Dividing the Word of Truth. Ralph V. Reynolds. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ralph V. Reynolds
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781877917233
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      The Bible, if correctly interpreted, never contradicts itself. We are listing here a few of supposed contradictions with the proper explanations. This is another proof of the infallibility of the Bible.


      1. Matthew 1 - This is traced back on Joseph’s side to Abraham to show Christ as the legal heir to the throne of Israel.

      2. Luke 3 - This is traced back on Mary’s side to Adam emphasizing Christ’s true humanity and to show Him as the promised seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15).


      “Jesus went up into the mountain” (Matthew 5:1).

      “He came down with them” (Luke 6:17).

      There were TWO sermons - one preached in the mountain - the other in the plain - one preached to the disciples - the other to the crowd. Matthew was not at the first sermon (Matthew 9:9). Matthew was at the second sermon (Luke 6:15).


      1. Matthew: This is Jesus the King of the Jews.

      2. Mark: the King of the Jews.

      3. Luke: This is the King of the Jews.

      4. John: Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews

      RESULT: This is Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews.

      Undoubtedly the total inscription was written and only part of it recorded in the various gospels.


      Numbers 25:9 - 24,000 died.

      I Corinthians 10:8 - 23,000 died.

      Paul writing under inspiration stated that 23,000 died in one day.

      E. MATTHEW’S SUPPOSED MISTAKE: Matthew 27:9 - spoken by Jeremy the prophet saying…

      Zechariah 11:12&13 - Matthew writing under inspiration wrote that Jeremiah spoke these words. Could not this be just as correct as Jude 14 regarding the prophecy of Enoch’s although a similar prophecy is in Zechariah 14:5. Jeremiah could have spoken it as well as Zechariah.

      F. DAVID NUMBERING THE PEOPLE: II Samuel 24:9 and I Chronicles 21:5. Samuel tells us that the valiant men that drew the sword were 800,000 while Chronicles says that all Israel were 1,100,000.

      G. MATTHEW 28:19 AND ACTS 2:38: This is no contradiction. Jesus did not tell

      His disciples to baptize, using the words Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He told them to baptize in the NAME of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The words Father, Son and Holy Ghost are not names but titles pointing to ONE PERSON who has ONE NAME. That name is JESUS.

      There are other supposed contradictions and mistakes, but those given in this lesson are sufficient to prove that the Bible is absolutely accurate and infallible. How important that we study the Bible and understand the message it contains. We should never attempt to change in the slightest manner the Word of God. Three times are we solemnly warned against this:

      Deuteronomy 4:2 - Ye shall not add unto the word…

      Proverbs 30:6 - Add thou not unto his words…

      Revelation 22:18-19 - If any man shall add…

      UNIT TWO

      ONE GOD




       “GOD IS SPIRIT”



      A. GOD AFFIRMS: God does not attempt to prove the truths of the Bible, nor does He argue with the human family. HE AFFIRMS.

      “In the beginning God…“ (Genesis 1:1). The opening words of the Bible announces the existence of God. Scripture does not attempt to prove the existence of God; it asserts, assumes, and declares that the knowledge of God is universal. Scripture recognizes that men not only know of the existence of God, but have also a certain understanding as to who God is.

      “For God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead.” (Romans 1:19-20).

      B. THE BEGINNING OF FAITH: Man everywhere believes in the existence of a supreme Being to whom he is morally responsible. The heathen recognize the existence of a supreme Being. This belief is innate in man and comes from rational intuition.

      It is this fact that Satan challenges and it is on this point that we find the greatest battle in the world today, the struggle between faith and unbelief.

      It is here that man’s faith begins. He must accept this inherent recognition of Deity and declare it that it might become an active force in his life.

      “For he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6).


      1. INFIDEL - One who disbelieves in some religion, especially Christianity.

      2. SCEPTIC - One who takes a questioning attitude towards religion.

      3. AGNOSTIC - One who neither affirms nor denies the existence of God.

      4. ATHEIST - One who denies the existence of God.

      5. PANTHEIST - One who identifies the universe with God which denies the personality of God.


      “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” (Psalm 14:1).

      Here is the Bible’s description of a professed atheist. No one but a fool will deny the fact of God. Whether or not there are any true atheists is questionable. Even professed atheist such as Kruschev have been heard to refer to God in their conversation. Nevertheless every atheist is a fool. To deny that there is a God is to state that the very root of man’s nature is a lie. God has wrought this truth of Himself in the very “Warp and Woof” of every man’s nature.

      E. THE RESULT OF A DENIAL OF GOD: The knowledge of God uplifts, cleanses, and sanctifies man. The greater the revelation that man has of God, the holier he will be. The contrary is true. When man rejects the knowledge of God he opens the gates wide for a flood of immorality and uncleanliness. We see this happening in America today. With the removing of God from our schools we see a generation of agnostics and skeptics being raised and the result is a complete breakdown in standards and morals. Romans, chapter one very clearly states this fact.

      A. UNIVERSALITY OF BELIEF IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD: The fact that every- where men believe in God is a strong argument in favor of its truth. This universal belief comes from within man being born with it.

      B. ARGUMENT FROM CAUSE-COSMOLOGICAL: There is a cause for everything. How did it come about? Man and the universe are effects; there must be a cause. The world did not come into existence by itself any more than this set of Bible notes. It would be more sensible to walk into a library with thousands of books on the shelves and to claim there were no authors than to state this world did not have a creator. Man exists;