Marconi My Beloved. Maria C. Marconi. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Maria C. Marconi
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780937832752
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love you Cristina. God Bless you always, my Angel.

      Your Guglielmo

      Savoy Hotel London, 14th May 1927

      ...Today I ordered the diamond diadem from Chaumet for your darling little head. I hope you will like it. I designed it myself because I couldn’t find anything in the whole of London that I really liked! It will be ready and in Italy in time for our Wedding.

      You tell me that I have good taste in jewellery and I know your exquisite taste in clothes and everything else. Maybe I could be a jeweller and you a dressmaker--but in the same shop!! I am sure that whatever we did together we would always be happy. For the moment however the Radio gives me a lot of work...

      ...Remember that your promise to marry me is the highest and greatest honour that I have ever had in my life and that your Love is the supreme Grace that the Divine goodness and benevolence has granted me...

      London, 18th May 1927

      My Crissy--dear and wonderful fiancée--I got up very early this morning and went to the country to see one of my new beam stations where we receive the radio signals from South Africa. Everything was fine but I must confess that these days I find it difficult to concentrate as I should on my work. But I promise you that when you are all mine I hope to do wonderful things.

      I thought about you all the time--I can’t help it because with your noble mind you possess me completely. Meanwhile, the Radio Station I visited which is near the sea has some magnificent woods around it and this morning it seemed that the whole of nature was waking in the hope and glory of spring! I felt it too...and thinking of you, above and beyond everything, I dreamed of when I shall be able to take you to the woods of Fowey--when at nightfall we can be alone with our great Love in the midst of such wonderful nature.

      I also thought of Victor Hugo’s verses and when I came back here I re-read them and I am writing them down for you because they express exactly how I felt when I was in the woods thinking of you and what I thought and felt at Fowey but did not then dare to write to you:

      Dans les pâles ténèbres des bois

      La calme et sombre nuit ne fait qu’une prière

      De toutes les rumeurs de la nuit et du jour

      Nous, de tous les torments de cette vie amère

      Nous ne ferons que de l’amour.

      I must leave you now, my treasure, because I have a thousand things still to do. Till Saturday evening, my darling future bride. I hold you close and I send you millions of...and of love which will always envelop you because I feel that I have enough to fill the whole universe and more!

      Your Guglielmo

      Savoy Hotel London 19th May 1927

      ...Your letters are the most beautiful that I have ever read--and they always go straight to my heart. I shall always thank God for your and our Love and I shall be thankful if I can always bring you comfort and joy--because that is what I always want to be able to give you in exchange for the happiness (not of this world) which I feel thanks to you.

      What you said to me is absolutely true: “I am certain that few mortals in the course of the centuries have loved each other so deeply and completely as we do; knowing, appreciating and valuing each other--these are all beautiful things which complete our Love”. And among all the women of all the ages you were, are and always will be my ideal because you are beautiful in heart, body and mind--because you make me feel that I am rising up to reach a paradise on earth with you and one day we will reach the eternal paradise in the skies together...

      London, 20th May 1927

      My darling Fiancée,

      You will receive this after my arrival, after my return to you, after I have seen you again and perhaps held you close, after I have told you and told you again and repeated the greatest and most beautiful truth of my life which is that I love you with a love which seems Divine to me and greater than I believed Love could ever be before you, my Angel of Love, came into my life.

      And so, by the Grace of God, this really is my last day in London without you. Tomorrow I shall see the English countryside--the sea--France--Paris--the Alps--for the last time before my dream of happiness comes true. Already everything seems more beautiful, more divine, more full of hope and Faith for this life and hereafter!

      And I am still dreaming--of you, my dream. What is absolutely certain is that I am yours forever, that I love and worship you, that I am on the threshold of Paradise.

      Thousands of...with my sweetest and most beautiful thoughts.

      Your wizard and fiancé


      Savoy Hotel London, 21st May 1927

      ...soon to make you my darling and beloved bride--the greatest of all the countless blessings that God has given me...

      ...but my Love is so immense and your power to receive it and return it is so infinite that I will never be able to say or write all that I feel to you!...

      Naples, S.Y. Elettra, Friday

      ...but beyond, through and above all, I always seem to see your radiant beauty and the sweetness of your expression (unique in the world)...

      ...I am leaving almost at once so as to be in Rome in time to see you this evening. I am leaving the Elettra with warm thoughts because I feel that she is going to be our floating home--and I know that you are fond of her too...

      Grand Hotel, Tuesday night

      ...In all my thoughts and in all my actions you, my wonderful Cristina, are and always will be my inspiration for all that is beautiful, good and great... will inspire me to great things; you will lead me towards the paths of heaven; so that together, by the Grace of God, we will reach a happiness that is not of this world...

      Sunday, Midnight divine Cristina, you are and always will be the incarnation and the fulfilment of my great bright dream of beauty, goodness and peace in which the poetry of all the poets unites with the harmony of the most Divine music...

      Tuesday night

      ...All virtues, like everything great and beautiful, are daughters of the Love that comes from God; the love that has inspired the poets, the food of the generous souls that from their solitude pass on their celestial songs to the last generation, sending me spiritual thoughts from heaven which seem to be made just for you...

      The Grand Hotel, Rome, Wednesday night

      ...before giving thanks once again to God because you exist, I want to repeat to you that I’m happy--happy in our special and extraordinary Love, happy because the days are passing and bringing us closer to even happier days when I’ll no longer have to leave you, when we’ll be as one--when you will be my constant comfort and my dear sweet guide -when I’ll have the right and the privilege to protect you--and the world will have to respect and admire our Love...

      The Grand Hotel, Rome, Tuesday night, 7th June, 1927

      ...My Crissy, my sun, beacon and light of my port, of my refuge, of my life’s Paradise...

      Sunday night, 12th June, 1927

      ...I feel that I can only thank God humbly for the immensity of his Grace in giving us to one another and tomorrow I will greet the day with my soul in ecstasy, completely absorbed in you, my Angel