New Earth: The Search for Justice. R.D. Ph.D. Pittman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: R.D. Ph.D. Pittman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Триллеры
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456604325
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next to Liz and turned toward Alex and Sandi.

      “General, I have a question.”

      “Yes Bill, go ahead,” Alex and Sandi knew what was coming.

      “General and Sandi, I am asking for your permission to marry your daughter Elizabeth?”

      Everyone at the table stopped eating…there was complete silence. Sandi was beaming with joy. Alex played it cool.

      “Well Bill, just how do you propose to support my future daughter in the manner that she’s become accustomed?” Alex asked with a serious tone. Before Bill could answer Alex responded.

      “Of course you can, you two are perfect for each other.”

      “Alex you’re such a weasel, poor Bill didn’t know if you were serious or not. I am so happy for both of you, now I have two weddings to plan, Alex you’re going to have to hire me an assistant to handle all of this.”

      Sandi glanced over at Tina and winked at her. Tina smiled and knew Sandi was on to her and Mike.

      “Well folks I can’t think of a better way to start the day. What’s next maybe Tina has an announcement?” Alex fished.

      “Alex Hanken, stop embarrassing her, just leave her alone,” Sandi scolded.

      “General, Mike and I are in love with each other, we haven’t discussed the next step yet, I’m hoping we get there though,” Tina said.

      Commander Morris had never taken a wife, his career kept him on the move. Mike’s parents died in a plane crash while on a hunting trip in Alaska…he was seven. His grandmother raised him; she was his life and inspiration. One thing he always carried with him in his personal effects was the special gift from his grandmother. He was just nineteen when she gave it to him. She told him he would know just when to use it. Mike pulled a small well-traveled box from his jacket and opened it in front of Tina. In it was a solitaire engagement ring…his grandmother’s.

      “Tina, would you marry me?” Mike asked. As the tears rolled down Tina’s cheeks she said, “Yes I will.”

      “Oh my God, Alex. A third wedding?” Sandi was animated as usual.

      It was a good start to the day, no more hidden agendas, they were a family and it felt that way for all of them. Even Elena remarked that she felt closer to this group of people than she had with anyone in her life, and Alex remarked that was the way he wanted it.

      Alex told Bill not to worry about the expenses, pick out a nice wedding set; he and Sandi would take care of everything. All he asked of Bill was to love Liz and continue doing the excellent job he had been doing since Ted assigned him to provide protection for him and Sandi.

      Alex pulled Sandi aside and told her the weddings had to be held at the chapel on the base. He went on to say that he would cover all the costs of the weddings Bill, Mike, or Andrade were not to pay for anything.

      “Alex, you are wonderful, now you go solve the world’s problems.”

      “You are my rock.” Alex kissed her and went to the meeting with Elena’s group.

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