Better Leaders Ask Better Questions. Lindsay Ph.D Tighe. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lindsay Ph.D Tighe
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456606428
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      Join the Leadership Revolution...

      ...Become a Potentialiseer and Bring Out the Amazingness in Your Team!

      Lindsay Tighe


      © Lindsay Tighe, 2011

      First published 2011

      Published in eBook format by

      All materials contained in this book are the copyrighted property of Lindsay Tighe. To reproduce, republish, post, modify, distribute or display material from this publication, you must first obtain written permission from the author at: [email protected]

      National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Author: Tighe, Lindsay, 1963–
Title: Better leaders ask better questions / Lindsay Tighe.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0642-8
Subjects: Leadership. Communication in management. Interactive management.
Dewey Number: 658.4092

      Text design by Sunset Publishing Services Pty Ltd, Brisbane

      Cover design by Peter Reardon, Sunset Publishing Services Pty Ltd

      Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group


      Thank you to the humble question mark for inspiring me to inspire others about the topic of asking Better Questions. I am eternally grateful.

      In memory of Aunty Dawn – a special lady.


      There are too many people to thank personally, but I particularly want to mention my wonderful husband Michael who always supports and encourages me, my caring and supportive family who have always loved and encouraged me, lovely Tina for her beautiful and inspiring presence in my life, Jane for doing all the things I’m not so good at (including editing!), Marg for being amazing, and my most treasured friends James and Jill, whom I am so blessed to know. To all the other wonderful people I know, including Natalie and Andrew, my book club pals – thank you for being such a special part of my life.


      Illustrations provided by Georgia Harper, my beautiful niece, of whom I am so proud.

      About the Author

      Lindsay Tighe is a successful and highly regarded speaker, businesswoman, author and coach who is passionate about inspiring people to improve their own lives and the lives of others. She has a unique blend of life experiences that include working in the corporate world, establishing and running her own business, and gaining formal qualifications, while her genuine love of people give her the ability to inspire and really make a difference to others. In this book, she shares the wisdom gained from her life’s journey (so far!) with real passion, compassion and a desire to make the world a better place.

      Described as ‘inspirational, wise and intuitive’, Lindsay lives and breathes the philosophy that if you ask a better question you will get a better answer. She is committed to changing the world by helping people to have more empowered thoughts and conversations with each other in order to tap into their own wisdom.

      Lindsay holds an MBA from Macquarie Graduate School of Management and regularly speaks at a variety of functions. She has appeared on Channel 7’s Sunrise and Morning Show programs and has been featured in national publications such as Woman’s Day, Good Health & Medicine, New Idea and the Qantas In-flight Magazine.

      Lindsay lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband Michael and two little dogs, Wilson and Becky.

      Note from the Author

      I am constantly saddened by comments from people about the poor leadership that they experience in their workplaces. My desire to bring about dramatic change in leadership practice is driven by a genuine concern that the reason people do not fulfil their potential in their workplaces is not because they aren’t capable of doing so, but because of poor leadership practices that create ‘inhibitor’ cultures.

      Leadership isn’t easy – I know that to be true from first-hand experience – but I do believe that there are some simple things that we can do to make us far more effective at engaging our teams, thus enabling them to feel more fulfilled and empowered. My intention in writing this book is to share these simple ideas in the hope that readers will see that there is a need for redefining the leadership role in a way that revolutionises how we think about and interact with people. By simply bringing a questioning approach to our roles we shift to being a POTENTIALISER, and when people are allowed to shine and be amazing in their workplace the world becomes a much better place.

      What people say about this book

      Lindsay’s book is one of the few that get it right! When leaders ask questions instead of supplying answers, they include followers in the leadership process. They also draw on a deeper pool of wisdom and experience than their own.

      James Moulder, a Junior Fellow of Linacre College,

      Oxford University, UK

      Some followers are outsmarting their leaders by giving them ‘the hot potato’ – that is, the question they’ve been employed to answer. Among many other down-to-earth things this book teaches, is to show leaders how they can return the ‘potato’ and, at the same time, assist the person who threw it to deal with it.

      Vlad Radu, the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania

      She’s let the cat out of the bag! Lindsay has revealed how leaders find it easier to supply followers with answers than engage with them to solve problems that will enable both leader and follower to grow.

      Alex Gaze, CEO of Corporate Learning Systems

      Lindsay writes clearly and simply, as well as with insight based on experience. Before I knew where the time had gone, I was on the last page. I also found lots of ideas I could start using the next day with our writing staff.

      Anna Groenewald, a Senior Writer at Writers Inc.

      This is an excellent mix of theoretical understanding and practical application.

      Ed di Collalto, founder of Sustainbiz

      What people say about our workshops

      The inspirational and profound messages contained in this book have been delivered to thousands of people in our workshops. Here are some comments from people who have attended them:

      •I have taken so much from your training that has been very valuable in recent weeks.

      •I personally got a lot out of it and have had some great success with the strategies, not only on an everyday basis at work but also at a family level with our 16-year-old son!

      •I have seen change with one of the staff that I manage, in that instead of asking how she should resolve a problem, she indicates now what she suggests would resolve it.

      •You have inspired me to look very closely at the questions I ask people, not only in my workplace but also at home. It has been a wonderful experience and I can