The Remnants. W. P. Osborn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: W. P. Osborn
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456623180
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in a long breathy embrace, reached down, lifted her into his arms and carried her to the day bed in the corner.

      * * *

      Chase and Capture

      Danny raced through the barn with clear intention. He scampered up the ladder into the storage room slamming the door behind him.

      “Did you see them?” He called as he marched over to the small table where Phil was already gorging himself.

      “See what?” he mumbled barely audible through a mouthful of tongue and cheese sandwich.

      “Those two in the store!”

      “Two what?”

      “Those two girls. They were spectacular!”

      “No, how could I? I was outside on the street, dummy. Why didn’t you call me in?”

      “Cause the missus tossed me out for staring at them.”

      “Really, that good?”

      “Better,” Danny grinned, “and the redhead smiled at me. Not too much of a smile but a really lovely smile. Really…lovely!”

      Danny grabbed a sandwich and pressed forward to the tiny window overlooking the street. He scanned around but with no result. Still watching, he tore into the bread and cheese, “the redhead is stunning, a real beauty. I think I’m going to marry her someday.”

      “Marry her, you haven’t even met her!”

      “Yeah, I know but I will, and then I will.”

      “So, I guess her friend is no great catch then.”

      “Now that’s the best part, for you, that is. She’s beautiful too. You just wait. I wouldn’t steer you wrong.”

      “Yeah, I bet you wouldn’t! Remember the Townsend Fair? You got the little golden filly while I was stuck with that big fat plug. That was some great deal you made for me all right!”

      “No sense of humour, that’s you. Can’t you for once just think of all the fun I had instead of worryin’ about yourself all the time!”

      Dan turned back to the gritty little window, leaned forward and almost pushed his nose right through it.

      “Hey, look, it’s them! There they are. Look!”

      Phil jumped up and pushed his head forward to squeeze into the tiny space.

      “Well, lemme see, you clod!” he snarled as he pushed Dan aside.

      Phil’s jaw dropped almost immediately as he stared without a word, then very quietly, “God, you’re right they’re beautiful, both of ‘em.”

      “What did I tell you, Phil, me ole pal. See, you can always rely on me!”

      “Mine’s the one in blue?’ Phil muttered in a near disbelieving whisper.

      “Yep. This time we both get a beauty!”

      “I take it back,” Phil whispered, “there is a God!”

      The street was filled, as it normally was on a Saturday mid-day. Small clusters of busy shoppers paraded on either side of the high street and the pleasant weather promoted a spirit of congeniality amongst the crowd.

      Maggie and Rose had just left the small dress shop and each carrying a brown paper parcel. They waited for the right moment to carefully cross the road. Determined to go home penniless, they congratulated each other on their respective purchases and began to search for a path to continue their expedition, heading across at the corner to a tiny millinery shop where Rose had spotted a perfect ‘petit chapeau’ in the window.

      The traffic seemed much heavier and noisier than when they’d first arrived. A few motorcars slammed and banged their way weaving through the crowd and upsetting the horses. Before the girls reached the boardwalk, Danny and Phil miraculously emerged from a nearby alley and headed straight toward them.

      “It’s him, the lovely boy from Jameson’s,” Rose whispered, “Isn’t that convenient?”

      “Oh, I like his friend,” Maggie smiled, “tall and blond with lovely great muscles. He’ll do nicely!”

      Once on the boardwalk Maggie took charge. She marched straight up to the boys and smiled directly at Phil, “Tell me young man, can you recommend a nice establishment for quick bite and a wee drink? My friend and I are ever-so parched.”

      Phil immediately retreated one step back as his face began to soar tomato red, “Well, I ah, yes, well, maybe….”

      “The Horse and Crown, Miss,” Danny jumped in and smiled. He turned to speak directly to Rose, “It’s just up the road. We were, ah, just heading there ourselves. Perhaps you’d care to join us.”

      “Well, that is very kind. What do think, Rosie dear?”

      “Sounds lovely,” Rose dropped her eyes away from Danny’s intensity and he beamed as he pushed the introductions.

      “Very good then ladies. My name is Daniel, Danny to my friends, and this is my good pal, Philip - Phil for short.”

      “My name is Rose, and this is my dear friend Margaret.”

      Maggie stepped forward and took Phil by the arm and smiled coyly, “Oh, Rosie, let’s drop the airs. Please, call me Maggie.”

      Danny then reached out for Rose’s hand, nestled it comfortably into his left elbow and caught a quick wink from Phil.

      “Well, all set then?”

      “Very all set!” Phil smiled as they proceeded to lead the girls down the street.

      * * *

      Smith and Company

      Smith stood at the bar, his back to the door nursing a pint of dark ale and sharing dirty stories with a pair of drunken teamsters. He’d set his gloves into his tall hat that was plunked carelessly on the corner of the bar in small hope of keeping them away from any spillage and rough housing. It had already been knocked flying twice and he’d become frustrated trying to protect it.

      One of the teamsters, a large brutish man was holding court with a pair of his cronies who now surrounded Smith’s place at the bar. “They’d have to pay me a duke’s ransom to wear a bleedin’ ‘at like that,” he spat glaring at Smith directly.

      “Now, Charlie, just think how clever you’d look all dolled up like wearing that beautiful tall hat with a big pink ribbon tied under yer chin.” All the men standing at the bar erupted in laughter when Charlie pulled the hat down tight around his ears while Smith struggled vainly to regain his composure. Just at that moment the two couples entered the pub and began to make their way to a small table near the windows.

      “Ooo, now what have we ‘ere?” The big man muttered through his beer glass, “There’s a deluxe pair for ya, all dolled up and paraded about by a couple of pimply kids. Lovely… just lovely!”

      With his two pals in tow and grinning ear-to-ear Big Charlie started his drunken weave across the floor toward the table. Danny had his back to them but Phil stood up before they reached the table.

      “Thanks for the delivery boys. You’ve done a very fine job and now you can run along home,” Charlie snickered. “The rest of this business belongs to us men,” he belched and pulled to a stop behind Danny’s chair. Danny stood up slowly and turned to face him just as Phil stepped forward to confront the big man.

      “Funny, I was just thinkin’ you might want to head home in time for your nap there grandpa,” Phil glowered, “while you can still walk.” “You must be lookin’ to die, boy,” Charlie snarled, “I’ll bust you up for fuckin’ kindlin’ if you don’t leave now.”

      “Not bloody likely,” Phil retorted, “and you watch yer mouth in front of these ladies or you’ll