest all the good things of God to us. Therefore, as we go before God to please Him and to minister to Him, we will see a variety of ways that the Holy Spirit will manifest Himself. We will see a mixture of any combination He desires, and they will be in no certain order. This means that we cannot plan what He wants to do in us, in the house, or beyond. He moves in whatever way He chooses that pleases Him, and our part is to yield to His desires. He knows what we need and He has come to supply it and to fellowship with us.
He will manifest in His power, authority, glory, or holiness in our worship and beyond. When He manifests His power, He may choose only one person and they will feel His power surging through them, or He may choose to charge the atmosphere and everyone feels His presence. He may manifest His authority to announce the arrival of the King through one of His prophets, watchmen, or whoever. He may choose to speak a prophetic word or declare the written Word of God in bold, loud, or sudden bursts; or He may simply bring holy laughter.
In addition, we may see the manifested presence of the Shekinah glory of God move in like a cloud of smoke. When this happens, we often see healings and miracles among the people, but no one is praying for them. It is common to see people on their faces when this glory cloud moves in. In addition, the manifested holiness of God may begin to visit us. This is one of those areas that we have not experienced much in our midst. In the manifested holiness of God, the quiet, sobering moment happens when no one wants to speak, move, or hardly breathe.
There are so many other manifestations of the Holy Ghost and we could not name them all, but His manifestation comes as a result of a heart to worship and please God. Please be aware that the Holy Ghost is very sensitive and feels what we feel; consequently,