Introduction to Islam
Zahid Aziz
Introduction to Islam
Over 100 basic questions answered for beginners and younger readers
Zahid Aziz, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore U.S.A. Inc.
© Copyright
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam, Lahore, USA
First Edition — 1993
E-book Edition — 2011
Published in eBook format by Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore USA
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ISBN # 978-1-934271-20-9
P.O. Box 3370
Dublin, Ohio, 43016 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 614-873-1030
Fax: 614-873-1022
Typography: Megg Enterprises, Campbell River, BC, Canada.
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore Inc. (U.S.A.)
P.O. Box 3370, Dublin, Ohio, 43016 U.S.A.
The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam (Ahmadiyya Society for the propagation of Islam), based in Lahore, Pakistan, is an international Muslim body devoted to the presentation of Islam through literary and missionary work. Since its inception in 1914, it has produced a range of highly acclaimed, standard books on all aspects of Islam, and has run Muslim missions in many parts of the world, establishing the first ever Islamic centres in England (at Woking) and Germany (Berlin). The literature produced by the Anjuman, largely written by Maulana Muhammad Ali, is deep research work of the highest quality, based purely on the original sources of Islam. It has corrected many wrong notions about the religion of Islam, and has received world wide acclaim for its authenticity, scholarship and service of the faith.
Continuing the mission of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the mujaddid of the 14th century Hijra, the Ahmadiyya Anjuman seeks to revive the original liberal, tolerant and rational spirit of Islam. It presents Islam as a great spiritual force for bringing about the moral reform of mankind, and shows that this religion has never advocated coercion, the use of physical force or the pursuit of political power in its support.
Information, books and free literature on Islam may be obtained by contacting The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore (or A.A.I.I.L.) at PO Box 3370 Dublin, Ohio 43016, U.S.A. email: [email protected] Phone: 614-873-1030 Fax: 614-873-1022.
E-book Publisher’s Note
“And when the books are spread” (81:10)
It gives us great pleasure to present Zahid Aziz’s Introduction to Islam in this e-book format. With the increasing popularity of e-readers, e-books have, by many accounts, become a preferred means to read literature. In order to continue to have the world-renowned literary treasures written by Maulana Muhammad Ali and other Lahore Ahmadiyya authors easily accessible to the general public, we have ventured to generate e-books of our standard publications.
This e-book of Introduction to Islam by Zahid Aziz is a result of this new venture. Additional titles converted to e-book format include, English Translation and Commentary of the Holy Quran, Teachings of Islam, Muhammad the Prophet, History of the Prophets, The Manual of Hadith, The Early Caliphate, Living Thoughts of Prophet Muhammad, and others.
We would like to thank our proofreaders within the USA and abroad for their meticulous checking of the proofs of this e-book. May Almighty Allah bless and reward all who have contributed and sacrificed in this cause.
Samina Malik,
Vice-President and Director of Translation and Publication,
Lahore Ahmadiyya Islamic Society USA
September 2011, Dublin, Ohio
There has been a great demand for a booklet to introduce younger people to the teachings of Islam in fairly simple language. The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore has, over the past decades, produced a range of excellent works dealing with all aspects of Islam, which particularly aim at correcting common misconceptions about Islam as well as answering the doubts and questions that arise in the modern mind regarding this faith. This literature has been widely appreciated and acclaimed as meeting the needs of the present times, both for teaching Muslims and for presenting Islam to the world generally. It has been felt for sometime that the wonderful knowledge contained in these comprehensive works must be made more readily accessible to younger people by presenting it at an introductory level in simpler language. This booklet has therefore been prepared to satisfy these requirements.
All the basic doctrines and practices of Islam have been covered, supplemented by information about the Holy Quran, Hadith, and the moral teachings of Islam. No prior knowledge is assumed. The question-answer format used, it is hoped, will make the booklet more interesting than would be the case with a descriptive approach. I have attempted to keep the language and the wording simple, but how far this aim has been achieved can only be decided by the younger readers. I have also typeset and designed the booklet for maximum clarity and ease of reading.
There are abundant, direct quotations from the Holy Quran throughout the booklet with full references. In some places the teachings of Islam are elaborated in general words, without direct quotations or specific references, as this was not considered necessary in those cases in an introductory booklet of this kind. For further reading on any point, or fuller explanation, the writings of Maulana Muhammad Ali, listed elsewhere in this booklet, should be consulted. In any case, as younger readers advance in their knowledge, they would be expected to move on to these standard books.
This writing being a first attempt of this nature, there is bound to be much room for improvement. The publishers would gratefully receive all comments and suggestions for revisions in this booklet.
Zahid Aziz, Nottingham, England August 1993
1. Introduction
“Surely the religion with Allah is Islam.” (3:19)
1. What is the name of our religion?
The name of our religion is ISLAM. This word is pronounced as:
IS — as in the word th-is (NOT as in the word is).
LAM — LA as in the word la-rge.
A follower of Islam is known as a MUSLIM, pronounced as:
MUS — u as in pull, and a soft s.
2. What do these words mean?
The word Islam means ‘entering into peace’ and also ‘submission to God’. Muslim, therefore, means one who has made peace, with God as well as with man, through submission to God.
3. Who gave these names to this religion?
These names are to be found in the Holy Quran,