How to Get and Stay Motivated: A Complete Guide to Finding Your True Purpose and Goals in Life. Victoria JD Michael. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria JD Michael
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456613167
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many of us just get through life without a purpose and we take for granted that we do and should have a purpose to our lives! Every life matters and every person has a purpose.

      In order to motivate yourself to meet your dreams and ambitions you have to first discover your purpose.

      Finding your purpose may not be a clear-cut case, it may not be as black and white for you as for others, and that is okay. What matters is that you are now motivated to discover your purpose and realizing your own potential.

      You may have been working towards your purpose without ever realizing it. Many people actually do. No matter what age you are, such if you are a student or a business professional, you have acquired a certain set of skills, your skill set.

      In this skill set are things that came to you easier than others. For example, perhaps you excelled in English, math, chemistry, or sports in school. Words may come easy to you but numbers are a struggle or it could be the other way around.

      Regardless, by discovering where your natural talents and abilities are will help you learn your purpose. If you struggle at math, then it is very unlikely that your purpose will be something that requires math, such as engineering, architecture, or even research.

      If you excelled in sports, then your purpose might be something physical. If you are good with other people and never had any problems giving speeches, then your purpose might be something that involves speaking and people skills.

      The rest of this chapter will be about exploring your skills, your abilities, and talents. By doing this, exploring your skill set, you will be able to get a better idea of not only who you are, but also what your big picture is, and a better idea of what your purpose is.

      Do not just give the first thought can comes to your mind, but actually put some thought into this. This is important; this will help you determine your goal so really give it some thought before answering.

      Honesty is also important. Everybody has flaws and these exercises will not only tell you where you strengths are but where your weaknesses are as well.

      Once you know where your weaknesses are, you can set goals to turn them into strengths.

      Get out some blank paper and a pen and pencil and get ready to delve a little bit into whom you are.

      First thing that we are going to explore are your contributions to various projects or activities in your past. Whenever you are part of a project or activity, you are a contributor.

      We all know that some people contribute a lot while some contribute a little. If you discover that you are the type to contribute little, you can make it a goal to start putting more effort into the things that you are involved in.

      Make a list of all of the projects and activities that you have been involved in and what your role in that project or activity was at the time.

      What value did you bring to the project? What difference did you make on the project or activity? This can range from school projects, work projects, or any volunteer work that you have done.

      Make your list as detailed as possible, write down what your role was and if it was critical or not, then explain why it was or was not critical.

      By looking at the value you have brought to past projects you can begin to see what your value is for any projects in the future as well as getting a feel towards your strengths and weaknesses.

      When you complete the list, you can then look for patterns. When looking for a pattern, look for things that you did that are alike and that contributed to the success of the project.

      Also, examine whether or not you enjoyed helping out in that role.

      Now make a list of all of your past jobs. Leave plenty of space between each job because once you list your job title and what company you were working for you are going to write down what you brought to the table for each of those jobs. In other words, what value did you bring as an employee?

      Now, consider any volunteer work that you have done. This could be volunteer work that you have done in regards to your child, for their school or activities such as boy scouts or girl scouts such as helping out with events.

      It could be volunteering that you have decided to volunteer for because you wanted to and for no other reason, such for a cause that you believe in or to help a non-profit in your community.

      Do the same thing that you did for your past jobs, list your contributions and what value it added as well as whether or not you enjoyed it.

      Have you noticed that people tend to ask you for help regarding a certain area? Maybe you are a great cook so they are always asking you for advice about cooking and baking. Maybe you are a great builder so people often ask you to help with simple repairs or help making things.

      If you are great at computers then you might have your friends calling you for computer help! This last section is where you list all of the talents and abilities that you are known for having and that people seek out your help for.

      List them all and whether or not you enjoy them.

      Now that you have your lists, you can go through them all, side by side and take note of any patterns or similarities in the lists.

      This will show you what your skill set is and a clue as to what your purpose might be.

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