Tabloid Teacher. Dominique Butler. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dominique Butler
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780991642014
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Sam could just stare at those twinkling eyes forever. It didn’t even seem as though he took his own words seriously. He just laughed and loved everyone he worked with and had the best time.

      Must be nice. She thought as she considered the loads of back-stabbing that actually took place at an elementary school. Not only did he make his job seem wonderful, but he got paid millions for doing it. She, on the other hand, barely made ends meet on the salary she made as a teacher even though she also taught night school at the nearest senior high. Maybe this movie will improve society. She thought sarcastically. The camera zoomed in close as Jake thanked the viewers and bid them all farewell. At least he’s eye candy.

      Chapter 6

      The sun was barely rising when Jake looked out the window of his first-class seat on the large commercial plane. Today was going to be a great day. In fact he was looking forward to spending the entire week hanging out with his buddies. It would be a much needed break from his normal hectic schedule. Jake had known his friends for almost ten years. They all met as a fluke when filming a sports movie. Traditionally, the three of them met every year in Miami for one football game. In their younger years the week used to be highlighted with late nights in clubs, drinking binges, and women. Now it would be highlighted by the football game, the poker night at Ely’s loft, and a barbecue at Lewis’s house. Both Lewis and Ely had gotten married at one point and had settled into quieter lives where they tried to keep themselves out of the media spotlight as much as possible. Ely was a local commentator now for the Miami Dolphins and Lewis owned a car dealership. Lewis had children, and late nights were no longer an option. Jake was known as Uncle Jake to the children and the barbecue was a particular time when they all got together to pick apart Jake’s latest relationship and his psyche. It was all worth it though. Ely and Lewis were like brothers to Jake. The three made jokes, gave each other a hard time, and accepted each other as is. Ely would be the commentator for the Miami Dolphins game that afternoon so that just left Lewis to sit with Jake. The good news was that they had excellent seats. Jake always had four extra tickets that he sent to his aunt and uncle in case they wanted to come and bring another retired couple to enjoy the game with them. However, since his uncle had passed away those seats had remained empty, which gave him plenty of room to spread out and not be bothered by people on either side of him. It was one of the few moments when he enjoyed anonymity. Jake glimpsed down at his wristwatch, just a few more hours until he was drinking beers and cheering on his favorite team with one of his best friends.


      Sam woke up with Spot lying by her side on the couch. She hadn’t moved since the movie ended the night before. Is it possible that the sunburn hurt worse this morning? She carefully stood, gently peeling the blanket from her skin. The thought of a shower made her cringe. Instead she decided to go run water to take a nice warm bath. Spot trotted along after her.

      Sam stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. She painstakingly peeled off the bikini, and carefully sank into the tub. Once she was sitting in the tub she dared to move. An ice cold bath might have felt better she thought, but the pain dwindled and she sank into the cooling water. Fifteen minutes later she re-emerged. Water dripped from her body as she carefully considered her towel. Sure it was normally very soft, but even the softest of materials would feel like sandpaper at this point. Maybe I’ll just air dry. She drained the water from the tub and stepped out. The air conditioner kicked on propelling a stream of cold air directly onto her tender skin. Immediately, she began sneezing. Now I’m going to get sick. Grudgingly she wrapped the towel around her, wincing as it touched her shoulders. Fortunately, her back was only slightly burnt since she was laying on it when she fell asleep. She exited the bathroom into her bedroom quickly putting on a bra and a large, white, cotton button-up shirt over her still damp skin. The long sleeves looked a little odd for the Florida weather so she rolled them up to below her elbow. Once she added the pants she looked like a touristy beach bum minus the huge floppy straw hat. Sandals were the only way to go with an outfit like this though she would have preferred to wear sneakers to a football game. At least the sandals were dressy enough to make the outfit presentable for Church. Her face was another story. For the game, she could simply put on the sunglasses that had caused the hideous contrast of skin color around her eyes, but for church. Obviously, she couldn’t wear sunglasses through church. Sam stepped back into the bathroom and rummaged under the sink. Soon, she came up with an old make-up case that had undoubtedly been a Christmas present since none of the tones actually matched her normal skin color. Now, the gift was perfect. Sam carefully dabbed a bronzer around her eyes and added some lip-gloss to her lips. Her look was improved slightly. Then, she used her blow dryer to style her hair around her face so that most of her face would be hidden went she bent forward to pray. They shouldn’t look at me anyway they go to worship, not pay attention to me. There were too many women like Patsy at church though, they would definitely look and they would definitely comment. Sam checked the time. Fifteen minutes until the early service. Her mother took the girls to the noon service. Sam normally joined them there, but this time would be different. I’ll use the game as my excuse for going early. Barely satisfied with her look and her alibi, Sam set the alarm and locked up the apartment. She eased into the blazing heat of the Corolla and quickly started the car and the AC. With all the windows down, she sped off towards the church hoping to make it just in time to slip into the back row, yet not late enough to draw attention to herself.

      Her plan worked and she sat quietly listening to the prayers and interpretation of the Bible. While she sat she looked around at all the families that surrounded her. That’s all I wanted God. She prayed. Just a loving family like what they have. Of course she began noticing that most of the husbands were flawed in their looks as well as the wives. Ok, I’ll be honest I wanted that, but with a handsome rich husband, because that guy with the gut over there would not have done. Sorry, God. I guess I’m shallow. That’s probably why my life is the way it is. But then again maybe you meant it to be the way it is so I would learn valuable lessons and grow as a human being. Still when am I going to learn to love a not so perfect man cause to be honest I really think it’s a waste of my time. Not that I’m perfect. By all means I know I’m not, but what is the point of adding another imperfect person to this mix. Then that person will judge all my imperfections and I’ll judge theirs and it will all end in an ugly mess. So what’s the point? Anyway, please protect my girls and give me the strength to make it through another week. What’s that guy praying for? I bet he’s not even praying. He looks like he’s staring at the woman’s boobs in the choir. Maybe he’s praying his wife will get a set of those. Hey, God how much do you want to bet he’s praying for new boobs on his wife. Okay, sorry, I know I’m going straight to hell aren’t I. I’ll get a card like in Monopoly, Do not pass go! Go straight to hell. There won’t be a get out of jail free card either will there. I’m doomed.

      “Our Father who art in heaven….” The congregation prayed together and Sam joined in rather than risk another attempt of her own.

      Chapter 7

      “These seats are incredible!” Barry cried as they scooted through the row of seats next to the fifty-yard line. “Where’d you get these tickets?”

      Sam smiled. “My neighbor gave them to me.” Well, at least her brother was happy. The crowd was growing and the seats filled rapidly. Two men walked down the steps and looked down the row. Then they checked their tickets and looked down again. Slowly, they made their way over until they were seated in the two empty seats next to Sam. Both men wore dark sunglasses, Dolphins jerseys, and Dolphins hats pulled so low that they touched the sunglasses. Sam glanced at them. Were there any normal men left? Since when do gay couples go to football games together? Well, I suppose there must be a number of gay men who enjoy football. After all, it is full of sweaty men, tight pants, and full body contact. Sam tried not to look at the men. Okay, this sucks. Does this guy have a clue about personal space? She tried to squeeze her body into her chair to avoid contact on the armrest or shoulders. With her sunglasses also on, She watched him out of the corner of her eye. Thank goodness for these dark glasses at least he can’t see me looking.


      Jake had walked down the aisle closely followed by Lewis. He should see six empty seats right about here, his favorite spot right above the