In its simplest form, the hero myth involves someone of unusual capacity who undergoes a most difficult journey, overcoming many obstacles on the way to attaining great treasure. Jason, Heracles, Perseus, and Odysseus are notable examples from ancient Greece. Oedipus is one of the most celebrated heroes in all mythology, as he slays the Sphinx and is rewarded with the hand of the Queen. In this case, the archetypal obstacle (dragon) takes on the form of the menacing Sphinx, and the treasure is the Queen. (Oedipus, of course, does not know at first that he married his own mother, leading to all sorts of problems down the road. Did someone say tragedy? A minor digression: one significant aspect of Freud’s “discovery” is that he formulated his incest-patricide theory before consulting the Oedipus legend, as his own letters show. Like many of us, scientists and non-scientists alike, he went to the evidence in search of confirmation, not illumination. And he found what he was looking for. I examine in detail Freud’s formulation of the Oedipus complex in Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine.)
The dragon can have any number of external faces, but for our purposes its importance lies in the fact that it symbolizes psychic obstacles that must be overcome in order to achieve psychological transcendence and liberation. The physical represents the mental. Obstacles can be as diverse as false temptations, monsters, blind alleys, and illusions. By slaying the dragon, the hero achieves breakthrough and gains the treasure. The reward can take many forms: a maiden, gold, diamonds, power and glory, the elixir of life, immortality, etc.
Our second perspective deals with the bizarre contents of the “gold mine” itself. Using the mythological journey of the hero as a metaphor, the end point is of immeasurable importance. It can be described as the attainment of higher consciousness and psychological fulfillment—a treasure trove of rich insights into the nature of reality. Here, deep mysteries such as the relationship between past, present, and future are laid bare and solved. In addition, one realizes that we are here as a result of a creator or designer and that design is a primary feature of the world. The notion that things happen by chance and accident is seen to be a false assumption based on ignorance.
Certainty and knowledge replace speculation and supposition, and an unprecedented level of understanding is achieved. Unlikely as it may seem, there is a vast amount of illuminating content that comes from the experience. The expedition we are about to embark on should help you if you have an interest. The more one considers the knowledge that is gained upon reaching the “gold mine,” the easier it will be to make the experience one’s own.
You may have noticed my use of the word “design” above. If you accept such a notion (if only for the time being), you are, of course, welcome to call the designer “intelligent,” “dumb,” or anything else, depending on your point of view. Stephen Jay Gould points to “odd arrangements and funny solutions” as “paths that a sensible God would never tread.” Shermer tells us that “the eye has evolved independently a dozen different times through its own unique pathways, so this alone tells us that no creator had a single, master plan.” Such thinking is a staple of many in the anti-God community. However, who is to say that God should be bound by Gould’s definition of “sensible”? Gould and Shermer expect a designer to conform to their ideal of a perfect (or at least intelligent) engineer, and when they find that some aspects of life appear to have been put together using tape and glue as core components, they insist that there is no God. No intelligent designer would be so stupid, so dumb, so lacking, they claim. They see “mistakes” in nature as evidence for natural selection. Such thinking is perfectly logical, but it has nothing to do with reality. What if God’s master plan includes what some perceive to be bad design and poor planning? What if God actually intended multiple pathways for the eye? We will explore these ideas in more detail later.
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