It's All God, The Flowers and the Fertilizer. Walter JD Starcke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Walter JD Starcke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456612207
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      IT’S ALL


      The Flowers

      and the Fertilizer

      Walter Starcke

      Guadalupe Press

      Copyright ©1998 by Walter H. Starcke

      All rights reserved.

      This book, or parts thereof, may not be

      Reproduced in any form without permission.

      For information contact:

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1220-7

      It’s All God

      by Walter Starcke

      Book & Cover Design by

      Kathwyn Eron Howell-Starcke


      God has appeared in my life in so many extraordinary ways including those individuals who have long since left the earth plane but continue to be a present presence such as my mother who inspired my search, as John van Druten, who encouraged my determination to leave no stone unturned and in the process introduced me to two illumined masters, Joel S. Goldsmith and Swami Prabhavananda, each of whom pointed me in different, although parallel and complementary directions.

      I also want to express my appreciation for Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Jung, and many others who shared their vision through the printed word, and presently for Dr. Tadashi Akaishi who was responsible for Harper and Row's publishing my first three books and who has edited all that followed, including this one.

      For Kathwyn Eron Howell, my partner and wife, whose love, support and ability to let me know if my words have said what I meant for them to say, my heart-felt gratitude. Finally, without the wisdom, love, support, and agreement I have received from my extended spiritual family, this book would never have been written.


      I have been helplessly driven all my life by what has simplistically turned out to be an inability to accept either/or. On one side there has been an insatiable appetite to experience and merge with what is universally conceived of as God. On the other hand, though Lord knows I have tried, I have been unable in the process to ignore, reject, or dishonor my personal presence as a materialized human being. The carrot that has constantly dangled before my eyes is the possibility that I can arrive at and live with the full compatible and simultaneous realization that my two selves are one and the same.

      Though I am willing to take both credit and blame for what you will be reading, I have not written this book. You are writing it as you read it. No one else is now, ever has, or ever will read the book you are holding in your hand. That would be impossible because you are reading it through the lens of your own concepts and no one else entertains exactly the same amalgamation or mixture of perceptions you do nor has anyone your particular inner guidance waiting to help you define your life and actions.

      For better or worse and not by accident, your consciousness has drawn this book to you as your way of hopefully adding some additional pieces that will help you complete the puzzle of your existence. That will happen either by the reinforcement that comes from your agreement with what is being said or it will arrive by the stimulation you receive from your disagreement that becomes a springboard propelling you into arriving at your own truths.

      At best, this book is our co-creation. I have embodied in it a lifetime of concepts and intuitions that have unlocked many mysteries and enhanced my earthly existence in extraordinary ways, both spiritually and materially. Similarly, you are now and always have been your only teacher. From time to time you have drawn to you those guides that you have thought were your teachers, but you would not have been able to hear them and absorb what they had to say unless there was that within you which identified and then recognized the truth.

      Though each of you will read these words differently, there is one common denominator: This is not a book. It is a tool, a vehicle. Its purpose is to catalyze an experience for you, not just to sharpen your intellect or encourage your ego to believe that more knowledge means more power. It can potentially carry those of you who have committed yourselves to discovering how to intuit its underlying message into a mysterious journey, into a different place than you were when you entered its space.

      My prayer is that a miracle will somehow take place and that you will not listen to the words I am saying but rather to the language of spirit and freedom I am trying to offer you—and myself.

      Introduction & Foundation

      Before committing myself to writing this book, I often asked why, in the light of the many erudite and profound books being published daily, was it necessary for me to write this one. I have no desire to invent a new philosophy or religion or to refute any that presently exist. I feel that everyone is attending the right church, studying the right teaching, and learning the lessons they are ready to learn in the process of discovering what works for them in their present state of consciousness. Everyone is being led by an invisible hand.

      However, apart from following internal orders, every time I have asked myself why I have had the urge to write this book, three purposes have come to mind. First, I want to tell everyone that it is never too late. Profound concepts that I personally responded to and have entered into my diaries as long as fifty years ago have just now, in my late seventies, shifted gear from mind into conscious experience. Truths that I longed to be able to implement in my life have finally become livable for me.

      I am almost the person now I have always wanted to be—not quite, thank God, but much closer than I was just a few years ago. If I had totally succeeded, there would be no reason to continue being enrolled in this often-confusing university we call the human experience except, perhaps, to share myself. The personal episodes which have brought me to this point have shown me, without a doubt, that at last it is possible for the man of earth aspect of my being and my man of God potential to finally communicate with each other and truly function as one. I have discovered how to consciously access freedoms that I could only have speculated about in the past—and finally know what it means to glimpse ascension consciousness. There hasn’t been any thing or any experience that I, or any of us, have gone through that has been accidental or wasted; all have been necessary to bring each of us individually to this moment of time and to this stage of our spiritual growth. What’s more, at this precise instant we are receiving unparalleled help from other dimensions that can now accelerate our evolution if we have developed the capacity to open ourselves and are sensitive to them.

      The second reason I am writing this book is because, though there are a number of writings, which clearly explain the “what”—what is taking place and what needs to be done—there are few that successfully balance the preliminary “what” with the complementary and necessary “how.”

      The third, and perhaps most important reason that I am writing this book, is to create a bridge that has for me (and may for you) revealed a meaningful continuity between our existing culture, our current stage of evolution, and our inherited spiritual roots. Who we are today is not happenstance. Until we understand and are reconciled with how we got where we are, our futures are hit and miss. Who and where we are have to do with the power of myth and our need to reinterpret the primary myth upon which our Western culture has been formulated and based, the Judeo-Christian