As we read earlier from Exodus 35:21, "And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him up..." We need to be stirred up in our heart by the Spirit within. This stirring is not from just an emotional high or from ministers making us feel guilty if we don't get stirred up; but this stirring must come from within our Spirit! The kind of lukewarm attitude which we see in the church today, is not the characteristic of those who are involved in the crucial work of the building that God is building through His sons. The Word also says, "There came everyone who's Heart was stirred up..." It is one thing to have a pot of oil, but it's another thing to set that pot of oil on the fire and have it start boiling. We cannot live forever on Borrowed Anointing. What is borrowed anointing? It is when we come Together, even in our own homes, and we get in on the edge and begin to flow with others, after someone else has started moving in the anointing. It's like drinking out of a saucer, instead of a cup. The little that has spilled over onto the saucer becomes what we drink of someone else's anointing, rather than our own anointing within. We don't need to wait for someone else to move and then get in on their anointing, because we have our own. David said in Psalms 69:6, "For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up..." When you are consumed with the desire to see the corporate pattern fashioned then it will be so.
The first thing that was evident in those who built the tabernacle was that their heart stirred them up. Secondly, their spirit made them willing. These two elements working together made them Move. When was the last time you were moved? When was the last time you were stirred by the spirit within? It is one thing to be stirred, but another thing to be moved. We need all these elements working together to be successful. We need to be Stirred, Willing, and then Moved! If you are a part of what God is doing, you must be crucially involved in some way. You must be moved in a certain direction. There is first the Stirring up by the Spirit, then there is a Moving of the Spirit to be made willing, then we go even further, to Acting or Moving on what God has worked within us.
Psalms 110:l-3a “The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power..." Another translation of verse three says, 'Thy people shall volunteer freely in the day of your power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the Dew of thy Youth." There is a group of people today who are coming forth in God, who are as the morning dew on a parched barren land. They are going forth as the army of God in spiritual might and power; not fighting the system or looking for a greater power to overcome a lesser power, but ruling in Peace and reconciliation. However it begins with a people who are willing in the day of His power. A people volunteering freely! We used to sing the song: "Lord I'll do what you want me to do - I'll go where you want me to go..." Oh how the body of Christ needs to return to that kind of attitude of heart. If we are not willing, we need to pray: "Lord make me willing to be willing!" The Word says, "Everyone whose spirit made him willing."
Are we willing to be crucially involved? Not on the Receiving end, if you please; but in the building end of what the Lord is presently doing? Are you willing to be a Restorer of the Breach?
We read earlier in Exodus 35:30, "And Moses said unto the children of Israel See, the Lord hath called by Name BE-ZAL E-EL..." When God calls you by name, He may not call you by your natural name; He may have another name for you. Because to call you by a name means, that He knows your character. In Revelation 3:1 Jesus said, "Thou hast a Name that thou livest, but thou art Dead" He was saying that they had a Name, but He had another one for them, because of their character and their nature.
The Lord approached Jacob and said, "Your name is Jacob" [meaning, cheater and deceiver]. The Lord knows our Name. He sees down in the very recesses of our heart. Anytime God would change a person's name He would also change their character. For example, in Genesis chapter 32, after the Lord asked Jacob his name, and Jacob told Him, the Lord said, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob [deceiver and cheat], because I am changing your nature; your name shall now be Israel; a prince with God!”
Jacob went straight through the veil at that time, for he had a nature change. He became a Princely person. Revelation mentions several times that a people are going to get a new name. A people will have a name of the city of our God written upon them. The name of the city of God means: Holiness unto the Lord - The Lord Is There! It is translated as Jehovah Shammah which means: They Are One in God! Ezekiel 48:35 "And the name of the city from that day shall be, The Lord Is There." Not only is He going to write on us the name of the city of our God, but Revelation speaks of giving us the name of our God.
There are several scriptures that speak of the new name given to us, by God. First, in Isaiah chapter 62, there are two names given to the Zion of God. Verse 4 gives those names as: HEPH ZI-BAH meaning, The One in who is My Delight. The other is Beulah meaning, Married. In other words, these people are no longer a people wondering around in a wilderness experience, but this people are now Married. Spirit and flesh have become One - Married! She’s no longer an outcast, forsaken, old maid, but the Feminine Principle, the outer realm, has married Spirit [Masculine Principle]. This marriage has caused them to have the ability to produce the life of God; to build the house of the Lord.
In Exodus 35:30, where God called his name BE-ZAL’ E-EL, which means: Under God's Shadow; God had pitched a canopy over him and he was operating in God's Anointing, or in God’s shadow. The shadow of God is mentioned in Isaiah 4, and Psalms 91. The other man that God chose in Exodus 35 was named A-HO’ LI-AB, which means: Father's Tent. That is a good characteristic. "You'll be a father and a covering; A protection unto many as you build the temple. You are A-HO’ LI-AB, Father's Tent"
Revelation tells us that there is a secret name that the Father is giving us on a white stone, which no one else knows. The white stone refers to a Pure Word. This nature of God formed in us will cause us to speak only a pure Word which will build the temple.
We have mentioned three things: 1] They were stirred; 2] They were made willing; 3] They acted. But there is another thing that was added which is the fact that God knew their character and gave them a Name. He gave them a Nature to produce His life.
Exodus 35:31 "And He hath filled him with the Spirit of God in Wisdom, in Understanding, and in Knowledge, and in all Manner of Workmanship." Let's look briefly at these four things: Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and