Blue Feather. Christopher A. Dennis. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christopher A. Dennis
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456622770
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      The Testimony Of A Warrior.

      Christopher A. Dennis

      -You’re not alone.

      Blue Feather

      by Christopher A. Dennis

      Copyright 2014 Christopher A. Dennis

      All rights reserved

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2277-0

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      This book is dedicated to Jesus. If it wasn’t for the amazing miracles of war, the protection, the compassion, the grace and the mercy in my life, I wouldn’t be a part of what God is doing. Thank you Jesus, for using me! I love you.



      Christopher A. Dennis was born on June 01, 1984. He was an orphan until he was 8 or 9 years old when he was adopted. To this day, he does not know his biological mother or father.

      He was 17 years old when he decided to join the U.S. Army. He lived a life of violence, anger, alcohol, sex and danger. During his combat tours, he began to realize what he called the “miracles of war" in situations that should have ended his life.

      In 2010, he lost his 10 day old son Greyson Alexander Dennis, and at the same time, gained a son in Heaven. It was this event that softened his heart enough to turn to God for peace.

      Two years later, he finally surrendered his life to The Lord. What followed was the worst year of his life. He lost his wife and daughter to divorce. He plummeted into financial ruin, and every relationship he had seemed to disappear. He decided that he was going to leave the Army after already serving 10 honorable years and pursue God’s purpose for his life.

      On December 13th, 2013 for a 13 hour drive, with only faith, no money, no job and no plan, he drove to the parking lot of Elevate Life Church in Frisco, TX. He has since written a book that is his testimony, started a website, and made many meaningful relationships as he pursues God’s purpose for his life.

      Christopher's first speaking engagement was on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) on "Praise The Lord" and has continued a ministry in Christian public speaking with a passion for men's ministry and warrior culture. He shares his testimony to help others know that if God can change his heart, He can do anything!


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      CHAPTER 1


      10/5/2013. As I woke up this morning, still in the closed eyes but awake state where you keep trying to dream, I saw a man in a robe and sandals. He was a very normal man but obviously not from the modern era which is when this dream was set.

      It was an office, like a coaches office with one wide, high window against the back wall. The Man was sitting back in an old springy desk chair at the desk with a fixed gaze on me as I walked into the office. The first thing that I noticed was his feet in leather strapped sandals. I felt like he was an angel and did not recognize him as Jesus because he was too normal for the images I was comparing him to in my own imagination. No glowing or fire white hair or burning eyes. Just normal. But I could feel it, like I knew it was Him.

      I asked a question thinking this was a “dream test”. A dream test is when a situation happens in your dream and you react in a way that either pleases God or does not. I believe that in these dream tests, we act according to our heart and the results are visible and honest. This way it isn’t real, but God shows us what we can work on and what to watch out for.

      Anyway, I asked him who he served, thinking if he was a demon then he would leave at the name of Jesus. He said, “The Father”. I bent down to kiss His feet. He had been traveling or walking in the dust. My face was close to His feet when He brought me up and I was still in disbelieve. As I stared blankly at Him, He stayed seated and kind of guided me backwards into a chair beside the desk. As I wondered about Him and why he was here and if this was real, I was racing through every situation in my head that I was in at that moment that could have possibly brought the Son of God to my dream. He simply said tell me about it”. I wasn’t even done thinking about it yet! So I began to speak. The first thing that I spoke about was my second failed marriage and how it hurt. I wanted to be free from it and move on. She had left months ago for the second time with our daughter and both of us decided that it was over at this point. I spoke about my recent feelings for someone else and my confusion as to why God would put someone like that in my life. I said that I didn’t know why but I cared for her and I was not trying to disobey or sin.

      As I spoke, he watched me intently. I felt no judgment. I felt like he wanted good things for me. Something about his attention to me and his presence in that small dawn lit room that made me pour my feelings out as to a friend made me comfortable. After all, how do you put into words what it feels like to be in the presence of the Lord? As I spoke to him, I knew who he was. He was familiar. The look is what threw me off. But I did not doubt that for some reason in that small office, I was face-to-face with my Creator. I asked him, can I tell you about her? His reply shocked me. He said, “You can tell me about her every day for the rest of your life.” I felt like he was eager for me to pray to him and share my life with him no matter what the circumstances were.

      I thought I would feel judgment, instead I felt peace. He wanted to hear about a woman I still considered my friend. He wanted me to share my heart with him no matter what the issue was. I did not see that coming. I told him that I was drawing close to her like a close friend, and had the purest intentions in my heart, probably for the first time in my life. She and I were both technically in the same situation just waiting on legal documents to be signed for our divorces, for the second time. I was drawn to her gentle spirit, her heart for the Lord and her love for people. I felt that by not honoring the covenant between her and the Lord, that I may have been getting too close too quickly in my own emotional way.

      I did not want to be a wedge between any miraculous healing or feel like any possible future relationship with her was not blessed. So I decided to seek counsel from my friend who is a missionary based in Colorado. After being completely honest with him, he told me exactly what I needed to hear. Not what I wanted to hear. Proverbs 24:26 says an honest answer is like a kiss of friendship. What a blessing to have friends not afraid to guide you according to the Holy Spirit. So I got off the phone and called my friend right away. I had to back away from this relationship to honor God and her.

      It just so happened that she hired me to be her marketing guy for her gym just a couple weeks earlier. I just got out of the military after 10 years of active duty service in the infantry and was having a really tough time finding work. After lots of prayer, I met her, got a job and now I am forced to serve myself or the Lord. I decided to be a man of faith and honor and create space for healing. Honestly, it broke my heart. So I was surprised at his response and thought to myself, what does this mean? He continued on and said to me “you are about to be blessed.” Immediately, I had some kind of understanding that I had been going through a multi year