After all the research, I am blessed that God has allowed me to share the pattern with you. Truly my quest has not been in vain. I believe that this book will deepen your worship experience, change your life, and give God pleasure in His greatest creation – you!
Have you ever wondered where, or if, you fit into worship? If you are a worship leader, did you ever feel lost in your directions for the worship service? If you are a pastor, do you ever ask the question, “Why can’t we seem to get worship off the ground?” Many people have felt like worship wasn’t for them. In fact, some people have bypassed worship services altogether and attended only for the message because they thought they didn’t fit in. Worship leaders have felt like failures because they didn’t know how to present engaging worship, and the pastors are scratching their heads wondering what to do. This has been a problem in our Christian churches for centuries, but the truth is that we were all created to worship the Living God.
In the pages of this book, you will see David’s pattern of worship that won the heart of God. David purposely created ways for the worshiper to express love and adoration within their various positions. God so loved David’s heart of worship that He vowed to re-institute it; thus, I have termed this pattern as Davidic Worship.
David’s worship holds many keys which are like threads. In his pattern, you will find threads of the blood, joy, celebration, prophecy, glory, communion, and a reciprocating love. Each one has power of their own, but when woven together, they touch the heart of God. These keys of worship are collectively called the key of David.
Throughout the book I talk about the birthplace of Davidic Worship, Zion. It was here in Zion where God’s heart and man’s heart came together in a reciprocation of love. Thus, anytime God talks about Zion, He is referring to David’s pattern of worship. Whereas, the key of David was the pattern of worship, Zion was the place where the worshipers turned the key to God’s heart.
Since David’s pattern included both the Mosaic Tabernacle and two Davidic Tabernacles, you will see those illustrated and defined with their marked differences. The pattern explains the transformations between then and now, and the ways we can be unique in our style. There is a comparison of General Worship to Davidic Worship and how the flow of each differs. For the leader, a method of appointments has been included, along with song mapping through lyrics and tunes, and various expressions of worship we can expect. I also address the hindrances of our worship because of offenses and un-forgiveness, and how to release them. In addition, I have included strategies for the warfare that rages against the worshiper. Laid out in the fourth section are twelve positions that are relative today to aid the worshipers in knowing where they fit into worship.
God intentionally designed you to actively participate in worship, not just to come to church for performance or entertainment. As you find and take your position in worship, you will learn how to touch the heart of God and enjoy worshiping. I pray that as you read this book, you will begin immediately experiencing the loving touch of your Almighty God!
Section One:
Setting the Pattern
Touching the Heart of God
Have you ever felt like you were going through the motions of life, never truly feeling alive? Have you ever gone to church looking for something to fill your emptiness and left unfulfilled? Although you had no real complaints and everything on the outside seemed fine, yet inside you knew something was missing. All the answers you seek are in your worship; the worship that starts within you. The sweet psalmist David gave us his key of worship that God vowed would never end. This Davidic Worship key is what I am presenting to you. Once you know where you fit into this pattern and experience its freedom, you will never return to going through the motions of worship feeling you have to or because are told to, but because you love to. It is here in God’s heart of love that you will find fulfillment, and where you will feel more alive than ever before.
God purposely placed inside you this need to feel alive so you would seek to touch Him. Then He carefully crafted your heart as the temple of His dwelling place and waited for you to invite Him in. He knew you would open the door and let Him in, yet He anticipates the moment when you will reach out and touch His heart with yours. Thus, your heart holds the key you seek.
All of God’s relationships are based on love and communion; therefore, He would never allow you to be the only one reaching out. In reality, He never, ever wanted to be separated from you or your love anyway, so He specifically designed a dwelling place inside His heart just for you. He purposely made it easy for your heart to touch His heart as you worship Him. God is longing for His people to know that His greatest desire is to be touched by your heart of loving Him in worship! Here in this place of love and communion is where both you and God will receive the desire of your hearts.
As you touch God and He touches you, a new passion of His love will come flooding over you. This overwhelming presence of love will melt away the old, dead parts of you and the new alive you will emerge. This is God changing you into His image and enlarging your heart so He can put more of Himself inside you. It becomes a cycle of releasing your worship from a heart of love and God putting His love inside you. Hence, the temple in your heart will grow wider, bigger, and stronger as you embrace His love and receive more of Him.
Ministering to God
The reciprocation of this love between mankind and God is David’s set pattern of worship. By definition, the very core of Davidic Worship is the priestly flow of ministering to God from the heart. By God’s design, the priests were originally set in place for the purposes of ministering to Him; and it was the pattern of teaching His people how to worship. But David came along and found the key to touching the heart of God, and he turned it. What was once a pattern of duty was perfected in praise. David’s love and joy of worshiping moved the heart of God insomuch that God made an everlasting covenant with him and established this worship forever (1 Chronicles 17:10-14). Whereas, the first pattern God gave to Moses was a priestly function (a task) of ministry to God, the second is a priestly flow of love between God and man because their hearts are intertwined.
When you minister to people, it is necessary to focus only on the person to be effective; this is the natural course. Your ministry can only happen when you talk directly to them; so it is with God. Therefore, in your worship of ministering to God your focus is only on Him, who He is, and what He desires. The Godhead, or some may say the Trinity, is the central point in every thought, declaration, song, dance, or whatever to the One we love.
God’s Plan to Restore Worship
God created us in His image to worship Him. Adam and Eve, as God’s first creation of man, walked with Him in the Garden of Eden, ministering to Him in worship and experiencing His glory. After they sinned against God, they were exiled from the Garden of Eden, and the ability and the understanding of the pattern of ministry in worship was lost as well as the experience of His glory. Their sin separated us from God; therefore, of necessity, God instituted the offering of blood sacrifices to atone for sins as a temporary measure of reconciliation. This priestly role of worshiping and ministering to God through blood sacrifices was performed without a tabernacle to house the presence of His glory. Having no tabernacle to dwell among His people, or to be touched by their worship, did not please God.
Therefore, God sought for a man to build Him an earthly tabernacle to show His people that He wanted to dwell among them, and He found Moses. God gave Moses the pattern of worshiping in the priestly role of ministering to Him, and the instructions for teaching His people to worship. In order to accomplish this, God set apart the tribe of the Levites from the common people; then Aaron and his sons for the specific purposes of ministering to Him. This priestly function could only be presented by consecrated, holy men with an offering of a blood sacrifice gift. Although this pattern was a solemn ritual of going through the natural motions, it was a great schoolmaster in training God’s people how to worship. Because of this pattern and a tabernacle, man