Diary: Alone on Earth. JD Weldy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: JD Weldy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456605315
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      I am about to leave Montgomery. I may go further south than Evergreen since it is less than an hour’s drive away. One thing I should make note of before I go: The light aircraft that crashed near the Target department store in Montgomery, I am almost positive it was resting on an incline just above a ditch. I inspected that plane carefully the first time here in Montgomery; it was dug into the ground; it could not be budged. Now, it is in the ditch just below. It did not just slide either. There is no trace of the grass giving way just below the aircraft. I guess I could be mistaken, I guess I could. Time to get out of here.


      Dear Diary

      It was slower going on I-65 than I thought. Many more abandoned vehicles than I remembered before. I’m starting to worry about my sanity more and more now. I don’t remember this many cars, trucks and so forth. I am going to stay the night at a BP service station just off exit 57 near Atmore, AL. I could make it into Mobile if I wanted to, but I feel weak. I am tired. I am still hung over from drinking about 8 or 9 beers last night. I can’t believe I got that drunk. This disaster has taken its toll on me, I guess I needed to do that. I’m going to start up the disposable grill, heat up some chili and beans, more beef jerky and some more candy bars. The day will come when the candy bars and beef jerky will not be safe for me to eat. The day will come when it won’t be safe to eat any of the canned goods. Unless things change and some semblance of civilization comes to life, I will starve to death. Either that or I will learn to become a farmer.


      Dear Diary

      I have a fire going, some Vienna sausage grilling on the disposable grill, and - believe it or not - I am drinking some red wine tonight. I think it is vintage Thunderbird 2016. I don’t remember gas stations selling wine. I’m forgetting a lot now; is this a symptom of something? Like I don’t have enough problems, right? They have medicine that can prevent this now…or did. But you have to take it in three different doses before you turn age 30, or it won’t do you any good. How lucky for me the cure came out in 2012 when I was 61 years of age. Enough of this crap…this wine is good, the fire feels good, and the Vienna sausage even smells good. I guess this is a late night Thanksgiving Dinner in a way. I miss Mama on holidays, I have thought about her a lot today. Thanksgiving was a big deal to her, she was up at dawn and didn’t stop until almost dusk on this day. I don’t know how she did it.


      Dear Diary

      The strangest thing just happened. I was dozing off from my “Thanksgiving” meal and wine, when I heard what sounded like a car coming from the east on this road in front of the BP station! I immediately ran out to the road to look that way…and then decided to run back and get my Remington rifle, just in case. It definitely sounded like a car…but maybe for just 5 seconds or so. It could be another hallucination I am having, or it could be something else. I don’t know what caused this catastrophic act causing every person, animal and insect in my part of the world to disappear. Whatever it was (or is), I feel it is still around. I may be alone in most respects; however, I do believe there is something around me…something I can’t see, touch or smell. I have no idea why “it” wants to drive me to insanity. Maybe that is the only way it can finish me off, or maybe I am imagining “it.” There are times when I just don’t care. If “it” wants me, then I’m ready. I am really ready to bring this to an end one way or another. I’ve had too many supernatural encounters such as in the motel, inside the church, and in Atlanta for me to think there isn’t something else around me. I am almost positive.

      If someone, somewhere, or something ever gets this diary…human or alien…and can translate it, please know I am of limited intelligence. There may be concrete evidence in front of me of what has happened, but I don’t know what it could be. I am an old man now. I am 65 years old and in average health. There is just so much I can do. I am contemplating a trip out west to look for survivors, but I don’t know if I am up to it. I just can’t stay at home without trying, I have to try and do…something. It is the only human thing to do.

      Time to sleep.

      Alone on Earth – Entry #13

      November 28, 2016


      Dear Diary

      I am up preparing to load up my Honda. “My Honda,” I say…I suppose the dealership in Mobile might not agree with that statement. I have done well riding this bike. It is huge, and I’m able to carry much more. Still, I would much rather have a car, but how would I be able to get around all the crashed and abandoned vehicles on interstates, highways, county roads and the like? I guess motorcycles will be my mode of transportation for the foreseeable future. Future…that is something I don’t like to think about. It looks bleak for a number of reasons. I am going straight home, I will never give up hope that Ralph is there. I have no reason to believe he is, but Ralph was with me the night of the 16th. Maybe, just maybe there was some kind of protective shield over my house. I don’t know how else to explain this. I will write an entry after I get home and have had time to inspect things. I’ve only been gone about five days, but it seems much longer. I will stop by my brother’s and sister’s homes on the way back down Hwy 43.


      Dear Diary

      I am at my brother’s house. Everything is the same except for one thing: My sister-in-law’s purse, which was on the dining room table, is missing. I went back a few pages in this diary to make sure I made note of that purse on that dining room table. I did! I wrote that no woman would leave her purse behind. Did she and my brother come back? I left my brother a note here that I was heading for Atlanta; that note is right where I left it. Now, I am scared again. I have to head home.


      Dear Diary

      There are paw prints on my kitchen floor. My first thought was Ralph, but these paw prints seem too big. The doggie door I made for Ralph was just big enough for him to get through, but these are definitely dog paw prints…or, at least, of the canine family. There are wolves in Alabama after almost being wiped out in the late 90s. But this doesn’t follow the pattern of all living things missing since November 17th. I have seen no trace of an animal - or even an insect, for that matter. Well, there was that bee…I think…that was on my face shield of the motorcycle helmet. I’m no longer sure that even happened. I am wearing a holster with that .38 at my right hand. I don’t know what this is. I wish to God it was Ralph, but I don’t think it is. I need to get this generator going, so I can have some cold water and maybe have a hot meal later on today. I think the bacon in dry ice is still safe. I will give it the smell test, anyway. I’ve got about 12 pallets of the stuff here. It will be safe as long as it is in dry ice, I think.


      Dear Diary

      I have gone back to the Axis General Store to get more dry ice from Mr. Atkins' freezer. I am using this Suzuki ATV I took from the Williams house. I have it loaded down as much as I can, bringing as many canned goods as possible. It is going to be slow going back home. It is unnerving, walking around this deserted little country…well, it’s not even a town, just a stop in the road. I think the sausage packed in dry ice will last longer than I anticipated. I smelt the link sausage back home, and it smelled fresh. Time to get back home now.


      Dear Diary

      I have had a hot meal of sausage links, ribeyes, English peas, mashed potatoes, gravy, baked beans and ice tea…yes, Diary, ice tea. That hot plate is working out well for as old as it is. I considered using the charcoal grill, but this is much easier. I should note, Diary, that I have the generator going, the refrigerator is going, and I even have a Black & Decker jump-starter and charger that I used to jump off my car and truck batteries. In fact, it has a light that I am burning. For the first time since this disaster took place, I have artificial light in my home. It is a warm feeling as I drink red wine with ice