A Season of Apathy. Carlote Bengemyer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Carlote Bengemyer
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456613495
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horrible disease was still out there, lingering, looking for opportunity to harm its victims. But it was unable to harm me and millions of other kids like me. You see, my parents loved me. Because of their love, they made sure I received the necessary medical help to make me immune to the ravages of polio. Not just me, they also loved those less fortunate. My parents, like millions of others, donated money, helping raise funds for poor children to receive the same immunity I had.

      Today satan has many devastating diseases affecting the lives of men, women, and children of all ages. But these diseases are not physical, they are spiritual. They harm the mind, heart, soul, and spirit of those whose life a Holy God created to be His children. You need to understand this well…God Loves His Children! He has provided in His Word not only a cure, but also a way to immunize and protect His children from every immoral disease satan would try to attack them with. God’s cure is the Blood of Jesus. His immunization plan is as follows: to all receiving Jesus as their Savior, He sends the power of His Holy Spirit to dwell within. Under the Holy Spirit’s guidance we are able to recognize and reject every foul plan of satan to destroy our spiritual health. We receive immunity from being a slave to sin, as we were before becoming born again.

      Yes parents, today the diseases are of a spiritual and not just physical nature. But just as in fighting physical diseases, my parents needed more than love and money. They needed someone possessing the proper training and skills to administer the medication needed to make me immune. In spiritual warfare there is a difference. You do not need to hire one with special training and skills. God makes it possible for you to become the one with the skill to administer that which is needed. You need only to diligently study God’s Word asking the Holy Spirit Who dwells within, to teach and use you, as He makes your body His temple. You also must faithfully attend and support a Spirit Filled Church, one not offering powerless “religion,” but the POWER of having the Kingdom of God within! (The Kingdom of God consists of Righteousness, Peace, and Joy, in the Holy Spirit).

      The Holy Spirit is not for hire. But still there is a price each must be willing to pay to become immunized. You must crucify the will of your flesh and yield your spirit (your will) to the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit (God’s Will). Once you do this, you will no longer be suppressed by a powerless “religion.” You will come to share a powerful and loving “relationship” with your Father in Heaven. You will come to understand the meaning of “God is Love.” The power of His Love will be within you 24 hours a day. This Love will give you not only the training and skill to immunize yourself, but also help you pass it along to your children as well. This Love will give you the drive and desire to see that children whose parents give no love or spiritual guidance to them, will be treated with the kind of Love which will make them immune as well.

      For those of you who are in need of a diagram, I’m saying--wake up! Speak Out! Come out of your apathy and take a stand for morality! When I was a child, parents loved their children. They would never consider saying, “Duh, it’s a free country - what can I do?” They would have sent immorality back into hell, where it belongs! So called “music” consisting of sick and satanic messages would not have been tolerated being sold in stores. My parents would have seriously boycotted doing business with stores wishing to sell this kind of garbage. Store owners knew the quickest way of going out of business would be trying to distribute this junk to little Carlote and other children. My parents and other parents would have seen to it! NO IF’S, AND’S, OR BUT’S!

      My question to the parents of today is - do you really LOVE your children? If you truly LOVE your children and your neighbor as yourself, you won’t run away from your responsibility. Insist that immorality be sent back into the pits of Hell! America was founded to be a nation under God. But today, God has been told in so many ways to “get lost!” Apathy has permitted false “empty headed” gods of satan and man, to try to usurp the authority which was given to the One True God alone! This APATHY, and the cost of it, has caused God to take His hand of Divine Providence off of America. What will it take to shake America out of its apathy? For awhile, the heinous acts of evil in September of 2001 caused many in America to turn back to God. Churches began to fill empty pews. As time passed, the fickleness of man caused complacency to set in. Apathy is once again the norm. I have seen in dreams what lies ahead and it’s not pretty. You will see this is so, as you read chapters eight and twelve of this book. See for yourself what reward the lukewarm shall receive.

      The Love of God holds the cure to every form of evil in this world. God’s Love, offered through Jesus, His Son, can minister the necessary immunization to keep evil from spreading. The Love of God must be seen in our life. Being born again is not some cute slogan. It is a powerful way of life, which no “religion” on earth can give you. It is the wisdom and the power needed to follow the path of Jesus as you share a loving “Relationship” with your Heavenly Father. If we are born of the Spirit, let us then walk in the Spirit! (Galatians 5, vs. 22-25) Love was the factor motivating my parents to see that I and other children were immunized against devastating physical diseases. Back then, that same love helped prevent satan from spreading spiritual diseases at will. Parents of today your love (the kind which comes from your love and reverence toward God) is needed to immunize your children and others from the devastating spiritual diseases now harming so many lives in our country.

      We have paid, and are paying, so heavy a price for our season of apathy. It is time for that season to come to a rapid end! Let those in America and around the world see a new season, one without end. A new season of the power, majesty, and the Love of God being made manifest in the lives of His redeemed sons and daughters. It is time we by the power of love, put these immoral disease carrying brothers and sisters in their place. Their place is not in our movies, on T.V., radio, in our books, music, nor in our college campuses! Their place is a place of repentance, because they will see how Holy is our God and Father. Their place is at the altar of repentance, being cured by the redemptive power of Jesus!

      Our colleges need young men and women capable of teaching truth to teachers and fellow students who have believed in the lies of satan. Men and women whose lives, more than just their voice, say to those in darkness--God Is! He lives inside of me! God “evolved” into my life the day I kicked satan and his lying demons out. The day I welcomed Jesus, and the Spirit of Truth into my life to be Lord, Savior, Deliverer, Healer, Conqueror, and source of Wisdom; was the best day of my life!

      You teachers who so proudly put your faith in “evolution,” I challenge you! Can you sincerely make the effort to allow God to “evolve” into your life? I realize for some it is a difficult thing to believe there could possibly be a God who knows more than you. Yet satan, whom you also do not believe exists, has already proven he knows more than you. He knows how to feed your ego, causing you to reject knowing and loving your Heavenly Father, who created you. Finding if God is real is actually a simple thing. First, you must believe God exists. God has made this easy for you: to everyone God has given the gift of faith. You may have foolishly tossed it away or hidden it in some dark closet of your mind. But if you will just use your gift, you will be half way there. The only other step is to believe God is a rewarder of those who will diligently seek Him.

      The only way to put what I have said to the test will require you to diligently pursue God. Get a copy of a Christian (beware of cult) Bible. Study it (especially the New Testament) just as you studied to receive certification in your chosen field. You may run across some things you find hard to understand. If you do, simply get in touch with one of those “Spirit Filled,” “born again” Christians you have in your class. Ask him or her to help explain the meaning of what you are having difficulty understanding

      Perhaps you have no “born again” Christian to ask or it might seem a little too embarrassing to ask a student to enlighten you. If this is your predicament, do not despair. All you need do is humble yourself before God. Go to your knees and pray for the Holy Spirit, Who inspired the writing of God’s Word, to reveal its meaning to you. Sound foolish to you? Come on, go ahead and try it! But you must ask sincerely, as one truly seeking to know the Truth. Remember it is the Spirit of Truth you are seeking answers from. If pride or unbelief keeps you from being sincere, you will not receive the answer.

      If in your prayers you sincerely request wisdom and knowledge from above, as you study God’s Word and faithfully attend a Spirit filled church; I can promise