The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death. Michael G. Reccia. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael G. Reccia
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456604448
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in future communications… Perhaps even in a companion book to this one.

      Joseph always invites questions after each address he delivers within our little circle and these have also been included, as his detailed answers to them offer a wealth of further information of vital importance to the spiritual seeker.

      Time for me to bow out now, much as I do when Joseph takes up temporary residence in my mind and body – and time for you to, literally, be transported to another world… or worlds, as I should more correctly say.

      If you are changed in any way by your journey through this book and feel you would like to know more about the Joseph Communications, why not keep in touch with us? You can contact us via our website:

      Michael G. Reccia

      March 2011

      Terminology: ‘the Field’, ‘the Fall’ – a brief explanation

      If you are new to the Joseph Communications and have not read Revelation: Joseph’s Message and Illumination: Joseph’s Vision, the first two books in this series, allow me to qualify the terms ‘the Field’ and ‘the Fall’, which Joseph refers to at points throughout this book.

      The Field

      When referring to ‘the Field’ Joseph is describing the conscious field of thought-energy we, as spirits on Earth, are surrounded by and live within. Every second of our lives we project our thoughts and beliefs as to the nature of reality into this energy field. The Field is actually created and maintained by us, but we have lost sight of this fact. As a result of us forgetting this, which is in itself as a result of ‘the Fall’ (see below), the Field is not operating as it was originally intended to. It was supposed to serve us, but at the moment we, in effect, serve it. It exhibits, and seeks to perpetuate in us, a negative charge and outlook, and, because of this and its disconnection with God-Light, is maintaining itself and us via a finite and dwindling amount of energy. The Field in its present state, and therefore also we as human beings existing within it, cannot last much longer. Joseph urges us to re-energise the Field with God-Light and, by doing so, to transform it and take control of it once again for the betterment and continuance of mankind and of the planet.

      The Fall

      …is a term that Joseph applies to a complex decision and action taken by human souls millions of years ago which resulted in a cataclysmic change in vibration that plunged the Earth into a darkness we and the planet are still suffering from and feeling the effects of. This change in vibration separated us in conscious thought from our God-heritage and resulted in the negative, violent, power-hungry world and society we currently live in. The Fall is a vast and fascinating subject, and a book is in preparation chronicling exactly what happened at the time this event took place and the consequences of it having done so.

      Chapter One

      The Last Chapter

      Joseph: The title of the first chapter, beginning this third book, is ‘The Last Chapter’, because in beginning this book I have to deal with what happens to the human soul before it is liberated into the higher vibrations.

      Most people on Earth do not realise that life is an arc, that there is a burst of vibration that accompanies the birth of the physical being, and that that burst of vibration extends outwards and grows, and becomes stronger up to the midway point. At the midway point in life that vibration then begins to fold in on itself and that tendency, that path, is built into the vibration. So, from the moment of birth on Earth as a physical being, the soul is approaching death.

      You would expect me to talk about death before talking about the life hereafter, wouldn’t you? I cannot simply begin this book by telling you what comes next; I have to tell you what happens before death as you approach death so that you can appreciate what happens after physical death.

      Your vibration (your physical vibration – not your soul’s vibration) has built into it a timescale which is designed to bring you back to your start-point. It encases the soul at the moment of physical birth. The vibration extends from the soul in strength and then, from the midway point, there is a drawing in and a releasing, little by little, of the bonds that have tied the soul for a very short time to the earth plane. And those bonds are quite complex – you talk of a ‘blessed release’ when someone is taken from this life and released from pain, or from suffering, or from a life that is sad and miserable, but automatically built into your vibration – into you, the reader – is a ‘blessed release’… a blessed release from the bonds of the Earth. The Earth is a very magnetic, attractive place, as I have explained in the other books [ref. to Revelation and Illumination]. The Earth pulls at you – pulls at the physical, pulls at the mental – and were you to stay here in this vibration in its present state for longer than a normal lifetime and normal span of years, you could become immersed ever deeper in this vibration to the extent that it would take a great deal of time and effort on behalf of others in the spirit worlds to elevate you to a point where you could be released from the vibration of the Earth. Therefore, built into your vibration as a physical being (because you are also a physical being… are linked to a physical being) is a ‘release’ and a ‘release date’.

      In the normal course of things there is a ‘release date’ for you to exit this earthly vibration and that date is known about. Sometimes you go to fortune-tellers and to mediums because you want to know the future, but your future in terms of you returning to your heavenly home is assured, is known about, is calculated, is (if you would like an analogy) written up in chalk on a great board, is pre-destined …and there is nothing you can do about it.

      However, there is a lot that you can do about how you live your life, which is why I dictated the first two books. Here I have to get you to confront the fact that you will exit this physical realm. As you grow older and as you reach the mid-point the vibration of the physical body begins to change. The physical body rejects the Earth – not the other way round. The physical body is subject to a change of vibration that, little by little, alienates it from the physical realm. Changes take place in the cells but changes take place at a spiritual level more than at any other level as your soul (the person, the being, the consciousness that you really are) begins to release itself, little by little, from the physical body. It is amusing to hear people say, ‘Well, I have ten years left’, or ‘I have twenty years left’, or ‘I have thirty years left’. That may be true, but during that time the soul is gradually extricating itself from physical existence and, little by little, the energies from the soul that feed the physical body are cut off. It is the same thing you see in a tree: a tree in autumn and in winter cuts off the supply of energy to its leaves and those leaves fall. But the tree is not the leaves; the tree will produce leaves again and this is an analogy I would like to give you… From your mid-point in physical energy you – you as a soul – begin to cut off the energies that feed your physical and mental bodies because on a soul-level you know that you have to return. If people were not so preoccupied with the physicality and distractions of this level they would also intuitively begin to receive warnings from the soul: ‘Put your house in order; tie up those things that need to be tied up; release yourself from those things that need to be released – because the time draws near for you to return home.’

      So, little by little, the physical body is starved of the energies that maintain it via the God-centre within the soul. It is not something that is done on an earth-conscious level; it comes from the soul as a mechanism and is an automatic response. This is why the body grows older; this is why the body retreats from the illusion and, not being fed by the soul, the body begins to wither and decompose and to be pulled by the illusion. There are two operations taking place: firstly the body withers because it does not have enough energy to maintain its illusion or projection and, secondly, once you take away the soul-energies the body reacts more and more on a physical level and on the level of the illusion. The illusion then pulls at the body and, because the illusion or ‘Field’ of the Earth is negatively charged, that negative charge has an effect on the body and