Relight the Fire!. Debra George. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Debra George
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456613396
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      How You Can Win Souls and Do Outreaches

      Copyright © 2012 by Debra George

      All rights reserved

      Copyright © Debra George

      P. O. Box 721

      Stafford, Texas 77497-0721

      Phone (281) 499-3467

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1339-6

       [email protected]

      Published in eBook format by

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      HANDS DOWN I am GRATEFUL to my brother in law and sister, Richard and Tena Ford, who are the wonderful Pastors of Family Worship Center in Stafford, Texas. Tena led me to Christ when I was a wild partying college student. Both Richard and Tena taught me God’s Word, discipled me and believed in me. I had the honor of walking along beside the two of them for many years where I learned about the ways and things of God. Because of these two great people I am graced by God to minister all over the world today.


      God wants to use you to be one of his AMAZING SOUL WINNERS. No matter what your background is, what side of the tracks you grew up on or what your present condition or circumstances are, God WANTS TO USE YOU! On the inside of you, there is greatness and it is WAITING to come out. Even before you were ever formed in your Mother’s womb, God knew you and He approved of you. (Jeremiah 1:5). It is God’s very best plan for us to reach out and to tell the untold about the love of Jesus Christ.

      On the inside of every born again child of God is a desire… a desire to bring others to Jesus Christ.

      Since our desires are connected to our destiny, then it is part of God’s great plan and DESTINY for us to WIN SOULS!

      I meet and talk with believers all of the time who want to win souls, who want to make a difference, but just don’t know how. I meet Pastors and church leaders who want to start a great outreach through their local churches, but they need the right person to help them get it started. Many times in our local churches, the staff is already maxed out taking care of the important day to day needs that every church has. I have had Pastors share with me that they simply don’t have the finances to outreach into their city.

      Today I want to encourage you and show you how you can have a powerful outreach with a minimal amount of people, time and finances. That’s what this book is all about, “OUTREACH MADE SIMPLE.” Whatever city, town, country or state you live in, you can start an outreach and it’s simple. Come on! Let’s get started and I will show you how.

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      Chapter 1


      Born again as a young 20 year old college student as my Sister led me to Jesus in the living room of her home in Sugar Land, Texas; I immediately began to tell others about Christ. My Sister, Tena Ford, is a powerful soul winner. Every time I was with her, she was always leading someone to Jesus, handing out Gospel tracts and giving words of hope and encouragement. It wasn’t long before I was winning souls myself. Why? Because I got around another soul winner. When we get around someone who is winning souls, the fire and anointing that is on their life will begin to rub off on us and that’s exactly what happened to me.

      Soul winning is addicting! Whether it’s a cashier at a department store, a fellow class mate, or a stranger walking down the street, I began to share God’s love wherever I went and He began to save the lost and hurting.

      When I approach someone to witness to them, I always tell them that Jesus loves them. I then ask them if they have Jesus living in their heart……and then I ask the BIG QUESTION, “Are you sure you are going to Heaven?” Many times people respond with a “no” or “I don’t know” or “I sure hope so.” I then say, “Well let’s take care of that right now. Grab my hand and in 60 seconds or less, you will be sure that Jesus lives inside of you and that you are on your way to Heaven.” I rarely ever get turned down, but if I do, I keep on moving knowing that the seed of God’s love and His Word are planted in the heart of those we witness to. His Word never returns or comes back void. (Isaiah 55:11).

      Marketplace ministry is one of the greatest ministries on earth. Jesus said in Mark 16:15 that we are to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. I believe what Jesus is saying to us today is that we are to go into OUR WORLD, the world we live in, the people we see each day and share God’s love with them.

      Whether it’s the classmate who has a locker next to you, a co-worker, or your next-door neighbor, everyone needs Jesus!

      Today wherever you are located geographically is the place where God wants to use you. I heard T. L. Osborne say one time that your hometown is the proofing ground for your ministry. There’s no accident that you live where you live, so let’s allow God to use us to the fullest right where we are!

      Chapter 2


      If you want to become a soul winner, you have to recognize that soul winning is for right now and that soul winning is for you! The Bible says in II Corinthians 6:2, “I have heard you in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured you: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” Jesus wants you and me to know that in order to become a soul winner, we have to recognize that soul winning is for right now and soul winning is for you. Jesus wants us to know that we can become a soul winner.

      A number of years ago my whole life changed for the better. Suddenly one night as I was sitting in my living room, Jesus walked into my room and He visited me. I didn’t see Jesus, although I understand that this has happened to other people. However, I knew when He came into my one bedroom pink apartment, for His presence filled the place. He said to me that night, “Debra, I’ve called you to be a soul winner and from this moment forward, the anointing that I’ve placed upon your life to win the lost is about to intensify.” I was excited, but I did not realize at that moment, the impact of everything that Jesus was telling me would change my life forever.

      The following evening after this great visitation, I was returning from the grocery store at about 10:00 p.m. when I recognized a young man named Steven who was walking along the side of the street. I knew Steven from the grocery store and also from my local church. I pulled my car over and offered him a ride home which he gladly accepted. When I asked him where he lived, I realized that he lived in an apartment complex that was filled with drugs, violence, and crime. I thought to myself, “This is not a safe place for a woman to be driving at this time of the night. However, after Steven got out of my car and said goodbye, I pulled my car into a dark alley way, which was the only place to turn around. As I pulled into the alley, I noticed about sixteen teenagers. Some of them were playing basketball and others were hitting a volleyball around. They did not seem to be too happy with me for interrupting their game to turn my car around.

      I was somewhat relieved as I was driving away from the