Change your Body - Is your Body Acidic or Alkaline?. Monica Wright. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Monica Wright
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780992410414
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through 2005, when we were introduced to the powerful effects of following an alkaline diet. Up until then we had always followed a high protein diet and trained up to 2 hours every day to get ready for a competition, both of which produce acid in the body. We found in February 2006 that we were at our leanest ever and only two kilos off our stage weight, and we were in our off season!

      We completely put this down to taking 30-60 ml of what we call super juice (a high antioxidant drink) plus 2 green whole food supplementsbarley grass and spirulina on a daily basis. We also had alkaline foods such as spinach, broccoli, raw salads, vegetables, lemons, avocado, PiMagTM water, complex carbohydrates and nuts throughout the day, every day, with lean protein sources.

      We didn’t need to do the typical body building diet of training two hours a day anymore and going on a low carbohydrate, high protein diet to be lean. We breezed through the 84 day preparation for the competition and came in our leanest ever in 2006, eating a high alkaline diet. We had finally found the secret to a great body!

      Now, I am at a point in my life where I have no competitions to prepare for. This is why I have decided to co-write this book with Matt. We have written this book together, over the last two years, with many years of research, but for the ease of you, the reader; it has been written from Matt’s perspective. It has been a huge project for both of us and all our spare time has been spent writing the book. So, as well as working together and living together, we now also spend all our spare time together. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Matt’s life experiences are inspirational, and we have both learned much about each other while writing this book. I hope you get inspired by Matt’s story and knowledge just as much as I do on a daily basis.

      Another reason we wrote this book was that we wanted to reach out and help more people. The obesity epidemic is out of control. By owning our own fitness training centre, we can really be there for people to educate and motivate them to change their bodies. However, there are too many people in the world who do not have this assistance. Our book is aimed at changing that. We are determined to put an end to this obesity epidemic by educating people and giving them the answers they need to live a happy and healthy life, full of wellness. Be part of the solution and join us on our health revolution.

      What we have taught in this book, we have been doing with clients for the last 15 years. It is a proven system that has worked for them and will work for you. Refer to the testimonials at the back of the book, and find out what our inspirational clients have to say.

      So . . . let’s seize the day! Fit as much as you can into your 24 hours. Everyone has the same number of hours in a day; it is how you spend them that matters. My father always said to me, and I live by it every day, “Always go to sleep tired and not bored.”

      It is our goal to change your thinking through this book. Once you are hooked on thinking wellness, you will never look back!

      Enjoy reading our book and please refer to our WEBSITE that is full of more helpful information at...

      Monica Wright

      Ms. Fitness Universe (2002, 2003, and 2006)

      Fitness Pairs Universe Champion (2002, 2003, 2005, and 2006)


      To our parents . . . Ray, Jan, David, and Carol . . . YOU made us

      To our Children – Max and Ally...thank you for making us laugh everyday, for your unconditional love and for reminding us to ‘stop slow down and smell the roses’!

      To our brothers and sisters . . . Simm, Janette, Amanda, Rachelle, Sam, Dave, and Rob... thanks for being our pillars of strength and for all the amazing adventures we have had together!

      To the children in our lives . . . Stella, Charli, Leni, Ruben, Hamish, Brylee, Kurtis, Maddy ...thanks for the endless laughs and joy!

      To Brent and Caz . . . for all your late night feasts and endless

      To all the boys who are just like brothers for more than 20 years of friendship and adventure.

      To Jonesy – A.K.A. Dr J – thanks for your faith, guidance, and constant support, you’re a legend.

      To our commercial agent and manager, Malcolm Twining . . . for helping us create a bigger picture and your faith in us from the very beginning!

      To Jerome – A.K.A. Gloomus – thanks for being our first client!

      To Kerry . . . thanks for being a straight shooter and telling us things we don’t always want to hear, but need to know, and for your friendship.

      To our dedicated coaches, who taught us discipline and skills in gymnastics and martial arts . . . Paul Hawkins (AFK), Liz, Margaret, Kath, and Mr. and Mrs. Langdon (PCYC Tasmania).

      To the nurses at Royal Melbourne Hospital . . . thanks for your jokes, caring nature, and positive attitude that gave Matt strength to recover quickly.

      To Fitness Kick @ Flemington trainers . . . thanks for helping us make a difference in people’s lives. You guys are the best personal trainers in Australia!

      To Brains and The Wizard . . . for introducing us to the wellness industry and your ongoing support and guidance.

      To Travis and Belle . . . for inspiring us to think big!

      To our accountants, Jason and Rob . . . you guys rock, the best accountants anyone could have.

      To the amazing team at LifeSuccess Publishing USA and Morgan James Publishing . . . Bob Proctor, Liz Ragland, Autumn Drozda, Kandi Miller, Wendy Gallagher, Lloyd Arbour and Gerry Robert.

      To Graeme Lancefield (NABBA/WFF) and Tony Lanciano (INBA) . . . thanks for all your great work in the fitness industry and your ongoing help and support.

      To Troy Backhouse . . . thanks for your great designs and quick responses, wherever you happen to be in the world!

      To Steven Pam . . . this book and 84 Day Body Challenge Action Manual would not be the same without your photos!

      To John Toomey . . . for being a great mentor and one of Australia’s leading wellness experts. Your knowledge and passion is contagious!

      To our sponsors for their belief, partnership, and commitment to helping us reach high levels of success.

      And lastly to Ralph . . . our wonderful basenji dog!

      Don’t be Afraid of Life!

      Don’t Miss Smelling the Flowers

      For Fear

      You May Get Stung By A Bee!

      —Author Unknown


      “A journey of a thousand miles begins

      with a single step.”

      —Lao-Tze, c. 604 BCE

      Welcome to the journey that will change your life forever. . .

      Today you are on your way to making positive changes to your health and fitness. Today you have made a decision to change and transform your body – and for that we congratulate you.

      Just by picking up this book and reading it, you have made a conscious decision to improve your fitness, increase your energy levels, and above all, get motivated, become educated, and stay dedicated to look after your greatest asset . . . YOU.

      We promise you that this book will give you the information and tools to change your body, which will ultimately change your life forever.