Among the Myrtle Trees. Vanessa Crosson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Vanessa Crosson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781939748515
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      Among the Myrtle Trees


      Vanessa Crosson

      Copyright © 2014 by Vanessa Crosson, R.N.

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form whatsoever — including electronic, photocopy, recording — without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

      Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

      Additional scripture quotations marked GNT are taken from the Good News Translation — Second Edition. Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

      First Edition

      ISBN-13: 978-1-9397-4851-5

      Published in eBook format by, a division of Reliance Media, Inc.

      515 Cooper Commerce Drive, #140, Apopka, FL 32703

      Converted by

      Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the authors and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of New Book Publishing and Reliance Media Inc.


      To those who have abandoned their faith: May you find the affirmation you so long for right here, right now. I pray that “Among the Myrtle Trees” gives you the encouragement and motivation to pick up the pieces of your life and run toward Jesus - the One who is the author and perfecter of faith.

      To those who have helplessly witnessed a loved one question and abandon the faith that is only found in Jesus: I pray “Among the Myrtle Trees” helps you to better understand their struggle and activates you to be a strong source of prayer, love and support for them.

      To those who have returned to their first love with Jesus Christ: You are a treasure of God’s grace, mercy and love! I pray “Among the Myrtle Trees” will be a testament of your journey and spur you on to help others for such a time as this.

      In honor of my mother, Sue Ellen Smith Cox, whose life continues to inspire me and nurture me even beyond her death.


      To my husband, Trent: You are a rock and a constant source of strength for me. My emotional muscle would be saggy if I had not had you as my trainer and my companion in this journey. You have risked your life for God’s will and for our family, literally. I know, without a shadow of doubt, that God gave me you. Together we have a vision and united we have a purpose in Him. I love you most.

      To my children Nathaniel, Ava and Noah: You supported me and inspired me……oh, who am I kidding?! You were the ages of 7, 6 and 4 when the writing of “Among the Myrtle Trees” started and, naturally, you did not understand or help in any way. In fact, it got very messy, especially when your dad worked overseas. There were times when I just knew you were collaborating your efforts to team up against me! No apologies, though. I would be concerned if it were any different. It honors me to be your mother and it is you who drives me to be the best me that I can be. For your dad and me, it is our heart for you to SEE the Word of God lived out in our lives – not just hear it. May this book forever be a reminder and a token for you to always strive for God’s perfect will for your lives no-matter the naysayers or the criticism. Keep your gaze on Him because all you will ever need is through Him.

      To my Hosanna family: Thank you for praying and standing with me not only in times of strength but in times of weakness. You took me in and welcomed me back into the flock as if I had never been gone. You are truly a body of people bearing God’s heart for the hurting and the broken. It is an honor to stand and serve alongside of you.

      To my dad, Lee: Thank you for pushing me to dream and to never give up. It is because of you that I learned to care less of what others think and care more about my Heavenly Father and to lean on His understanding. I never thought I would say this…..but thank you for the “tough love”. As a mom now, I realize that the groundings, chores, and spankings are harder on the parents and the kids actually get the reward from the discipline later on. Thank you for loving me hard and being a “softy” when it was required.

      To my brother, Trever: Thank you for the contribution of your time and talent into the artwork for this book. I believe this is only the beginning for you. ~ Jeremiah 29:11 ~

      To my Heavenly Father: My ultimate thanks are to You. There is no other that deserves the honor, glory, and praise that is due to You alone. Thank you for loving me when I am unlovable, being patient with me when I am unteachable, and SO forgiving when I feel that I am beyond forgiveness. But most of all, thank you for not abandoning me even when I was so quick to abandon You. I pray “Among the Myrtle Trees” is a blessing to others and that You receive honor and praise from it. I pray for broken relationships to be restored unto You and for redemption and peace that is only found in You to reign supreme.


      I have always been a person who desired things that are real. Vanessa, whom I have known since she was a teenager, has always been real. As one reads this book, one will find out what I have seen in her all these years. She has penned about her ups and downs in her journey. Like her, many may find themselves experiencing similar doubts, fears, and questions. Vanessa has beautifully addressed these things and has shown us how God has loved and sustained her through all of it. So this is a must-read for anyone experiencing heart-wrenching times. One will come to see that there is truly victory over them in Christ.

      Dr. Jerry Lowery

      Sr. Pastor Hosanna Christian Fellowship

      Albertville, Alabama


      I remember sitting on the corner of my bed in a lamp-lit room when I was ten-years-old, feeling an overwhelming sense of insecurity and need. A deep hunger for significance pulled at my heart. I don’t remember all the questions I asked my mom that night. I just remember talking through all the tears and longing for answers to some of life’s deepest questions: “Why am I here? How were we created? What exactly did Jesus do for me? Why in the world did He do that?” My mom might not have felt prepared for my pop-quiz, but through her answers, I came to the knowledge of Christ and my need for Him. She prayed over me and walked me through the utterances of “God I need you. Thank you for what you did for me on the cross. Come into my heart.” The aftermath of the questions, tears and emotion was humbling. I was surrounded by truth….His truth. Where I once felt insecure in the crazy world around me….I now feel secure in Him. Hope lifted me. Grace embraced me. Purpose filled my heart and, through Christ, I received faith.

      We all have our own stories. Each one involves diverse circumstances and different timing, but the same God. He offers and gives us all our very own version of “Amazing Grace.” That one-on-one, personal experience with the Father cannot be drummed-up or duplicated. It is like our own “burning bush” experience that changes us from the inside out. We walk as best we know how on our new legs of faith, learning to trust and rely on Him more and more each day. The challenge today, just as it was in biblical times, is holding to that faith as strongly as the day you received it.

      There are times in our lives that cause us to question every core truth we’ve ever known. This world we live in can weaken our faith, and personal tragedy can flat-out knock it into extinction. We start out singing “Blessed Assurance,” then on down the winding road our tune changes