The Hidden Powers of Mind: Unlocking the Secrets of Mental Power and Subconscious Mind. Ryan JD Joseph. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ryan JD Joseph
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456612627
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The Hidden Powers of Mind: Unlocking the Secrets of Mental Power and Subconscious Mind


      © 2013 Ryan Joseph

      ISBN 9781456612627

      All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole in part, in any form by any print, electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

      Terms of Use

      Any information provided in this book is through the author’s interpretation. The author has done strenuous work to reassure the accuracy of this subject. If you wish you attempt any of the practices provided in this book, you are doing so with your own responsibility. The author will not be held accountable for any misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the information provided here.

      All information provided is done so with every effort to represent the subject, but does not guarantee that your life will change. The author shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that result from reading this book.



      What is the Subconscious?

      Finding Harmony

      Find Yourself

      The Law of Attraction

      Concentration and Focus

      Developing your Instinct

      Developing a Magnetic Personality

      Learning to Influence

      Using Influence on a Group




      The human mind is a complex thing. It is how we move, speak, learn, and exist. It runs our bodies systems on autopilot.

      Our personalities spring from our mind. Every action that we have is based on a thought that begins with our mind.

      It controls our emotions, it processes our senses and it does all of this all at the same time.

      We tend to think that our brains are just supercomputers, chugging away to keep our bodies running. The marvel that is the human mind is way beyond that.

      There is so much potential that is untapped in our minds that, once unleashed could be used to improve our lives in a myriad of ways.

      You hear people discuss the benefits of a positive attitude and that is not just a feel-good saying, it is true.

      Our thoughts can shape our lives, if we think negative then negative things will happen and if we think positive then we are open to positive things happening.

      Because so many people tend to discount anything that has to do with unlocking mental abilities as being new-wave pseudo-science, they are actually doing themselves a great disservice because there is no pseudo-science involved in unlocking the very real potential within ourselves.

      This book will show you how you can tap into that inner power and reap the benefits of it, it is a new way of thinking, and a new way of being that will change your life for the better.

      What is the Subconscious?

      Before we begin to go into the hidden powers of the mind we are first going to discuss with the subconscious is. We do this because in order to use something properly you must first understand it fully; in this case, we are talking about the subconscious mind.

      Everybody has a vague understanding of what the subconscious mind is but for the average person if they had to give an accurate description they would probably not be able to.

      We tend to think of the subconscious mind as those thoughts that might seep into our dreams or into our speech, such as when one makes a Freudian slip.

      That is true, that our subconscious is responsible for both but that is only the tip of the iceberg for what our subconscious mind really is and what it can do.

      When it comes to our thinking there are two kinds of thinking that we do. Our conscious thinking is the thoughts that we have actively in our mind.

      Our subconscious thinking is the thinking that we refer to as our background thinking. Our brains handle many different functions at once and we are processing information from all of our senses all the same time but not always on the same level.

      For instance, perhaps you are at a party and it was not until after the party that you realized that two people who typically do not get along were sitting at the same table and talking.

      Now you had seen this will you are at the party but it did not register until later as your subconscious mind was processing the information and it registered as important and moved up to become an active thought.

      Our subconscious consists of layers upon layers of those types of thoughts, insights, and observations that have all been categorized and then shelved until we need to pull up the information.

      Certain things can trigger one of those subconscious thoughts and pull it up to become part of our active thinking.

      Another example of our subconscious works is when we are talking about emotions. Have you ever been watching a movie only to find yourself crying and the sad part?

      You were just watching the movie, you were thinking about it you were just watching it but the emotion impacted you all the same.

      That is your subconscious at work, it noticed that you are watching something that was sad, and it triggered that emotion, which in turn can trigger the physical response sadness, which would be crying.

      The same thing can happen when watching a happy movie you find yourself laughing even though you were not putting active thought into the movie you were just listening, watching, and enjoying.

      Sticking with our movie example, let us say that while watching a movie you had a brief thought that one of the actors looks familiar but you could not place where you had seen them in.

      Several hours after watching the movie, while in the middle of something else all of a sudden it pops in your head that you had seen that actor in such and such a movie.

      Perhaps you did not spend hours thinking about it but because you would had a thought about who that actor was it triggered your subconscious to check its files until it found the answer and then to let you know.

      Another thing that is attributed to your subconscious thinking is what we call instinct.

      True instinct is something that is found in animals and birds and it dictates certain aspects of their behavior that they will all display, even of raised by humans with no contact of their own kind.

      Humans have no true instincts, at least not like that but we do have instincts and they come from our subconscious.

      As we go about our daily business, things that we have seen, heard or had contact with all get filed away into our memory files.

      When something comes up that relates to one of those memory files, our subconscious will go and pull up the file. That gut feeling we get, or that little voice in our head telling us what we should, or shouldn’t do, is our subconscious trying to get your attention.

      The actual definition of subconscious means below the conscience and it is called that because it is a thinking that is just below our conscience or our active thinking. So part of tapping into the hidden power of the mind is to have a better grasp of our subconscious thinking and how we use it.

      Finding Harmony

      Part of unlocking the hidden powers of your mind is that you must find harmony in your life. In