“So are you saying that I should probably visit one of these wellness centres for a check-up, even if I’m not sick?” asked Ben.
“Well, let me ask you this,” said Daniel as he prepared to replace the worn disc with a new one. “How do you know when to get an oil change—when your engine seizes?”
“I get it changed every five thousand kilometres,” answered Ben.
“Well, why would you wait until you develop a health problem with symptoms before taking corrective action? Why not go for check-ups and treatments regularly? These practitioners are well qualified to detect and help correct any problems in the bio-energetic systems. It’s good for people of all ages, from newborns to centenarians. In fact, you have a greater chance of reaching 100 years of age if you keep your energy channels free of blockages. Since we have noticed the most positive changes when the structural balance of our pelvis and spine is maintained, I would suggest you start there, if you do decide to visit a wellness centre.”
“Do you get regular check-ups, Daniel?” Ben asked, realizing too late that the answer was obvious.
“Elizabeth and I have been getting regular treatments with non-traditional health practitioners for half a century now. For example, we get ongoing chiropractic adjustments twice a month and massages once a month. We’ve had help from acupuncturists, naturopaths and mental health coaches, to name just a few. Neither of us has ever been really sick. We lead a healthy lifestyle, which we are going to share with you over the next several months. But a key component of our lifestyle is getting help from practitioners who understand that good health is an ongoing process, an integration of the body-mind-emotional-spiritual complex as a whole, and that illnesses are symptoms of imbalance somewhere in the body.”
Max stirred on the couch, rolled over, and opened his eyes. He saw Vic staring at him.
“You slept through another class, Farley. Just like the good old days.”
Max sat up. “You have that effect on me, teach.”
Daniel finished replacing the wheel, lowered the jack, and then wiped his hands with a clean rag. He reached into his pocket, retrieved the key, and walked over to the wooden chest. He closed the lid, locked it, and returned the key to his pocket.
“Before you leave,” he said, turning around, “please join us for lunch in the backyard by the pond. Elizabeth has prepared nourishment for us.”
Daniel led them through the adjoining corridor and into the backyard. A table had been set under the pine tree where Ben and Max had first met Daniel. The food on the table was abundant and very colourful: green, red, orange, and yellow. Ben and Max had no idea what some of the dishes were.
“This looks fabulous, Elizabeth,” said Ben. “Can you please explain what you’ve created here? This is not how we’re used to eating.”
“You won’t find this kind of food in the vending machines, Max,” said Vic.
“I’d be happy to,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “You’re about to be introduced to a new way of eating. I made pumpkin soup, Caesar salad sprinkled with hempseeds and topped with my own special dressing, and a sprouted lentil salad. On the side table are pitchers of spring water and cranberry juice, and a pot of herbal tea.”
“These are not dishes that you would see on most lunch tables and I have a feeling this is a very important reason for your good health,” said Ben. “We really appreciate all the knowledge and nourishment you give to us so freely. Not to mention all the mechanical repair work,” he added, turning to Daniel.
“We believe in the integrated approach to life, Ben,” explained Daniel as he passed the plate to Max. “You have to nourish everything: body, mind, emotions and soul. Feed only one and ignore the others, and you won’t get good results. Just like your car. If I was to replace only one of the ball joints and not the other, you would still have problems.”
“Ball joints?” asked Ben, reaching for the pitcher of iced lemongrass tea.
“That’s right. I thought the brakes were the cause of the shimmy, and they were. But that’s not all. You’ve also got worn ball joints that should be replaced before any more damage is done. You are coming back next week, aren’t you? Same time, same place?”
He turned to Max. “You’re both welcome, at any time.”
“We’ll try not to keep you awake, Max,” said Vic. “We want to make sure you get rid of all that stress.”
Max looked puzzled. He turned to Vic, and then looked over at Ben. “Huh?”
“You had to be there, Max,” explained Ben. “And you weren’t.”
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