A Lighter Side to Cancer: From Wake-up Call to Radiant Wellness. Sandra Miniere. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sandra Miniere
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456610203
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subcellular living and reproducing organisms. Somatids circulate within the blood and have life cycle patterns that influence the reproduction and growth of cells. A breakdown of the healthy somatid cycle can lead to cancer and other diseases. He is still harassed for his theories and treatment approach.


      •Dr. Lawrence Burton, PhD — Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT) — Dr. Burton’s therapy consisted of four blood proteins—substances occurring naturally in the body—that caused tumors to grow and shrink. IAT was developed in the 1960s. It aims to restore normal immune functioning so that the patient’s own immune system will destroy the cancer cells. His therapy involves replenishing the deficient blood fractions by injecting patients with them in amounts based on a blood analysis taken once or twice a day. Patients are injected with a non-toxic serum to keep the immune system in balance with these proteins, much like a diabetic with insulin. As a result of continued harassment for his work, Dr. Burton left the country and relocated to the Bahamas. The Immune Augmentation Therapy Clinic continues to help patients control their cancer.

      •Josef Issels, MD — Whole Body Therapy — Dr. Issels’s immunotherapy program is designed to stimulate the body’s immune mechanisms to recognize and eliminate cancer cells. He treats all of the organs and systems of the body that affect the immune system. His complex healing approach is designed to remove causal factors, repair damages to organs and organ systems, as well as prevent disease progression and recurrence. Individualized treatment plans include cancer vaccines; organic foods; intravenous nutrition and nutraceuticals; Co-Enzyme Co-Q10; digestive enzymes; ozone therapy to improve cellular respiration; glandulars to help regenerate the liver, thyroid and thymus; Laetrile; chelation therapy; colon hydrotherapy; and more. His treatment facilities are located in the US and Europe.

      Herbal Therapy

      •Harry Hoxsey (1901-1974) — Harry was the son of a veterinarian. He had little formal education and originally used the family herbal remedy to treat animals. When he began treating and healing human cancer patients, he was hounded by the authorities for practicing medicine without a license and eventually left the country. The Bio-Medical Center in Tijuana, Mexico, uses his approach today. Their treatment includes the original internal tonic and external salve, as well as diet, vitamin and mineral supplements and attitudinal counseling. Hoxsey’s remedy for external cancer consists of a red paste made with bloodroot, mixed with zinc chloride and antimony sulfide. The basic ingredients of the internal tonic are Red Clover blossom, Licorice root, Buckhorn bark, Burdock root, Stillingia root, Poke root, Barberry root, Oregon Grape root, Cascara Sagrada bark, Prickly Ash bark, Wild Indigo root and potassium iodide. In 1953, Hoxsey’s clinic in Dallas, Texas, treated 12,000 patients. These herbs were also used to treat cancer by Native American healers.

      •Rene Caisse (1888–1978) — During the 1920s, a Canadian nurse developed an herbal tea formula—Essiac. This remedy contributed to many cancer cures and gave cancer patients symptom relief. On the way to developing her final formula, she experimented, tested and refined the mixture of burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark and Turkish rhubarb root. When the herbs were blended and brewed in a certain way, they reduced tumor growth, purified the blood and strengthened the immune system. She initially gave the tea to her aunt who outlived her cancer death sentence by 21 years. For many years she treated thousands of patients. She was allowed to give her remedy to patients because she did not charge for it. She never received the recognition and approval she wanted for Essiac. A year before her death she gave the secret recipe to a Toronto-based company. Today many Essiac products are on the market.

      •Not included here but worth mentioning: Chinese medicine uses herbs to treat cancer successfully.


      •Macrobiotics — Michio Kushi is the author of Cancer, Diet and Macrobiotics and a leader of the macrobiotics movement. According to Michio, cancer results largely from improper diet and is classified to be predominantly yin or yang, contraction or expansion of the organs. Once the yin/yang diagnosis is made, specific dietary recommendations can be targeted to the individual. A general macrobiotic food plan would include replacing a high-fat, low-fiber diet with 50 to 60% whole cereal grains, 25% to 30% vegetables, smaller amounts of soup, beans and sea vegetables, plus occasional fish, seasonal fruits, nuts, seeds and condiments. Foods to be avoided are highly processed foods, meat, poultry, eggs and dairy, as well as fruit juices, canned and frozen foods, coffee and commercial tea, and refined sweeteners. Many foods in the basic macrobiotic diet have reduced or inhibited cancer growth. It is a philosophy and a way of life, as well as a nutritional system. In the book Cancer Free, Vivien Newbold, MD, presents six case histories of patients who overcame incurable cancer through macrobiotics. She wrote the book because the American Cancer Society and The National Cancer Institute, as well as medical journals, were not interested in her findings.

      •Moerman’s Anti-Cancer Diet — According to Cornelis Moerman, MD, cancer develops as the result of a disturbed metabolism arising from a long period of malnutrition. His healing approach creates an oxygen-rich bodily environment that is hostile to cancer cells. The basic diet includes fresh organic vegetables and fruits, fruit and vegetable juices consumed in place of water and other beverages, whole cereals of all kinds, whole-grain breads, buttermilk, other dairy products in small amounts and natural seasonings. Dried green peas eaten in a vegetable soup, red beet juice and egg yolks are included. The diet forbids eating foods believed to damage the body and prevent nutritious foods from being properly absorbed. His patients avoided meat, fish, shellfish, animal fats, cheese with high fat and salt, egg whites, alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea with caffeine, cocoa, hydrogenated vegetable oils and shortenings, most beans and peas, all added salt, refined white sugar, sugar substitutes and all food containing them. Dr. Moerman was rejected by the Dutch medical community despite the remission of hundreds of incurable cancer patients.

      Metabolic Therapy

      •Max Gerson, MD (1881-1959) — Dr. Gerson theorized that cancer results from faulty metabolism due to poor nutrition and long-term exposure to pesticides, chemical fertilizers, air and water pollution and other irritants in the environment. If the systems of the body are healthy, especially the liver, pancreas and immune systems, cancer cannot invade the body. Dr. Gerson’s therapy focuses on restoring the body to health and supporting each metabolic requirement by drinking almost 20 pounds of organically grown fruits and vegetables daily. The daily protocol consists of drinking 13 glasses of juice and taking five coffee enemas to detoxify the liver. His protocol also involves injections of liver extract, high doses of thyroid extract, Vitamin C, digestive enzymes and niacin. All salt added to foods is eliminated, and fat protein is restricted. Thousands of cancer patients have reported being cured by the Gerson Therapy over the past 60 years.

      •William D. Kelley, DDS (1925-2005) — Kelley’s Nutritional-Metabolic Therapy is based on the premise that a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes contributes to a faulty metabolism. These enzymes are required to attack and destroy the protective coating around trophoblast-like cells—cells naturally produced for healing purposes within the body. However, when these cells multiple out of control, they eventually turn into cancer cells. Pancreatic enzymes keep this destructive process in check. Kelly’s therapy combined large doses of pancreatic enzymes and other supplements intended to allow the body to naturally destroy cancer cells. He also prescribed vigorous detoxification of the liver, gallbladder, intestines, kidneys and lungs. He suggested at least one coffee enema a day. He individualized dietary requirements for each patient based on the ten metabolic types he developed and categorized. The psychological-spiritual aspects of healing were also addressed. Despite his outstanding success in treating cancer for 25 years, he was harassed and forced to shut down his business in 1986. Dr. Nicholas Gonzales in New York City currently uses a modified Kelly approach in the treatment of cancer.

      Energy Healing

      •Royal Ramond Rife (1888–1971) — The Rife Generator was a device that destroyed cancer-causing microbes using specific electromagnetic frequencies. Rife successfully treated many cancer patients in the 1930s, but the American Medical Association worked to destroy his therapy and technology. Doctors who used Rife’s instrument were