Search Engines. Jon Jonsson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jon Jonsson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456605322
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out complex engineering problems of any kind. But there is one embarrassing problem left. This one is enormous, as it stands to kill all of us. It is the stubborn and unresolved "death problem."


      Most nations can come together and try to solve the CO2 problem, or the AIDS problem, or the "financial meltdown," for example. But when it comes to our biggest problem, we have a totally divided house. As people or nations, we do not see eye to eye on this nagging problem. Old religious wars and cultural pride have devastated any mutual trust. There is no agreement on what happens to us in death. That means we are uncertain whether we will continue on or not. Any discussion across cultures about religion is an old minefield. This divides us into very isolated groups. The whole outcome is a confusing offering of many solutions, most of which are quite contradictory in nature. We get perplexed and defensive over faith, mainly because local religion gets slowly tied into tribal history and traditions. Ethnic religions are handed down through the centuries. Sometimes the end result of a religion is all but a collection of sentimental ceremonies. The "death problem" is slowly forgotten about in all the decorated rituals. So instead of a common understanding to a universal problem, we have many cultures coming up with their own local solutions. The ethnic flavor can be so strong that the belief system is not inclusive to outsiders. The basic purpose of a religion is to explain death to us. It should also help us to comprehend our journey and our Maker. It could even prepare us for the next life. It should be as simple as that.


      We could agree that humans are one restless, seeking group. Look, for example, at how drastically everything has changed over the last 50 years. Everybody is busy seeking something; it just manifests itself in so many different ways. Many people seek riches, while others seek power, education, influence, or dominance. Others search for independence and self-reliance. Some seek love and domestic happiness. Still others seek God or some kind of spiritual assurance.

      In this book, I will try to address the deep need for exploring what this life is about. Furthermore, we need answers that we can relate to. I do believe that you have a powerful tool in the ability to observe. You also have a powerful tool called intuition. In any spiritual seeking, you have to make use of your intuition for guidance. Intuition is that inner gut feeling that tells you whether something is wrong or right. It is one of the better qualities you should aim to develop. With an open mind, you can allow life and nature to reveal many answers to unanswered questions.


      The universe somehow put us here and gave us more brainpower than can be found in entire planetary systems. We could be sophisticated freaks of nature who have gained the ability to observe themselves and the surrounding universe. We can talk about the world, sing about it, or just forget about it. But the question remains unanswered: What on Earth are we? I think we avoid looking at how utterly unique our position is. It raises too many questions about everything. It is strangely comforting to evade that lofty subject. We simply keep busy, wash the dishes, fix the car, and keep our heads out of the eternal clouds.


      Our humanity naturally looks for life in this endless universe around us. We do not want to be alone in such a gigantic space. It would make us almost too extraordinary. We have had radio operating here on Earth for a hundred years now. Radio signals go out in every direction, including into space, and they travel at the same speed as light. So apparently the Earth is actively broadcasting 100 light-years out into space. The news and sports from this planet of ours might be picked up by others. Within the last 50 light-year-circles around the Earth, entire alien species could now be dedicated Beatles fans. On the receiving end, we have operated massive radio telescopes. The aim is to eavesdrop on other advanced beings out there. For years we have scanned endless galaxies for radio signals. Some are older star clusters, and some are younger. Beings like us should have invented basic radio there. The light reaches us easily from those places. So radio waves traveling at the same speed should have reached us a long time ago. We have done a thorough scan of all the radio frequencies, and all we hear from this colossal universe is endless static. Not a single song, not a hint of a small, fragmented conversation can be detected. The total lack of results is not for lack of trying, as this scanning has gone on for decades. This loaded silence out there puts us in a strange spot. Maybe we are God's special creation after all. If you are hoping some aliens will land to disprove that anytime soon, I would not hold my breath.


      When we think about what is known about the universe, we get a deep sense of order. The world is masterfully created and orchestrated. We observe fantastic beauty and order on every level. The whole creation looks massive, silent, and self-driven. Our spirit is left wondering who the grand Architect is.

      Take, for example, the atoms in this book. They are endlessly spinning around at breakneck speed. The book is on the Earth, which rotates around its axis daily. The Earth also revolves around the Sun yearly. The Sun spins around in the gigantic Milky Way galaxy. Furthermore, that galaxy is rotating around its center, on the grandest of scales. What is the general theme here? Is it balls and eternal spinning? No wonder we have some questions! No wonder we are left puzzled!

      I sometimes feel that this big universe is just staring us in the face and saying, "Just figure it out! Look with your eyes wide open, and listen with your heart. The general theme of this game is plain for all to see."


      I am truly fascinated by those big patterns in nature that repeat themselves with increasing size and power. They are like fractal images, which show us the small and the grand, all in one. These are majestic themes that move from the bottom of creation to the very top of it. Recurring patterns that cross all scales are telling us something. They are like the red threads, which point from the past into the future.


      Furthermore, I think we humans are one such pattern of increasing power and awareness. If we are a recurring pattern, then our past can reveal what our future prospects might be. I will aim to point out this cyclical nature of our story. We will come to see patterns that repeat themselves, with the classical increase in size and power, as we move through our lifespan. We will use these repetitions as a base to narrow in on a collective theme, one that could extend into our future.


      Nowadays, we tend to be very individualistic and detached from our family tree. We think little about where we came from. But a closer look will reveal that we are part of a longer lineage, a longer story. We are but a passing link in a "river of genes," which produces both flaws and strong talents. Generations come and go, and the players keep changing, but history continues to generate parallels. Our tribal "human river" has inclinations and ambitions that resurface throughout the centuries. Therefore, we are all the product of an older journey, which has recurring themes as well as a long-range direction. Through all of that, our ancestry holds a major sway upon our personal trek through life, so we are not immune from that lineage. Knowing that background makes you a smarter player. The common wisdom is that history has a relentless way of repeating itself.

      We see the same in universal patterns, where similar configurations show up again and again. The reappearance is not always identical, but often bigger and still with a close resemblance to its previous form. What matters to us is that history holds hints about where we are going – and that even goes for our spiritual future. A little later we will explore your "creation history" with exactly that prospect in mind.



      I am 55 years old. Something happens after 50: You start