The Essential Stanley J. Weyman Collection. Stanley J. Weyman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Stanley J. Weyman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456614157
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A vast deal of trouble,' she repeated in an odd tone of raillery, while her eyes, grown hard and mocking, raked him mercilessly. 'So much for so little! I could not--I could not accept it. A hundred guineas a year, Sir George, from one in your position to one in mine, would only lay me open to the tongue of slander. You had better say--fifty.'

      'Oh, no!'

      'Or--thirty, I am sure thirty were ample! Say thirty guineas a year, dear sir; and leave me my character.'

      'Nonsense,' he answered, a trifle discomfited. Strange, she was seizing her old position. The weapon he had wrought for her punishment was being turned against himself.

      'Or, I don't know that thirty is not too much!' she continued, her eyes unnaturally bright, her voice keen as a razor.' 'Twould have been enough if offered through your lawyers. But at your own mouth, Sir George, ten shillings a week should do, and handsomely! Which reminds me--it was a kind thought to come yourself to see me; I wonder why you did.'

      'Well,' he said, 'to be frank, it was Dr. Addington--'

      'Oh, Dr. Addington--Dr. Addington suggested it! Because I fancied--it could not give you pleasure to see me like this?' she continued with a flashing eye, her passion for a brief moment breaking forth. 'Or to go back a month or two and call me child? Or to speak to me as to your chambermaid? Or even to give me ten shillings a week?'

      'No,' he said gravely; 'perhaps not, my dear.'

      She winced and her eyes flashed; but she controlled herself. 'Still, I shall take your ten shillings a week,' she said. 'And--and is that all? Or is there anything else?'

      'Only this,' he said firmly. 'You'll please to remember that the ten shillings a week is of your own choosing. You'll do me that justice at least. A hundred guineas a year was the allowance I proposed. And--I bet a guinea you ask for it, my dear, before the year is out!'

      She was like a tigress outraged; she writhed under the insult. And yet, because to give vent to her rage were also to bare her heart to his eyes, she had to restrain herself, and endure even this with a scarlet cheek. She had thought to shame him by accepting the money he offered; by accepting it in the barest form. The shame was hers; it did not seem to touch him a whit. At last, 'You are mistaken,' she answered, in a voice she strove to render steady. 'I shall not! And now, if there is nothing more, sir--'

      'There is,' he said. 'Are you sufficiently punished?'

      She looked at him wildly--suddenly, irresistibly compelled to do so by a new tone in his voice. 'Punished!' she stammered, almost inaudibly. 'For what?'

      'Do you not know?'

      'No,' she muttered, her heart fluttering strangely.

      'For this travesty,' he answered; and coolly, as he stood before her, he twitched the sleeve of her shapeless gown, looking masterfully down at her the while, so that her eyes fell before his. 'Did you think it kind to me or fair to me,' he continued, almost sternly, 'to make that difficult, Julia, which my honour required, and which you knew that my honour required? Which, if I had not come to do, you would have despised me in your heart, and presently with your lips? Did you think it fair to widen the distance between us by this--this piece of play-acting? Give me your hand.'

      She obeyed, trembling, tongue-tied. He held it an instant, looked at it, and dropped it almost contemptuously. 'It has not cleaned that step before,' he said. 'Now put up your hair.'

      She did so with shaking fingers, her cheeks pale, tears oozing from under her lowered eyelashes. He devoured her with his gaze.

      'Now go to your room,' he said. 'Take off that rag and come to me properly dressed.'

      'How?' she whispered.

      'As my wife.'

      'It is impossible,' she cried with a gesture of despair; 'It is impossible.'

      'Is that the answer you would have given me at Manton Corner?'

      'Oh no, no!' she cried. 'But everything is changed.'

      'Nothing is changed.'

      'You said so,' she retorted feverishly. 'You said that it was changed!'

      'And have you, too, told the whole truth?' he retorted. 'Go, silly child! If you are determined to play Pamela to the end, at least you shall play it in other guise than this. 'Tis impossible to touch you! And yet, if you stand long and tempt me, I vow, sweet, I shall fall!'

      To his astonishment she burst into hysterical laughter. 'I thought men wooed--with promises!' she cried. 'Why don't you tell me I shall have my jewels; and my box at the Opera and the King's House? And go to Vauxhall and the Masquerades? And have my frolic in the pit with the best? And keep my own woman as ugly as I please? He did; and I said Yes to him! Why don't you say the same?'

      Sir George was prepared for almost anything, but not for that. His face grew dark. 'He did? Who did?' he asked grimly, his eyes on her face.

      'Lord Almeric! And I said Yes to him--for three hours.'

      'Lord Almeric?'

      'Yes! For three hours,' she answered with a laugh, half hysterical, half despairing. 'If you must know, I thought you had carried me off to--to get rid of my claim--and me! I thought--I thought you had only been playing with me,' she continued, involuntarily betraying by her tone how deep had been her misery. 'I was only Pamela, and 'twas cheaper, I thought, to send me to the Plantations than to marry me.'

      'And Lord Almeric offered you marriage?'

      'I might have been my lady,' she cried in bitter abasement. 'Yes.'

      'And you accepted him?'

      'Yes! Yes, I accepted him.'

      'And then--'Pon honour, ma'am, you are good at surprises. I fear I don't follow the course of events,' Sir George said icily.

      'Then I changed my mind--the same day,' she replied. She was shaking on her feet with emotion; but in his jealousy he had no pity on her weakness. 'You know, a woman may change her mind once, Sir George,' she added with a feeble smile.

      'I find that I don't know as much about women--as I thought I did,' Sir George answered grimly. 'You seem, ma'am, to be much sought after. One man can hardly hope to own you. Pray have you any other affairs to confess?'

      'I have told you--all,' she said.

      His face dark, he hung a moment between love and anger; looking at her. Then, 'Did he kiss you?' he said between his teeth. 'No!' she cried fiercely.

      'You swear it?'

      She flashed a look at him.

      But he had no mercy. 'Why not?' he persisted, moving a step nearer her. 'You were betrothed to him. You engaged yourself to him, ma'am. Why not?'

      'Because--I did not love him,' she answered so faintly he scarcely heard.

      He drew a deep breath. 'May I kiss you?' he said.

      She looked long at him, her face quivering between tears and smiles, a great joy dawning in the depths of her eyes. 'If my lord wills,' she said at last, 'when I have done his bidding and--and changed--and dressed as--'

      But he did not wait.



      When Sir George left the house, an hour later, it happened that the first person he met in the street was Mr. Fishwick. For a day or two after the conference at the Castle Inn the attorney had gone about, his ears on the stretch to catch the coming footstep. The air round him quivered with expectation. Something would happen. Sir George would do something. But with each day that passed eventless, the hope and expectation grew weaker;