Planet X - God's Endgame. David Meade. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Meade
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456615895
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      Subtitle: Nibiru and the Book of Revelation

      By David Meade (Pen Name)

      Copyright 2013 David Meade,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1589-5

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      Foreword by author

      This is the most important book you will ever read in your lifetime. It contains information which can save your life, and those of your loved ones.

      Information is power. That is the reason why governments often withhold information from the public.

      Revelation of an event is often progressive. You need to take this book and use it as a guide to do further research on your own. Don’t stop learning – your life may depend on it.

      I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed researching and developing it. Research is my hobby and I’ve written three Investigative Books – one on Enron, one on the economic debacle of 2008 and this one. There is no comparison – this one dwarfs the others in terms of its importance.

      My first book was published by Aspatore Press, a division of Thomson-Reuters. My second book was self-published, both in print and as an eBook. Because of time considerations and the importance of this subject matter, I am publishing this volume as an eBook. The mysterious death of Dr. Robert Harrington has been addressed as well.

      Godspeed and Smooth Sailing!

      Planet X and the Mysterious Death of Dr. Robert Harrington

      YOWUSA.COM, 22-May-2008

      John DiNardo

      Janice Manning


      Dr. Robert S. Harrington, the chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, died before he could publicize the fact that Planet X is approaching our Solar System.

      Many feel his death part of a cover-up. One in which government agencies quickly moved to conceal the most earth-shaking discovery in history. If so, the search for truth begins in New Zealand.

      In 1991, Dr. Robert S. Harrington, the chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, took an 8-inch telescope to Black Birch, New Zealand, one of the few viewing points on Earth optimal for sighting Planet X, which he definitively calculated to be approaching from below the ecliptic at an angle of 40 degrees.

      However, the source below quotes Dr. Harrington as predicting 30 degrees, not 40.

      The Independent, September 18, 1990

      Dr Harrington says the most remarkable feature predicted for Planet X is that its orbit is tilted 30 degrees away from the ecliptic, the main plane of the solar system, where all previous searches have concentrated. His models also predict a greater distance from the Sun, about 10 billion miles, or between two or three times as distant as Pluto.

      By analyzing time-lapse photographs using the "blink comparison" technique, originated by famed Pluto discoverer, Clyde Tombaugh, Dr. Harrington proved that Planet X was indeed inbound into our Solar System. Harrington sent back reports of this ominous discovery, but died of what was reported to be esophageal cancer before he could pack up his telescope and come home to hold what would have been a highly publicized press conference.

      The source below indicates that Harrington began the search at Black Birch in April, 1991, two years before his death. However, considering the painstaking process of trying to find a distant needle in a very large haystack, two years is not much time at all.

      The Independent, September 18, 1990

      In April (1991) the new sweep starts in earnest at the Black Birch Observatory in New Zealand. A modest 8-inch telescope, similar to that used by Mr Tombaugh, will examine the northern part of the constellation Centaurus. Pairs of photographs of the same region of sky taken on successive nights will be sent to Washington. Using a blink comparator, a device that compares two photographs, Dr Harrington hopes to locate any faint object that has moved during the interval between the two pictures.

      Weigh together the following numerous facts:

      1.Publicity of Harrington's discovery would pose a great threat to the social, political, and economic stability of the World;

      2.It is extremely unlikely that a man would contract cancer and die within a matter of days, suffering the sudden impact of pain and debilitation characteristic of rapid onset cancer, while miraculously traveling on a physically demanding expedition and performing intensive astronomical operations. From his obituary:

      Robert (Bob) Harrington died on Jan. 23, 1993 after a short, but determined, battle against esophageal cancer. He left his wife, Betty, two daughters, a sister, and his parents.

      3.Even though Dr. Harrington died before he could publicize the fact that Planet X is approaching our Solar System, the U.S. Naval Observatory was apprised of it, as was NASA, yet these government agencies concealed this most earth-shaking discovery in history; (This appears to be true, as this writer spent a week searching the Internet for information to the contrary and found none.)

      4.Furthermore, in publishing Dr. Harrington's obituary, the U.S. Naval Observatory went out of its way to gratuitously lie about Dr. Harrington's final achievement, stating that "in his final years, Dr. Harrington had lost interest in the" [two-century astronomical] "search for Planet X." The obituary had the following to say about Planet X:

      Considerations on the stability of the solar system led Bob to collaborate with T.C. Van Flandern in studies of the dynamical evolution of its satellites, and to an eventual search for "Planet X", conjectured to lie beyond Pluto and to be responsible for small, unexplained, residuals in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. Late in his career Bob seemed quite skeptical of such an object, however.

      5.Secrecy about the approach of Planet X could have been much better achieved by NOT mentioning Harrington's interests in his later years; so why did they concoct this lie gratuitously? Because they are not very clever, this brain trust ensconced within the bowels of the national intelligence apparatus.

      6.Dr. Harrington's colleague in the search for Planet X, Dr. Tom Van Flandern reversed his affirmative statements about the approach of Planet X and became peculiarly silent on the issue. In Meta Research Bulletin (September 1999), he states:

      "Three more trans-Neptunian objects confirm the presence of a second asteroid belt in the region beyond Neptune. This probably indicates that the hypothetical Planet X is now an asteroid belt rather than an intact planet."

      7.As long ago as Dec. 30, 1983, the Washington Post published a front-page article announcing the discovery, by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, of this very same celestial object, calling it "a heavenly body, possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter, and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of our solar system"; yet, this great scientific heralding was immediately reversed as the news media fell astoundingly silent, and has been silent for the past quarter-century. Here is a clip from that report.

      Washington Post, December 30, 1983

      The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the supercold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested