Better Aged Care Professionals Ask Better Questions. Lindsay Jr. Tighe. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lindsay Jr. Tighe
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456609610
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      Better Aged Care Professionals Ask Better Questions


      Lindsay Tighe



      © Lindsay Tighe, 2012

      First published 2012

      All materials contained in this book are the copyrighted property of Lindsay Tighe. To reproduce, republish, post, modify, distribute or display material from this publication, you must first obtain written permission from the author at:

       [email protected]

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry
Author: Tighe, Lindsay, 1963–
Title: Better aged care professionals ask better questions / Lindsay Tighe.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0961-0
Subjects: Medical personnel and patient. Older people — Care. Older people — Health and hygiene. Patient satisfaction. Communication — Psychological aspects.
Dewey Number: 610.696

      Text design by Sunset Publishing Services Pty Ltd, Brisbane

      Cover design by Peter Reardon, Sunset Publishing Services Pty Ltd

      Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group


      Thank you to the humble question mark for inspiring me to inspire others about the topic of asking Better Questions. I am eternally grateful.

      To Aged Care Professionals everywhere – you do an amazing job!


      There are too many people to thank personally, but I particularly want to mention my wonderful husband Michael who always supports and encourages me, my caring and supportive family who have always loved and believed in me, lovely Tina for her beautiful and inspiring presence in my life and tireless effort to help me spread the word about Better Questions, and also to the team that has helped to make it all happen; Jane, Marg, Mary and Karina, your help and support have been invaluable to me. To all the other wonderful people I know, thank you for being such a special part of my life.


      Illustrations provided by Georgia Harper, my beautiful niece, of whom I am so proud.

      All the books in the ‘Better Questions’ series have been written to appeal to specific sectors and markets, with the language, examples and scenarios tailored to meet the needs of, and relate to, the readers in each sector. However, it should be noted that the core messages and the Better Questions communication model are the same throughout the series.

      About the Author

      Lindsay Tighe is a successful coach, trainer, mentor, public speaker and a published author. Growing up in the UK, she was inspired to travel by her uncle who lived and worked overseas, resulting in her settling in Australia in 1996.

      Lindsay’s first career in financial services spanned 22 years, during which time she developed a real passion for working with, motivating and developing people. In 2002, Lindsay was awarded an MBA; she considers herself a life-long learner, maintaining a philosophy that the results you get in life start with you.

      It was around this time that Lindsay decided that she wanted to spread her wings and make a bigger contribution in the world, so she gave up the corporate life to start her own business – which, she says, was one of the best decisions she ever made. Work for Lindsay is a real joy and a pleasure, and she feels extremely fortunate and privileged to work with so many amazing people.

      Lindsay attributes her success to listening to her intuition and following her inner guidance, something she has done from a very young age. When, at age 17, she met her husband-to-be, Michael, she had no hesitation in marrying him at age 18, trusting that he was absolutely the man of her dreams. Thirty years later she is still extremely happily married and describes Michael as the ‘love of her life’. They love to spend as much time together as they can, and adore their two cocker spaniel dogs, Wilson and Becky.

      Note from the Author

      If you are reading this book, there is a good chance that either your workplace has suggested it or provided it as a resource for you, or you are interested in your own self-development and see this as a resource to enable you to learn new skills or improve your existing skills. Alternatively, you may have attended one of our Better Aged Care Professionals Ask Better Questions workshops, in which case you will have already heard the key messages in this book, and this is now a resource to enable you to embed and be reminded of these key messages as you put what you have learnt into practice.

      Whatever the reason, I feel humbled to be able to share some insights and wisdom from my journey of working with some amazing Aged Care Professionals over the past three years, in the hope that there will be something meaningful in the book that enables you to be even better than you are already. I have come to learn what a fantastic job people who work in Aged Care do, and what a significant difference they make in the lives of people that they work with. My intention in writing this book is to honour this and share my passion for asking Better Questions in the hope that it will inspire you to want to use the skill in your professional practice, in the knowledge that it will enable you to make an even bigger difference in people’s lives.

      By way of background, in October 2009 I published my first book – THE ANSWER, Improve Your Life By Asking Better Questions. The book had been written because my absolute passion in life is to ask people Better Questions, in the knowledge that when I ask people Better Questions I know that this will enable them to find better answers. This passion has led me to have a desire to share the wisdom in using this skill that I have learnt over the years with as many people as possible, given that it is such an amazing life skill and a real gift to bring to the table in so many contexts.

      My first personal experience of asking Better Questions came about when I took on a leadership role in the corporate world, where I was technically incompetent but had a real interest and passion for turning around underperforming teams. It was a very interesting challenge for me personally, in that I was unable to fulfil the role in any way other than to ask Better Questions, and I have to say that this first experience of questioning more and telling less was quite magical for me – not only in terms of my own growth, but also in terms of what it facilitated in my team.

      As a result of having quite literally ‘fallen in’ to a more questioning way of approaching things, I soon learnt that this was something that I wanted to learn more about as well as do more of, and about 10 years ago I left the corporate world to further develop my skills and passion for asking those Better Questions. Since then I have not only become more practiced in the skill itself, but I have also developed an absolute passion for training others in the skill, given that I know how much of a profound difference it makes in the world.

      About one month after I published my first book, I received a phone call from a lady who was a client who worked in aged care and disability services. She advised me that in the aged care sector there was a new approach to working with clients being advocated called the Active Service Model. The main philosophy of the model, she advised me at a subsequent