Planet X - God's Endgame. David Meade. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Meade
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456615895
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as well as rational thought. You have to train yourself in critical thinking and analysis. Buy and read a good book on the Intel community and how they operate. Remember, the government(s) have taken care of their own. You have to take care of you. Russia is just finishing 5,000 shelters in Moscow. They’re much more open (in this regard anyway) on this topic than other governments.

      I personally estimate the US probably has over 150 Deep Underground Military Bases (in every state). Russia has some that can accommodate over 100,000 people (at the base of mountains). These are entire underground cities that have been under construction since the 1980s.

      Until the discovery of Planet X astronomers had regarded the writings of the ancient Sumerians about this object as legend. When Planet X was discovered in 1983 they suddenly learned that the Sumerians were not the primitive people they have been made out to be by “intellectuals” of today.

      What these modern scientists discovered is that Planet X is a huge DARK planet which is much, much larger than the earth. It is so large we refer to it as a planet, yet it has an elliptical orbit more like that of a comet than a planet. Its orbit is so elongated that it spends most of its time in the darkness of outer space and it comes back into our inner solar system every 3,630 years!

      Because it is so large, Planet X also has an electromagnetic field surrounding it that is second only to that of the Sun in the solar system. In other words, it acts as a powerful magnet in space, pushing all kinds of space debris out in front of it as it advances through space, and trailing a million miles or more long tail of space debris behind it.

      The astronomers and scientists who lived in 1983 also learned that Planet X was INBOUND to our solar system. In view of the gigantic size of Planet X and its powerful electromagnetic field (which we’ll see further on will cause it to wrest magnetic polarity of the earth from the sun), the scientists knew that when it approaches the earth it will cause all kinds of destruction to each of the planets of the solar system. Saturn is one example.

      Venus is another. In the last weeks a sudden brightening of Venus is being observed. It is so astonishing that people are questioning if it is actually Venus. The brightening is due to Nibiru’s (I use Planet X and Nibiru interchangeably) magnetism entering Venus’s magnetosphere and condensing into high-frequency electricity (plasma).


      When Pioneer 10 was sent out to study Planet X it encountered a mysterious force – dubbed the Pioneer anomaly by baffled NASA scientists. It was gently pushed against (by the force of the magnetosphere of Planet X) and moved in the opposite direction back towards the Sun. Its forward momentum was decelerated.

      Pioneer was travelling towards the right of Nibiru at this point when the massive object was 66.8 AU from the Sun. This tells us two things: (1) that Nibiru’s outer magnetic force is so strong it can affect objects 46.8 AU from Nibiru (Pioneer’s approximate distance at the time), way beyond the central and certainly much stronger magnetic field that we’ve calculated spans 16AU with a reach or radius of 8AU; (2) that Nibiru’s magnetism rotates in a clockwise fashion, because that is the only way it could push Pioneer back when the deep space probe was flying to the right of it. If it rotated anticlockwise and the Pioneer 10 was travelling in the same direction it would push the probe slightly forward and to the right of its trajectory. The effect would have been the opposite as the probe would have been seen to accelerate, not decelerate, in its drift.

      I’m grateful for these conclusions to a scientist who must remain anonymous who has related the data (which was at one time privately published).

      Let’s get back to summarizing in simple terms – the far greater electromagnetic fields of Planet X will cause great earthquakes (greater than the highest level of 9.5 known to date), volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and a shift of the magnetic poles.

      Now it is public knowledge that government agencies are on a need-to-know classification (intra-agency), and that they never publish information in advance that could cause an economic or other disruption. Enough said.

      However, if you do any research at all you will run into different levels of disinformation. Some of this is from uneducated members of the public, and some of it is very likely on purpose. You have to use your head when you do research.

      These underground sanctuaries that have been built are stocked with food and water, gold and silver bars, wrapped currency, medicines and whatever it takes to live in comfort when they are entered. Why? If Planet X did not exist there would be no need to build them.


      The real reason for the Hubble Space Telescope was NOT to explore the solar system and the Universe, as some claim from time to time. The real reason for spending billions of dollars to construct the telescope, place it in orbit, and then immediately replace parts on it was for the purpose of viewing inbound Planet X.


      Even the Vatican hierarchy in Rome have their hands in this. They have spent millions of dollars quietly building one of the most technologically advanced observatories in southern Arizona specifically for the purpose of viewing and tracking Planet X on its inbound journey to our solar system. They have deliberately kept their involvement in this enterprise quiet. Some sources have gone to the trouble of searching out the location of this observatory in the mountains of Arizona, and even photographing it, so its existence is carefully documented. But why the secrecy? The Vatican hierarchy in Rome regards Planet X as the prophesied and much dreaded “wormwood” of Revelation 8:10-11. They know it is coming, and they are spending millions of dollars to track it on its inbound journey.


      A scan of a 1987 issue of New Science and Invention Encyclopedia shows that the trajectory of Pioneer 10 was intended to take it towards but to the right of our tenth planet (Planet X). To be precise, using JPL data and moving forward by seven years from 1 July 1977 to 6 May 1984, Elenin (the harbinger of Planet X) was indeed 50.561 AU times 92,955,888 (Earth-Sun distance) or 4,700,000,000 (4.7 Billion miles) from the earth at that date. This proves beyond all reasonable doubt that NASA has indeed known about and been tracking these objects since at least 1984 (actually since 1983 when the IRAS telescope detected the heat signature of Nibiru).

      It is interesting that the Pioneer case reveals that Nibiru has a much larger magnetic field than the one that extends 8AU from its center. The hurricane/cyclone analogy will serve useful here to better understand what we are seeing. A hurricane or cyclone has four basic components: the eye, the inner eye wall, the outer eye wall and the peripheral rain bands.

      The eye is a completely calm, circular area around which the entire cyclone is centered. It is very tiny in comparison with the rest of the storm’s structure. Surrounding the eye is the inner wall, where the fastest and most violent winds circulate and is therefore the most dangerous part of the maelstrom. Beyond this you have an outer eye wall, another area of circulation where the winds though strong are not as bad as the inner eye wall. Then at the outermost periphery stretch out the wide expanse of the spiraling rain bands. In the clockwise-spinning cyclone, the fastest and strongest winds (gusts) are in the side that is moving in the same direction as the storm, because the forward velocity of the storm adds to the speed of the winds as they move in sync. The winds in the opposite side are slower because they’re moving in the opposite direction of the storm.

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