The Joy of Self-Publishing. Mike MD Buchanan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mike MD Buchanan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456604875
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      Reviews and testimonials for a number of the writer’s self-published books

      The Joy of Self-Publishing

      I’ve been publishing my own books for over 20 years, after having been published by more than a dozen of London’s leading publishers including Pan, Penguin, Corgi, Arrow etc. I’ve had books on both the Bookseller and Sunday Times bestseller lists. During the last two decades I’ve self-published scores of books and sold millions of copies around the world. I wish I’d had Mike Buchanan’s book The Joy of Self-Publishing when I started. It’s the best damned book on publishing in existence. It’s brilliant. I’m learning stuff from it every time I open it. Writers who try self-publishing without reading it first – and without keeping it on their desks as they go on – are giving themselves an extra handicap. And in the business of self-publishing we all start with enough handicaps.

      Dr Vernon Coleman English author

      The Marriage Delusion: the fraud of the rings?

      A highly original and stimulating critique of the modern marriage crisis, supported by important yet sometimes uncomfortable truths.

      Oliver James clinical psychologist, broadcaster, and author of Affluenza, Britain on the Couch, They F*** You Up, How Not to F*** Them Up

      Mike Buchanan’s analysis of marriage in western industrialised society is courageous and thoughtful. His perspectives on the challenges associated with marriage, and solutions to them, draw on important scientific evidence and arguments from some of our leading psychologists and wisest philosophers. This is a ‘must-read’ for all concerned with modern marriage.

      Alan Carr Professor of Clinical Psychology, University College, Dublin, and author of The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology, Family Therapy and Positive Psychology

      Informative, amusing, and invaluable. This book offers great insights into the long-term pitfalls of an age-old tradition that so many people seem to naively drift into. Its objectivity provides a real wake-up call for those struggling with an unhappy relationship and a warning to those who’ve not yet taken their vows. This should be a compulsory read for anyone considering marriage – it could save you thousands in divorce lawyers’ fees!

      Gary Williams English businessman

      Two Men in a Car

      (A Businessman, a Chauffeur, and Their Holidays in France)

      A splendid romp. Vive la France!

      Peter Mayle 1939- British author famous for his series of bestselling books documenting life in Provence, France, including A Year in Provence (1989)

      Mike Buchanan is the best kind of opinionated, middle-aged, middle-class Englishman abroad: the funny kind.

      Andrew Heslop English author and businessman

      If you have a sense of humour, this book will put a big smile on your face. I laughed out loud many times. A refreshing absence of political correctness.

      The lovely Maureen Padley

      David and Goliatha:

      David Cameron – heir to Harman?

      At long last Mike Buchanan has courageously taken on the radical feminists. For too long this group has dominated the public policy agenda. Pay equality, gender balance in the boardroom, all-women shortlists have been given far too much prominence in public life. We needed the other side to be put and in his book Mike Buchanan does just this. His description of the Prime Minister having a female-pattern brain is an interesting aspect of David Cameron. Without being insulting it explains some of the current direction of Conservative policy.

      The book calls for a fight back against the radical feminists. It deserves to succeed. Women had a long hard justifiable fight to obtain the vote in our democracy (see my book Our Fight for Democracy) but now they have it, the radical feminists want special treatment. This is not acceptable, each person’s vote should have an equal value regardless of gender. Manipulating parliamentary candidate short lists to give preference to women is a distortion of democracy and anyone who believes in democracy should oppose it.

      John Stafford Chairman of the Campaign for Conservative Democracy

      The Glass Ceiling Delusion:

      the real reasons more women don’t reach senior positions

      The Glass Ceiling Delusion is an important and brave book, the best book on social economics and society in general published for decades. It’s irresistibly compelling, cogently argued and superbly put together. It should be in all school and college libraries. It should be compulsory reading for social science, economics and politics students. It should be force-fed to male and female politicians. This is definitely a five-star book. Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant.

      Dr Vernon Coleman English author

      The Joy of Self-Publishing

      By Mike Buchanan

      for LPS publishing


      (scheduled for publication November 2011)

      The Glass Ceiling Delusion:

      the real reasons more women don’t reach senior positions

      David and Goliatha:

      David Cameron – heir to Harman?

      The Joy of Self-Publishing

      Buchanan’s Dictionary of Quotations for right-minded people

      Buchanan’s Dictionary of Quotations for right-minded Americans

      The Marriage Delusion: the fraud of the rings?

      The Fraud of the Rings

      Two Men in a Car

      (A Businessman, a Chauffeur, and Their Holidays in France)

      Guitar Gods in Beds.

      (Bedfordshire: a heavenly county)

      for Kogan Page

      Profitable Buying Strategies

      (How to Cut Procurement Costs and Buy Your Way to Higher Profits)

      The Joy of Self-Publishing

      mike buchanan

      lps publishing

      publisher’s note

      every possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate and the self-publisher and the author cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions however caused. no responsibility for loss or damage occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by mike buchanan who is the self-publisher. nope. first published in great britain in august 2010 by lps publishing. this ebook edition made available after 1 september 2011

      apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review as permitted under the copyright designs and patents act 1988 this publication may only be reproduced stored or transmitted in any form or by any means with the prior permission in writing of the publisher or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the cla. enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publisher at [email protected]

      lps publishing

      8 putnoe heights

      bedford mk41 8eb

      united kingdom

      n.b. this website is not always viewable

      copyright: cover images and book content © mike buchanan 2010

      the right of mike buchanan