Drago #5 (#2b). Art Inc. Spinella. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Art Inc. Spinella
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456610937
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and traced a circle then an X. “Just ‘splorin’.” Pointing northeast, “My moms and pops and me live that way.”

      “Just ‘splorin’. Your folks don’t worry none about you being up here?”

      “Don’t know. I pretty much can go where I like during summer and there ain’t no school, jus’ as long as I’m home by supper.”

      Amos mulled that over for a second, “Ain’t you worried ‘bout me? What’s to say I won’t strangle ya and eat ya for dinner?”

      Jolly laughed. “Well, no disrespect intended, but I’m pretty sure I can outrun ya, Mister Amos.”

      “Ain’t no doubt ‘bout that, boy. ‘Sides, you’re too skinny to eat. I’ve seen squirrels with more meat on their bones. ‘Ceptin’ those feet of yours. You got some pretty big feet, boy. Yep. Could have three, maybe four meals just your feet alone.”

      Both laughed, then fell silent.

      Amos squeezed his eyes near closed and looked directly at the sun. “Best be gettin’ home, boy. Your moms is probably settin’ the table right about now.”

      Looking up. “Yessir, she probably is.”

      Standing, brushing his pants, Jolly stuffed the pry bar and hammer back in the book sack, balled up the blue kerchief and shoved it down next to the hammer.

      “Is that what I think it is?” Sal asked.

      “Sure looks like.”

      Lightfoot was puzzled. “Okay, let me see.” He walked to the desk and eyed the photo. “Mean something to you?”

      Turning the photo back toward me, I traced the symbol.


      “We saw these a year ago. It’s one of the symbols found in a clay egg hanging around the neck of what we called Tree Men.” To Sal, “Can you call up the rest of the symbols and especially those definitions of what they all mean?”

      Sal pulled out his iPhone, punched up some numbers that I assumed was the link to his computer server and within a minute had the entire tree astrology. Just as quickly, he connected to the computer on the hutch behind the desk and printed it out.

Ogham Symbol Letter Ogham Name Tree Name Tree Symbolic Meaning
image-2.png B Beithe Birch Beginning, Renewal, Youth
image-3.png L Luis Rowan Protection, Expression, Connection
image-4.png F Fern Alder Endurance, Strength, Passion
image-5.png S Sail Willow Imagination, Intuition, Vision
image-6.png N Nion Ash Connection, Wisdom, Surrender
image-7.png H Huath Hawthorn Contradiction, Consequence, Relationships
image-8.png D Duir Oak Strength, Stability, Nobility
image-1.png T Tinne Holly Action, Assertion, Objectivity
image-9.png C Coll Hazel Creativity, Purity, Honesty
image-10.png Q Quert Apple Beauty, Love, Generosity
image-11.png M Muin Vine Introspection, Relaxation, Depth
image-12.png G Gort Ivy Determination, Change, Patience
image-13.png NG Ngetal Reed

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