Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Wayne Sr. Stewart
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456604103
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being where; and however improbably absurd; the anecdote escalates, saying, “Then came to Job all of his brothers and sisters, and all of them that had been his acquaintance before his great misfortune, and ate bread with him in his house. And they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him….”!

      Again, truth is as truth does because that is the part belonging to its unassailable nature.

      Now see Job 2:3 where God said to Satan of it: “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the Earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that fears God, and eschews evil? Yet, he still holds fast his integrity, although you moved me against him, to destroy him without cause.”

      You read that right, too. Job 2:3 says that Satan overcame God’s all-powerful resolve, in order that he could destroy him and his family of tripe without cause. Maybe we as a spiritual species need to redefine what constitutes a loving, compassionate, omnipotent deity because; and just like Job; even the devil had his way with him. To a truth, you could say that the devil tricked him, and that the Almighty fell for it. Ops! And there goes any argument for being all-knowing, too. Hell, even Jesus was smart enough to know that Satan was up to no good when challenged to turn stones into bread.

      Believe me when I tell you that I understand your mounting angst. Been there and done that myself. Not only that, but on many occasion. After all, obtaining spiritual enlightenment is a process. But then, let he who is perfect cast the first stone: something this book will prove to a terrible fault. This truth being that God and or Jesus take your pick, are not who or what they say they are. Otherwise, big surprise, they wouldn’t be pruning each other of their imperfections all the time. No. They would instead be chucking rocks all to and fro while shouting, “Let he who is without sin….” (St. John 8:7.)

      It was intuition like this that fueled my search for the ultimate in spiritual truth: to not only seek and find, but knock and have it opened. To hold, to feel, to caress what current wisdom dictated could not be held, touched, or caressed—to reach out and acquire that which is this world’s source of unobtainium! More than this, however, was that I wanted to do it without tempting God Almighty because, well, he is God after all. And yes. That would be the same one who said that I, through no fault of my own, was born into a lifetime of sin and remorse. Welcome to what beats at the heart of life’s hardships, grasshopper.

      Regarding this deity imposed prison sentence concerning the harshness of life, I am now going to turn your spiritual world upside-down, and on its ear. We will start this process of ethereal inversion with Luke 14:26 of the 1611 edition. This being where Jesus quantifies what it takes to be a disciple of his, saying: “If any man comes to me, and hate not his father, his mother, his wife, his children, his brethren, his sisters, yea, even his own life as well, then he cannot be my disciple.”

      Know that if your Bible says something other than this, then know also that what you’re reading is a modern revision of that verse. A verse that would read more like: “If you do not love me more than your father, or you mother, or your wife and your children, or your brothers and sisters, yeah, even your own life as well, then you cannot be my disciple.”

      At this point it should be apparent to even a lawn grub, why revisionists did the hacking to that verse they did. However; and because they did; I need to ask: just because a bunch of scholarly people with an agenda of religion got together to change God’s word around, does that mean it still qualifies as a divine work? Or; and as is most probable; does it make it just another revision by the hand of man altering disconcerting words around in order that you can only know of it what they want you knowing, if only because theirs is an agenda of religion? Yes. Now that has the ring of truth to it.

      It’s important for you think about that, as it has the power to implicate everything you think you know about God and the Bible as thee gospel truth: even if it’s a truth said to be nailed with conviction. Why? Because it has everything to do with the symbol of the cross, is why. You know the iconic aggregate for which I speak, and I know you know of the burden it represents, too. It’s the same one that Jesus would have us bear over “what he will.” See Luke 14:27 of the 1611 edition where he said of it, albeit for edification: “Whosoever does not bear his [or her] own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”

      Maybe what those verses need is some elucidation: especially now that we know what we do. Therefore does the inherent truth become self-evident, in that: “Anyone choosing to follow me who does not bear his or her cross by hating their parents, their brethren, their spouses or their children, even their own life as well, then that person cannot be a disciple of mine!”

      I would be willing to bet that you had no idea verses like this existed. Not to mention, the correlation they share regarding the fundamental nature of Christianity. Then there’s the reality that Jesus could even say such incorrigible things. Right? Yes. There is. But at least now you know why he said what he did, as recorded in Matthew 10:27. This being where he said of it: “What I tell you in darkness, you speak in light….”

      Armed with this new information, along with what Jesus said in Luke 14:26 about hate, I give you that which will outright prove it. See I John 3:9 of the 1611 edition. “No one born of God commits sin; for God’s nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God. 10 By this it may be seen who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil…whosoever does unrighteousness is not of God, nor he who does not love his brother.”

      Missed something, did you? I understand because; and given the extent and nature of the deception; it’s easy to do. Then there’s that self-imposed barricade to deal with. This is that stanchion of inner self that can be a real brat to get the logical part of the brain around. You know the spiritual stronghold for which I speak, and that your emotions are trying desperately to hold in check. It’s the same one we construct around ourselves concerning what we choose to believe when it comes to God and the Bible, if not religion itself. Yeah. That one.

      With that, I would have you see again, the admission of Luke 14:26 of the 1611 edition. This being where Jesus insists that; and to bear his cross; we must hate everyone around us—to include family! Then along comes I John 3:9 and 10 of the 1611 edition to clarify the truth of what he meant by saying that. This truth being that, whosoever does not love his brother, is a child of Satan.

      What we have here, in the end, is the same type and kind of confession found lurking about in I Corinthians 1:25. This being where the Bible states that the foolishness of an angry God is wiser than that of man at his best. Then there is Ecclesiastes 7:9, warning not to be hasty in our anger because anger resides within, wait for it: the bosom of fools. What this is, is a long string of connect the dots. Better yet, a string of pearls in the form of a wisdom gained. I therefore ask that you take all the time you need to come to terms with these discoveries. Truth can sometimes be like eating too many dry-roasted peanuts too fast and all at once: they get stuck in the esophagus where they bind up, taking their ever-lovin’ sweet time in finding the belly whereby finally allowing you the courtesy of your next breath thank you very much. If you have never experienced this, trust me: it’s a real big scary bitch.

      It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that you afford yourself the time necessary to allow these hidden truths to sort themselves out, so as to repeal the denial you’re going through. Go back and reread any and all verses that you deem necessary, in order to better understand their construct. Why? Because it’s going to get worse, is why. In fact, things will get a lot worse. And, as if having your spiritual world turned on its head like a peanut jam caught in the throat wasn’t disconcerting enough, I am now going to take you on a mind-bending trip of spirituality, where we will now stand it on its ear. (I do my best to keep my promises.)

      Okay then. We know from Matthew 10:27 that Jesus speaks from out of the darkness. He then says in Luke 14:26 that, in order to bear his cross and follow him, we must hate everyone around us, to include family. I John 3:10 then lets us in on a terrifying secret. It says that, “whosoever detests his brother is a child of Satan.”

      And this is where Mark 1:34 of the original 1611 KJV edition hits home. “Jesus healed those who were sick, and cast out many evil spirits. But he would not permit the demons to speak because they knew him.”