Vibrance for Life. Lorraine MD Maita M.D.. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lorraine MD Maita M.D.
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780983314813
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the most difference in my life?

      Where do I want to go?

      •What does it look and feel like to reach my goal?

      Why do I want this?

      •What is my ultimate goal?

      •Do I want to start small or get to the bottom of all of my issues more quickly?

      •What am I willing to do to reach my goals?

      Getting Set: Plan

      Create a Vision

      What will it look and feel like when I improve or reach my goals? How will it impact the different areas of my life?






      Conceive it and Create a Compelling Vision

      A vision is something lofty and big, not bound by our limiting beliefs. Stretch, and have fun with this. You can get more specific and realistic later. All things large and small start with a conception of it — a vision or picture in your mind. That vision can be something as simple as what you want for dinner or as big as creating an empire. Big or small, it starts with a thought.

      This is your life, your health, your mind, your body, and you are the master of your destiny. What do you want to create? Some ways to conceive of your being able to do this are to read or listen to inspiring stories about ordinary people who did extraordinary things. Oprah has gained such popularity and power by inspiring people and letting them tell their stories. This makes it real and makes it seem possible. Do whatever it takes to begin creating your vision. Just picking up this book is a good first step. Perhaps stories and news article about cutting-edge science would give you some inspiration. Dream and create your vision of health and how it will impact your life.

      Examples: Ready, Set Go!

      A 48-year-old overweight woman who is getting hot flashes, doesn’t sleep well, and no longer feels desirable is on medication for sleep and high cholesterol. She is slightly depressed and wants to feel like herself again, as well as regain her self- esteem. Her vision might look like this:

      My vision for my life and health are:

      •I see myself 30 pounds lighter in a beautiful, form-fitting dress. I am cool and calm yet energetic. I feel sexy and vibrant. My sleep is deep, and I control my cholesterol with healthy food that I really enjoy. My activities are stimulating, make me feel good and I lose weight. I feel great and enjoy my newfound health and lifestyle. It is easy and effortless. Now I have the confidence and clarity to start that coaching business I have always wanted to, and I can write about my success and share it with others.

      Achieving this vision will impact my life in the following ways:

      •Physical — energy, better sleep, no medication side effects, fit into clothes

      •Emotional — improved self-esteem and confidence opens more opportunities in both my personal and professional life

      •Financial — decreased risk of heart attack and other disease related to weight, less money for medication and doctor’s visits to monitor it; I can start a business that is both personally and financially fulfilling

      •Social — better relationship with husband and children because I am sleeping better and more refreshed; I feel better able to get out and network for my business

      •Other — in going through this process I am learning more about myself

      A 52-year-old male is balding, developing a paunch, and lacks motivation. He is losing his edge at work due to his memory not being as sharp and clear. Stress levels are high, and he finds it hard to keep up. He was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure, and the medications are dampening his sex drive. He now has borderline diabetes and his joints ache, so he is tentative about exercise. All of this is demoralizing and he doesn’t know where to start.

      My vision for my life and health are:

      •I see myself fit, mentally sharp and clear, and as competitive and capable as ever. I am trim and fit as well as energetic with a satisfying sex life. As the pounds slip away, I find I no longer need medication and my health is fantastic. Fitness and health have become my lifestyle, and the more I do, the more I am capable of doing. I ask for and get a promotion and can get that Porsche I always wanted. I have an ample amount of money to send my kids to a good college, which will relieve a lot of my stress.

      Achieving this vision will impact my life in the following ways:

      •Physical — mental quickness and clarity, competitive edge, strong, fit, energetic

      •Emotional — improved self-esteem and confidence, less stress, better sexual relations with my wife

      •Financial — I’ll ask for that promotion and get make more money

      •Social — status, family cared for

      •Other — I feel like myself again and now want to do some philanthropic work


      A lofty vision can seem overwhelming and unattainable unless you chunk it down into small steps or goals. Each chapter of this book focuses on a different area, and you can decide on steps for each area. No vision will carry you unless you believe it and know it is possible. The stories, the explanations, and the guidance in this book are meant to make a believer out of you. The more faith and belief you have in something, the more you will invest in it.

      SMART Goals

      To assure success in reaching your goals they must be SMART:





      •Time Bound

      There are tracking tools in the appendices to help you develop your goals. Here are some examples:

      Food Choices

      I will cut down on sugar and fat in my diet, and eat more vegetables.

      •Week 1: cut out 1 soda and substitute water, take ½ tsp. sugar in coffee instead of 1 tsp., add 1 extra vegetable to lunch and dinner

      •Week 2: no soda, ¼ tsp. sugar in coffee, no white foods, 1 less serving of red meat this week


      I will start to get more aerobic activity first and later add weights.

      •Week 1: park car far away and walk 15 minutes before I get to my desk

      •Week 2: walk 30 minutes

      •Week 3: start weight routine with 1 set for each muscle group

      Go: Action!

      Assess: What’s Aging You?

      Knowing what your most vulnerable areas are can help you focus on your weakest part. You are only as young as your”oldest”part, and that part may fail first. Think of your health as an iceberg beneath the surface: There is a lot you can’t see. You wake up one morning and you lose your balance and fall. You can’t open a jar or see the fine-print anymore. The TV has to be turned up louder. Getting up the stairs is harder and painful.

      Even without equipment or a professional to measure, there are some things you can assess on your own, and others you will need to ask your doctor for.

      Visit Your Doctor