Tune-Up and Thrive: Sharing Secrets to Total Health and Wellness. Dr. Ed Ph.D. Chicoine. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dr. Ed Ph.D. Chicoine
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456602581
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system, the chakras, our aura and probably many other forms we don’t know about. It seems sensible to us to ensure that all of these systems are in tune and working at their peak potential. To do that, we seek help from other professionals who specialize in fields related to this body energy. We regularly visit a chiropractor for our spinal and nervous system health. We get regular massages. We’ve tried many different forms of non-traditional health practices over the years, like acupuncture, reflexology, cranio-sacral therapy and medical intuitives. We believe that the more our energies are tuned up and in balance, the better off we’ll be. Even homeopaths and naturopaths work with the energy of plants to bring about healing within the human body.”

      Ben was fascinated by the strategic focus that the Websters applied to maintaining their health. Their longevity was certainly no accident. He hadn’t even heard of some of these specialists to whom they turned to ensure that all of their energy systems operated in synch. This seemed like a completely different kind of health care system.

      “The two-way flow of energy between the brain and the body’s cells, tissues and organs, guided by the innate intelligence in the seed of health, is life itself,” explained Elizabeth. “These electrical impulses contain instructions to control our growth and development through the regulation of the body’s chemical balance. They direct the glands and organs to secrete hormones and chemicals, in the proper amounts at the proper time, to regulate metabolism and control all bodily functions. When this complex process is allowed to operate unimpeded by outside interference, the body functions as it was intended to, and optimum health is maintained.”

      “Interference seems to be the operative word around here,” said Max. “It sounds like all we have to do is eliminate it, and we can reach nirvana.”

      “We may not reach nirvana, Max, but we’d all be a lot better off with less interference. Imagine how much more flow there would be to a hockey game without all that clutching and grabbing in the neutral zone,” said Vic.

      “That’s the only way the Leafs can bring other teams down to their level,” said Max. “It’s only in Toronto that falling leaves signify the beginning of spring.”

      “Can we have less interference from the peanut gallery?” asked Ben as he squatted down beside the car. He watched as Daniel examined a worn brake disc from the left rear wheel.

      “This is worn pretty bad, Ben. Too much longer and we would have been looking at a much bigger job. See the scoring here? That’s the first sign,” explained Daniel as he handed it to Ben. “You should have your brakes checked regularly. Remember preventive maintenance as opposed to disease treatment and damage control? This is a perfect example,” he said as he walked to the workbench to look for a replacement disc.

      “I don’t think Elizabeth was finished,” said Vic as he reached for a plump nectarine.

      “Thanks, Vic. I was discussing the importance of the regulation of the body’s chemical balance,” said Elizabeth. She walked over to the opposite wall and straightened the picture frame that was hanging at an angle. Ben couldn’t remember having seen that picture hanging there on his previous visits. An old man with a full head of thick white hair, lively blue eyes, and a mischievous grin watched over them from the confines of a weathered barn board frame. Ben couldn’t tell whether it was a painting or a photograph. The face was vaguely familiar.

      “To understand and appreciate how important the timely release of these chemicals is to the proper functioning of the human body,” said Elizabeth as she turned and glided back across the room, “consider a simple scenario. Imagine that you are about to begin running to catch a bus. In an almost imperceptible instant, your brain sends an electrical impulse through the nerve fibers of the central nerve system to your adrenal glands. This impulse contains an instruction to secrete adrenaline, which causes your heart to beat faster and your blood vessels to dilate. This is done in order to accommodate the increased blood flow to the muscles, which enables you to run. This process happens so rapidly that it often appears as though the physical act of running causes our pulse to quicken. But it’s the reverse.”

      “That’s like the chicken-and-egg debate,” exclaimed Max. “Which comes first—a quickened pulse or the act of running?”

      “That’s something that you’ll never personally be able to answer, Max. You’ll have to research that one—ask someone who has actually run,” said Vic, glancing at Ben with a smirk on his face.

      “I’m allergic to exercise, Vic. Don’t you remember how many times I told you that? Just the thought of it makes me tired,” said Max as leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes.

      “Well, Max, the process that Elizabeth just described happens instantly and automatically. You don’t need to think about it to make it happen,” explained Daniel, positioning the jack under the front bumper. As he raised the front wheels off the floor, he continued.

      “Problems arise only when there is interference in the transmission of the electrical impulses. Quite often, this interference occurs along the spine, the key component of the central nerve system. Acting as the on-ramp and off-ramp for the millions of nerve fibers connecting the brain to the body’s tissues and organs, the spine consists of twenty-four moveable bones called vertebrae. But interference can occur anywhere in the body’s bio-energetic systems. The Chinese believe that the circulating life energy, which they refer to as chi, is inherent in all living things. In the Indian culture, the hidden power in humans is called a chakra. You may have heard someone speak about a person’s aura. These are all different ways to refer to the inherent energy flow in the human body. Anything that interferes with chi, or the chakra, or the energy force, will have a detrimental impact on health. Left uncorrected, it will almost certainly lead to a state of disease.”

      Daniel moved a safety block into place under the front axle then started to remove the driver side wheel.

      “Your body’s structural integrity can have profound effects on how you function. Looking at the spine again, the centers of the vertebrae contain channels that house the spinal cord. Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves exit between each vertebra, like an intricate, but extremely delicate, freeway system. Occasionally one or more vertebrae may get out of balance, causing an interference with the flow of the nerve impulses. This is called a vertebral subluxation.”

      “What did you call that, Daniel?” asked Ben, moving towards the car for a closer look at the front discs.

      “It sounded like Latin,” said Max, opening his eyes and stretching his arms.

      “I’m surprised you recognized it, Max,” said Vic. “It didn’t seem to make much of an impression on you in high school.”

      “I was much better at pig Latin. It was my avourite-fay ubject-say.”

      Daniel glanced at Max and shook his head, unable to contain a small smirk. He turned to Vic. “With each visit I’m gaining more and more of an appreciation of what a challenging career you had. You have my deepest respect.”

      “Thank you, master,” replied Vic.

      “Getting back to the matter at hand,” said Daniel as he examined the disc assembly. “As we explained, any interference with the flow of nerve system energy will cause tissues or organs to malfunction, or to function at less than full capacity. This can lead to an imbalance in the body chemistry which, over time, can lead to disease. Subluxations, just like any other disruption in the body’s bio-energetic systems, are not always associated with apparent symptoms. Like the development of a tooth cavity, only when the imbalance has been there for a long time and there is damage done, do you begin to experience a myriad of symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, digestive disturbances, a weakened immune system and many other problems.”

      Daniel stood and turned to face the others. He looked at the disc in his hands. “You wouldn’t know that this was starting to wear until you heard it squeak or felt vibrations when you applied the brakes. By then, the damage is