“I quickly glanced through both books,” Mrs. Causegood revealed. “The Gourmet Vegan Meals has great tasting recipes; they even seem quite simple to prepare. We’ll need to collaborate, because I’ve a secret to disclose. We, too, are taking the plunge. Craig and I concluded, after taking everything into consideration, our health and peace of mind is better served foregoing the different types of meats, eggs, and dairy products.”
Jeffrey took a fleeting glance at Monique. It was just in time to catch her nodding approval of his parents decision to embrace their new natural lifestyle.
The Trepidation
He, too, was more than thrilled with his parents resolution, but something deep down inside kept troubling him. He had only revealed selected bits and pieces of his dreamy coma vision to Monique and his parents. They didn’t have a clue about the nightmarish conclusion.
“There are some details I must share with you from my coma that are, disturbingly, painful,” Jeffrey confessed to Monique.
“Lately, I’ve noticed you haven’t been quite yourself,” she recollected.
“Well, I’m not sure how to handle my quandary. I think I’d better divulge the final outcome to my father. I don’t want to alarm him unnecessarily; however, I’d never forgive myself if I failed to inform him, and it actually took place.”
“I realize your predicament; if you truly believe your parents’ lives are at risk, you must at least warn them,” she stated, reluctantly, while offering her advice.
The next day, Jeffrey broached the subject to his dad.
“I don’t want you to agonize over this, but there’s something I must make clear about my apparition. Just before I returned to consciousness, there was an incredible explosion that took the lives of my whole family. The uncanny part is, too much of my dream is paralleling our real life,” Jeffrey, hesitantly, informed him.
“I know we must be vigilant, but I refuse to live a life dominated by fear. One must enjoy the present; it isn’t feasible while maintaining an apprehensive mentality. All throughout the ages, mankind has successfully used fear tactics to manipulate and exploit his fellow man. Yes, your mother and I will be cautious, but I won’t allow anything to interfere with enjoying life to its fullest.”
Jeffrey’s father wasn’t naive. There were many people envious of his notoriety and position. There was even a great deal of jealousy among his fellow faculty. Craig received the red carpet treatment, the best off campus housing, and the highest salary to recruit him to Standard. Given those circumstances and the state of misplaced priorities, he was, acutely, aware of the dire possibilities.
Chapter 8
Secret’s Out
What’s the Holdup?
“Dad, have you deposited the trust fund check?”
“I know the impending foundation is losing valuable interest every day I procrastinate, but I’m extremely uncomfortable showing up at the bank with such an enormous amount of money. It will stir up tremendous controversy. I can’t trust anyone to keep it secret. Thankfully, it’s a cashiers check, and the donor’s name will remain anonymous as Mr. Waits requested,” Craig explained, doing his best to justify the cause for delaying.
“You aren’t planning to relinquish your teaching position.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll remain here at Standard until you and Monique complete your doctorate degrees. Then we must fulfill our destiny and Jason’s vision. We’ve all the necessary resources; there’s no reason or excuse to hesitate. My design is a little bit different from Jason’s, but the same impact and end result. It might take more than our lifetimes to fully accomplish, but the basis will be in place before we pass away. For the time being, you and Monique must concentrate on completing your studies. It will help both of you nurture your latent spirituality, and be more practical human beings. One more thing, I’m going to form the trust in both our names. Just in case something unexpected happens to me, you’ll be able to, seamlessly, take over.”
“I’ll do everything in my power to protect you and mother, just as I did Jason. I recognize it was just a dream, never the less, I’ll continue my vigilance just in case.”
What a Disaster!
The next morning, Jeffrey and his father entered Bank of Emerica, the financial institution they chose upon arrival.
“Good morning Dr. Causgood, how may I assist you?” Ms. Mouthie, their account executive, inquired.
“I’ve a rather large sum of money I’d like to deposit. It must, however, remain confidential,” Craig insisted.
“Just how large might that be?” she asked, sporting a curious look.
“This big!”
Reaching into one of his pockets, he pulled out the cashiers check, and sheepishly handed it to her.
“Oh my Gosh!”
Those were the last words she uttered before her legs buckled, and began to faint. Anticipating her reaction, Craig quickly rushed to support her sagging body until he could place her limp torso in the nearest chair. It was more than obvious to all the other bank personnel something extraordinary had just taken place. Many of her nosy co-workers came rushing to the scene. It was just the nightmare Craig and Jeffrey hoped to avoid; it was too late.
“What seems to be the problem?” Mrs. Overseer, the bank’s manager, questioned.
She took a quick glance at the check Craig retrieved from Ms. Mouthie’s flaccid hand, and (to no one’s surprise) she, too, began to collapse. This time it was Jeffrey’s turn to grab her falling frame and assist her to another nearby chair in the office. It was now evident to everyone at the bank what just transpired.
The next day, everybody on the planet knew about it. The headline in all the national newspapers, TV stations, and internet sites read: Standard professor makes a two billion bollar deposit at Bank of Emerica. Dr. Causgood stunned the employees at his local bank while attempting to deposit such an enormous cashiers check and establish a foundation. He refused to identify the source. He did, however, reveal it was intended to start a trust fund to improve the entire world’s capacity to live peacefully. He, also, disclosed it was his decision how to deploy it, with no parameters or strings attached.
With all that unwarranted publicity, he was, now, a marked man. At the very least, he would field intense pressure from the overtures of parties he didn’t even know. He would be the target of every scam known to man. Such was the plight of anyone with philanthropic ideas and ideals. Now that the secret was out, Craig and the rest of his family would never be able to live a normal existence. Jeffrey’s father, however, philosophized it served no logical purpose regretting this unfortunate circumstance attached to such a magnificent gift.
That same day, Dr. Loveless, the dean of the philosophy department, approached him.
“Congratulations on your newly found wealth. I expect your enormous prosperity won’t prevent you from honoring your contract?”
“I realize it might sound like I struck it rich, but that donation isn’t mine, nor will I use the money for any other purpose than what it was meant . I’m only the guardian and manager of it. The funds will be used to initially assist the less fortunate and then uplift the deteriorating mentality of the entire planet.”
“Do you have an approach?” the dean, curiously, questioned.
“I do, but it’s complicated. It might take all the financial resources and generations of education, but it will, eventually, succeed.”