“What impressed me was our nearness,” Van Osdel observed. “We were so close. What separated us was really not theology, but church politics, organization and structure — the way of doing things.”
Van Osdel discovered that the two bodies “had pretty much the same outlook with reference to the Lord’s Supper and baptism, even though we have different modes.”
The Catholic Voice, Oakland diocese’s newspaper, carrying news of the joint venture in faith, quoted Van Osdel: “As one has two hands to do a task, you might say downtown Oakland has two hands.”
What characterized both Sister Thomasine’s and Monsignor Lucid’s outreach programs was their connection to liturgy. Both found not only that liturgical celebrations inspired them to go forth with outstretched hand in service and friendship, but that they were capable of embracing and welcoming those with whom they had established new bonds. Worship became an intrinsic element and impetus of outreach.
Pilgrimage to ecumenical service at First Baptist Church
Pastor Boyce Van Osdel (upper right) welcoming Catholic guests
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