Happiness Diet for Your Mind. Timothy Anspach. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Timothy Anspach
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456622138
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      By Tim Anspach

      “We all wake up hungry, if you know how to hunt and cook you will be excited for the days opportunities, but if you are unskilled in how to collect the right food then you will be scared and in worry. Know how to hunt and cook the mental food you desire and life becomes exciting and blissful to wake up to”



      Copyright 2014 Timothy Anspach,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2213-8

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      Are you f*cking kidding me?! That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say! How the hell can anyone really believe that, what an idiot! This is what is wrong with the world today, everyone is a f*cking moron!!

      I am writing this book because this is how I use to start and end my day. I was eating a mental diet of 24/7 national news and reality drama that created an emotional state that left me jaded, angry, lonely, and miserable, but I was unaware I had the power to change my emotional state by simply changing my mental diet. I thought I just had good days and bad days, I didn’t realize I could create the day I wanted by controlling what I surrounded myself by and what activities I indulged in. I have found a simple and easy way to increase my level of happiness on a regular basis by creating a mental daily diet that creates the type of thoughts I desire and therefore the mental state I desire. By taking control of what mental stimuli I choose to indulge in each day I am able to more easily control the thoughts I have that then create my emotions. The way you feel right now is the result of the thoughts you are having right now, and only you control them and only you choose what stimulus to indulge in that affect those thoughts. The ideas I speak of are nothing new, they are simply put in a form that more people are accustom to understanding. We all understand that proper diet and exercise are the keys to a healthy body, and I am simply applying that same theory to your mental health. Most people are not aware that they have control over their mental diet and what they mentally indulge in. What you choose to mentally indulge in will greatly affect your thoughts, and your thoughts create your emotional state. I am writing this in hopes that it will help people become more aware of what their current mental diet consists of, and if they are not currently happy on a regular basis, then for them to learn how to create a mental diet to help them get to the mental state they desire on a more consistent basis.

      HDFYM Challenge

      I have a challenge for you before you read another page of this book. For the next week I want you to stop indulging in your normal morning routine and replace it with what your routine was a child. If your childhood was not one of enjoyable experiences then do what other children did. I want you to watch cartoons, listen to happy kid’s songs, watch shows on learning and nature and spend your morning really having fun. No local or national news, no Facebook, talk shows, or game shows, no ESPN or gossip shows, no newspaper articles, no adult topic books or magazines, only things you would give a 5 year old to indulge in.

      The goal is to find the same songs, shows, and books you read and indulged in as a child and then to indulge in those again for this one week period. Google search the books you read and find the old songs, cartoons and TV shows you watched as a child on YouTube. Spend 30 minutes each morning indulging in these mediums instead of your normal current stimuli.

      During this one week period I want you to try and only engage in conversations about childish or educational objective things. Avoid conversations about opinions, politics, religion, and other such subjects. Try to remember what conversations you had as a child with your friends and family and try and recreate those conversations. Talk about what you did during your day and what you are currently experiencing or working on.

      Don’t worry, this is just a temporary experiment, the goal is not to permanently stick your head in the sand to the problems of the world, but rather to become aware of how powerful the stimulus we choose to indulge in each day can be on our mental state of mind. I have not met one person yet who does not feel a dramatic difference in their mood after this simple week long experiment. The different thoughts you begin to have created by the change in the stimulus you have chosen will be polar opposite to those created by news media and Social Networking. The point is not that we all need to watch the “Smurfs” for 30 minutes each day, although that probably wouldn’t hurt, but rather to be aware of how the stimulus you choose to indulge in on a regular basis affects your thoughts which then create your emotions which then create your mental state. In order to have a healthy mental state, you need a healthy mental diet consisting of mental stimulation that gives you the best chance to influence your thoughts in the direction you desire.

      So what is exactly is Stimuli and how do you create a diet plan for yourself?

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