The Hidden Powers of Mind: Unlocking the Secrets of Mental Power and Subconscious Mind. Ryan JD Joseph. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ryan JD Joseph
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456612627
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Life is composed of many components and if one is off balance or not quite right then it will throw off everything.

      For most people the main components are usually their home life, their career, their families, and their relationships. If one is off kilter, everything will seem to be off.

      Harmony is when you have a balance between all the components of your life and you are essentially, at peace.

      When you are worried, overly stressed, or anxious then those negative thoughts overshadow all aspects of your life.

      Sometimes all it takes is one negative thought to take root to destroy our harmony. People find harmony in a variety of ways.

      Some people will take a spiritual approach, some will take a logical approach, and others will find a blend of the two to balance out their life, retain peace and happiness, and keep a positive mental outlook.

      We discussed how our subconscious thinking leaks into our conscious thinking and so when we lack harmony those subconscious thoughts that filter into our active thinking would be tainted by whatever caused the lack of harmony.

      A lack of harmony to come about through low self-esteem, allowing negative thoughts to manifest, self-doubts, anxiety due to stress, or perhaps a life change that you might be having trouble coping with.

      It does not matter what caused the imbalance the important thing is that you find balance again and restore it.

      Okay, now that you know what harmony is why it matters it is time to go over some ways to restore harmony because without harmony you will not be able to unlock your mind potential.

      You must be your own censor. Only you know what you are thinking and only you can change your thinking.

      It is very important that you keep your thoughts positive even during times of stress. Allow yourself to be flustered and anxious will only compound the problem not fix it.

      Start to be aware of your thoughts, when you start to find yourself thinking something negative that thought in the bud.

      Do not let the negative thoughts fully manifest, this is something that you must want to do and you should want to do it because it will make your life so much better.

      Get into the habit of replacing each negative thought with a positive one. You cannot live your life in a positive direction with negative thoughts.

      By actively changing your thoughts, you are working towards making your subconscious positive instead of negative, which will help you find your harmony and be ready to unlock the powers of your mind.

      The power of positive thinking is not just a new wave way of thinking it is a centuries old way of thinking and a way to live your life is been proven to work and to be effective.

      Pay attention to your thoughts and your emotions; are you feeling down or depressed, if so figure out why.

      When something is bothering you do not just shrug it off find out what it is and do something about it.

      Getting yourself stuck inside of a negative emotion will only keep you locked in that emotion.

      Learn to manage your stress and anxiety. When you are having trouble coping with the anxiety or coping with stress or even dealing with an emotion you will need to find a coping mechanism to help quiet your mind.

      One good way to help quiet your mind so that you can clear your thoughts, therefore allowing yourself time to think about the problem and solve it instead of just worrying about is through meditation.

      Meditation is an ancient way to help center yourself, quiet your mind, and relax through a variety of ways.

      Some people meditate by repeating mantras, some by focusing on something visual, some by listing the music, and others will use guided visualizations or guided meditations to listen to that will walk them through a meditation.

      Meditation is often used in conjunction with breathing exercises, which will help lower blood pressure, increase oxygen to the body, and overall bring a sense of calm.

      Another part of finding your harmony it is very similar positive thinking is to focus your thinking on the positive aspects of things instead of the negative.

      There is a law called the law of attraction that states that things are attracted to similar things. For example, if you are expecting something negative to happen you will attract something negative to happen by thinking about the negative.

      Reversely, if you are thinking about a positive possible outcome then you will be attracting a positive outcome. Not only would this open up your life to many possibilities but will help you greatly get over obstacles and problems that might arise in your life.

      Every mistake has a lesson to be learned. When you stop focusing on the negative, you will find your outlook brighter, the possibilities are endless, and you focus only on your successes and see no failures.

      Another part of harmony is being in touch with yourself, staying true to yourself, and not letting other people dictate who you are or your actions.

      Be straightforward in your dealings with people and your communication. Let your actions be your reputation.

      It is important that you earn respect not manipulate others into it. In all of your actions, make sure you are not doing anything that will weigh heavy on your conscience.

      Harmony is about not being haunted by actions that you took to try to shortcut your way to success, so take no shortcuts that you will regret.

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