Grow Bigger, Stronger and Last Longer Naturally: The Ultimate Man's Guide to Stamina and Growth. Frank J. William. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Frank J. William
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456615802
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proteins and fresh vegetables should be a good portion of your lunch and dinner meals.

      When you eat healthy, you feel healthy, you look healthy, and that will go a long way towards helping to get your body in optimal shape and condition.

      Your diet should contain fresh fruits, vegetables and lean protein, such as lean beef, turkey or chicken and you should limit the processed foods that you take.

      Taking a multi-vitamin daily is also a good idea. Drop refined sugars, fast food, and foods that are laden with fat, such as processed snacks, bakery items, and fried foods.

      If you are overweight, you need to increase your exercise level in order to lose weight and to ensure that your heart is healthy.

      Thirty minutes of exercise three to four days a week will help you slim down, feel better, and help you with your stamina and endurance as well, because it all ties back into your heart health and your circulatory system.

      Cardiovascular exercises are the proper way to get yourself into shape. All it takes is a little effort on your part.

      Walking is the best exercise because it requires no special equipment and no gym membership; just start walking more and sitting less.

      If you play sports, playing your sport of choice is a great way to boost your cardiovascular health; just half an hour of playing with friends will have your heart rate up and will help you burn calories.

      Combining smart eating along with exercise is your ticket to health and will help your body be in the best shape that it can be in order for you to be able to begin your penile growth exercises.

      Exercise Basics

      This is the pre-exercise section of the book. First of all, let us say that if you suffer from any major medical conditions, especially heart conditions, circulatory conditions or any conditions that affect your skin, you should get medical clearance from your doctor to make sure that the exercises will not end up doing more harm than good.

      If you are prone to rashes or if you have sensitive skin, these exercises might make the conditions worse because they are hands on exercises so always get clearance from your doctor.

      When done properly, these exercises are safe. However, there is always a chance that if you are doing them incorrectly or too vigorously that you can end up bruising or chaffing your penis.

      One of the signs that you need to look for is for small or medium bruise looking blue spots on your penis, which is a sign up bleeding beneath the skin, which is basically a bruise that forms from you being too rough or too vigorous with your exercising.

      If you experience this, or chaffing, you need to take a few days off from your exercise regimen and let it heal and when you start up again, turn down the intensity a notch and you should be fine.

      Before beginning the exercises in this book, you should always warm up. You warm up for other exercises, and these are no different.

      If you fail to warm up, you can actually end up hurting yourself and then you will need to wait for your penis to heal before getting started again. Ignoring the warm up sessions can lead to bruises, torn skin and sores, which will be painful.

      Your warm up session will help your body to get prepped for the exercises and it will prevent injuries from happening as well as to help make the exercises more effective. There are two ways you can warm up and both are equally effective.

      You can use the hot wrap method to prepare your body for the exercises. By wrapping your penis and testicles in a hot towel, it will help prepare your body and your circulation system for the exercises that will follow.

      Just be careful to not make it so hot that you scald or burn yourself. You will need either a washcloth or a small towel, such as a kitchen towel or hand towel.

      You will need to run water until it is hot and completely soaked through and then wring it out so that you get all of the water out – if you leave much water in the towel and it is very hot, you are more likely to burn or scald yourself so always wring out all of the excess water; the goal is to have a hot but damp towel not a wet, hot towel.

      Wrap the damp, hot towel around your testicles and penis, making sure that your entire penis is covered as well as the area at the base of your penis. Allow the damp towel to just stay wrapped until it starts to cool down to the touch.

      As soon as it begins to cool, around two minutes, remove the towel or washcloth, run under hot water again wring it out again and wrap your penis and testicles again.

      You will need to do this around four times total in order to properly warm up your body, especially your pelvic area and genitals for the exercises.

      The other way that you can warm up is to take either a warm bath or a shower. The warmth helps the blood vessels circulate blood better and will help open them, increasing the blood flow near the surface of your skin.

      It also helps loosen and relax the muscles in the area. Take a five-minute long warm bath or shower as your warm up before doing your exercises.

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