Instead, what they do is throw their two cents into the ring by quoting from what scripture they do know, whereby effectively casting their faith to the wind hoping that it will return on ethereal breezes bearing gifts from God in the form of inspired words. But when the not so obvious doesn’t happen; and they fail to convince you that the word of God as written in the Bible is authority enough; they abruptly shut the conversation down with, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God!” as a way to justify their departure. This, they do, in order to salvage what little religious pride they have left. I know. But it’s what they do. Not only that, but time and time again, as a ploy taught them by the church belonging to part of their overall exit strategy.
Now you know why religion was elevated into the realm of politics concerning the two things you never discuss in public. That’s because; and unlike politics; religion is as one-way street designed to avoid the pitfalls of debate, as defined by the art of preaching. Why? Because it never could stand on its own two feet, is why. Even if they had to kill, to prop it up. Now there is a gem you can take straight to the bank. And yes. That is why verses like Matthew 10:19 even exist. This being where Jesus said of situations like this, as wrought for elucidation: “During your trials, take no thought of how or what you will speak: for it will be given you in that same hour what you should say: 20 for it's not you that talks on behalf of the Lord, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks through you.”
Now that you know this, I give you II Corinthians 12:10. This being where the “inspired” Paul said, as ethereal words failed to drift in on a not so obvious breeze, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. 11 I have become a fool in glorying, for you have compelled me: for I ought to have been commended of you: for in nothing am I behind the highest apostles, though I be nothing.”
I say we have another look at those verses, if only to clear them up for today’s verbiage. See again, as written for elucidation, II Corinthians 12:10. “Because God’s words failed to enlighten me when I needed them most, I therefore take pleasure in being tortured and publicly humiliated, and persecuted, along with all manner of distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am beaten down and made weak, I am at my best. 11 I have become a fool in glorying you Lord, if only because you compel me. To a truth, Jesus, you should have celebrated my efforts on your behalf. But even as one of your highest apostles, I still find that I am nothing in your eyes. However, my love for you far exceeds even the loss of that, for I have become one of your emotionally charged fools.”
I know. But that’s what it actually says. The only reason “they” don’t come all the way out with it, is because “they” are trying to hide something. Ah, but they are. And you can bet I can prove it, or I would have never said it.
What we learn then; and by way of an awkward biblical admission; is that people of religion are waiting for God to enlighten and celebrate them for their troubles. However, what they fail to take into consideration is the fact that religion is all about emotional folly and hardships, and that only more of the same can save them from themselves. Ah, but it’s true. The apostle Paul even said as much. This is why religious zealots flog themselves with a cat O nine tails (flagellate,) while yet others starve themselves for forty days and nights. Some even have crowns of thorns platted onto their heads, even going so far as to have themselves lashed to a wooden cross. This, they do, to emulate the hardships that Christ endured as part of his burden. However, there is more to his “burden” that you know. Ah, but there is. And yes. It has everything to do with the name ‘Lucifer.’ I, therefore, will see you at the appointed place and time where you will know what I know. And it will change everything.
What was it again, that Jesus said about afflictions of this nature? Oh! That’s right. He doubled down on them in Matthew 5:11, albeit for edification, saying: “Blessed are ye when [what?] people [torture and abuse] you, persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely [this is only a matter of opinion, if only because the apostle Paul tells us that their modus operandi (MO) is based solely on the negatives of emotionally charged foolishness,] for my sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven: for so were persecuted the prophets which came before you.”
But then; and strangely enough; God promised Adam and Eve the same reward when it came to this particular form of emotional folly. All they had to do in order to inherent his promise regarding it was to avoid the trappings of wisdom and understanding. After all, when you set out to keep the flock ignorant of the fact that you are leading them down a primrose path of your own making because you are hiding something fearsome concerning where this thing called life leads to, can only be because you are deceiving them via one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated against the human race. Welcome to Soul Trap where heaven is anything but what “they” have been telling you it is. And I will prove it. Better yet, I will let the Bible prove it. What was it again, that Einstein said about this? Oh! That’s right, It was, “A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.”
Yet; and despite very dark and ominous threats from the Almighty himself; mankind’s first couple chose to see what was behind door number one, by pulling back on the great curtain of Oz. And you won’t believe what they saw staring back at them, as it worked the levers of creation. In fact, it was anything but what they imagined. Again, I will see you at the appointed place and time, if only because your mind is not yet ready for a truth of this magnitude.
Even so; and knowing this; ask yourself why these simpletons (Adam and Eve) would choose to steal a peek at something they knew full well would cost them so dearly unless, of course, ignorant is as ignorant does? Yes. Now that has the ring of truth to it. After all, how does one come to know a right from a wrong of this magnitude, even despite the threat, unless you are first somehow made aware of the situation through the efficacies, of a higher understanding?
Welcome to God’s catch-22 where, in time, you will see what they saw. But only a glimpse, depending on how spellbound you become. See Exodus 33:20 where the Almighty said of it, albeit for elucidation: “No person can look upon my face, and live. Well, all except Adam and Eve, Jacob because he’s the father of Israel with whom I intend to wrestle with later, Moses, Jesus because he’s my son, the angels, and the demons because they’re always scouting me out, and the devil because he gets up in my grill all the time challenging me. I swear. I don’t know why I just don’t ‘uncreate’ that double-talking, fire breathing loser. Oh! That’s right. I can’t because he’s kin to me.” (I know, but just you wait and see. Even so, that doesn’t mean you are going to like what little of God you do see. But know ye this, about that: it has everything to do with some of what he finds funny being a real bitch for the rest of us. And, with biblical proof to come in the form of scripture, I might add. Otherwise, I would have never said it.)
With that; and knowing this; I need to share a verse with you that no one understands. It’s one of those things Jesus says that seems to come from left field, if not out of nowhere. It’s also one of those things that have forever seen scholars debating its true meaning. Why? Because no one knows, is why. And the reason they don’t is because they failed to develop a history with it. But we have, if only because we just did. See Matthew 18:3: “Verily I say to you, except you be converted and become as little children, you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
However, there is yet more to this verse than you, or anyone else for that matter, knows: especially now that we know what we do about truth and intellect, and the way in which they grind against God and the Bible. See again, albeit for edification, Matthew 18:3. This being where what Jesus actually meant when he said what he did, comes home to roost: Verily [truly] I say to you, except you be converted and become as little children