How to Influence Anyone Effectively: The Art of Persuasion. Susan JD Parker. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Susan JD Parker
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456612733
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How to Influence Anyone Effectively:


      © 2013 by Susan Parker

      ISBN: 9781456612733

      All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole in part, in any form by any print, electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.



      Chapter 1: How Influence Works

      Having Character:

      Being Reliable and Truthful:

      You Can’t Be Self-Reliant:

      Communication and Understanding:

      Give Humor:

      Be Respectful:

      It’s Not About You:

      Be Confident and Motivated:

      Chapter 2: How People Work

      The Bandwagon Effect:

      Undecided or Confused:

      The Easy Way Out:

      Chapter 3: Taking Action

      Stay Confident and Know Yourself:

      Pick a Place and Work From There:

      Keep it Simple and Clean:

      It’s Good to Ask Questions:

      The First Impression:

      Mirroring Your Audience:

      Chapter 4: Handling Criticism

      Chapter 5: Developing Your Character

      How to Improve:



      Having the power, or ability, to influence another can and will make your life much simpler.

      Now before you start reading, think about why it should matter as to why having the ability to influence another matter.

      The answer is simple: it gets you somewhere. Think about it. Academic achievements or prodigious talents can only get you so far in life as a printed word on a piece of paper.

      Sure, you’ve got a good stand off in your future compared to your classmates. You’re one of the honors student in the school. You have a shelf of trophies lying around in your dorm room or your house. Yet, what of it?

      When other’s look at you they will think, “Wow, what an honors kid,” or “They’re going to have a bright future ahead of them.” Those compliments are nice, are they not?

      However, despite all those achievements, how well is your social connection with others? People are going to know that you’re smart, but they’re not going to know if you’re worthy of their time.

      Think about that for a moment. How far can your intelligence travel if your connections with others are below average?

      Did you know that majority of jobs are gained through connections? If you don’t connect with someone, you’ll have to start from the bottom. Sure, that sounds like a wonderful challenge to prove your skills, but unless if you have an aspect about yourself that stands out, good luck.

      For your information, your inner originality isn’t as rare as you think it should be. During an interview, your future boss is going to have to meet a lot of people during a short amount of time. Believe it or not, whatever you have that stands out to you is most likely the same as the next person who’s going to be interviewed.

      So how can you make yourself stand out? How well can you influence another’s decision?

      It’s simple. If you don’t know how, learn how. Make note however, influencing someone is not the same as persuading someone.

      When you’re trying to persuade, you are trying to get the other party to acknowledge your ideas and point of view.

      Yet, when you are influencing, you are simply letting the other party notice something significant about your point of view without them having to agree with your ideas.

      However, your main goal is to have the other party completely agree with your ideas and will change their believes to match yours.

      That is the highest peak of influence that you can bring out.

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