It's All God, The Flowers and the Fertilizer. Walter JD Starcke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Walter JD Starcke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456612207
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it turns into a concept, it is an object. As a guideline, the subjective is something that is experienced rather than thought. The objective is something that is externalized rather than felt.

      When I had my breakthrough in Hawaii, I saw that if I subjectively felt “It’s all God” without expressing that love objectively by my acts, I would end up creating the very duality I claimed did not exist. In reverse, if I took action that was not based on the Spirit of Love I would be doing the same thing. I realized that if I could love God, the subjective nature of life, and neighbor and self, the objective world, all in the same way and to the same degree I could honestly say, “It’s all God.” In other words, the turning point came for me when I realized that I was not a man of God or a man of earth, but both. Though those two “me’s” did not seem to be the same, my lifelong quest has been to find out how to make the two “me’s” communicate and work as one.

      Until I found out how to reconcile the two strands of my nature—the subjective spiritual, and the objective physical—I had always felt that I was out of place and that something was wrong with me. When I listened to the spiritual concepts that came from the mouths of masters, something in me hungrily responded in agreement. In the background there was that personal side of me that doubted I could ever fully live up to what I heard, and, frankly, I hadn’t seen any two-legged breathing creatures who lived it absolutely either. On one hand, I was more comfortable in a fundamentally hedonistic society that did not place me under a microscope of a spiritually judgmental morality. On the other hand, at those times when spiritual content was lacking, I felt the magic of life was missing because the divine center within me or others was not being revealed and experienced. Everywhere I went, I felt something was lacking in me until I had my vision of the double thread.

      The term, “double thread,” is my shorthand for saying that nothing is either/or, nothing is either subjective or objective, nothing only visible or only invisible, nothing just occidental or just oriental, nothing just masculine or just feminine, nothing just spiritual or just material. When I saw how cause becomes visible as effect, I realized that my life was one thread made up of two strands. The opening line of Joel Goldsmith’s Infinite Way puts it most succinctly:

      There is not a spiritual universe and a material world, but rather that what appears as our world is the word made flesh, Spirit made visible, or Consciousness expressed as idea. (Joel Goldsmith, The Infinite Way, De Vorss & Co.,1947)

      Unfortunately, language limits me to saying only one thing at a time; so I ask that each statement I make be held in suspension until its complement is added. If I seem to be loading the gun in favor of one conclusion over another, it is unintentional. I have most likely done so because less commonly accepted viewpoints often need a greater amount of in-depth explanation than traditional opinions. To create balance, subtleties need greater emphasis than the obvious. Above all, look into the spaces between the ideas and listen for the Spirit.

      Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise

      From outward things, whate’er you may believe.

      There is an inmost centre in us all,

      Where truth abides in fulness; and around,

      Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in,

      This perfect, clear perception-which is truth.

      A baffling and perverting carnal mesh

      Binds it, and makes all error: and, to KNOW.

      Rather consists in opening out away

      Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape,

      Than in effecting entry for a light

      Supposed to be without.

      Robert Browning, Paracelsus

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