Riding the Tide of Change: Preparing for Personal & Planetary Transformation. Martin F. Luthke PhD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Martin F. Luthke PhD
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Дом и Семья: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456602130
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us try to understand some of the underlying principles and reasons for this time of change. This will lead to a better understanding of the developments in which we are presently participating.

      As was mentioned in the previous chapter, many cultures, traditions and religions have spoken of a time of dramatic change, a course of events foreseen hundreds, maybe thousands of years ago. If we are indeed experiencing what was foretold long ago, we can assume that these events are unfolding according to some sort of plan rather than randomly or coincidentally.

      To understand this time of transition from a metaphysical perspective, it helps to stop for a moment and review some of the basic assumptions of metaphysical teachings.

      Fundamental Premises

      There are a limited number of Universal Laws which are rather simple. (This is not to say that they are readily understood by the human mind). Here are some of the truths as I understand them:

      (1)There is order in the Universe. The infinite number of forms and appearances are but variations of an underlying theme. There is uniformity in diversity.

      (2)All of creation is vibration or "patterned" energy which can be perceived and described as light or sound.

      (3)There is an infinite number of "frequencies" that comprise the totality of creation.

      (4)The material world is just one level of reality. Just as the visible colors or audible tones are only segments of the full spectrum of frequencies, so is the material world only a segment of the totality of creation.

      (5)All of creation originates on the subtle planes. Material creation is a manifestation of subtle vibrations originating from thought and then transformed into denser material vibrations. A good metaphor for this manifestation process is the transformation of H2O from humidity to vapor to water to ice, a "con-densation" or "crystallization" process. Thus, material creation can be conceived of as "crystallized" thought.

      (6)"As above, so below" -- as in heaven, so on earth. Macrocosm and microcosm are analogous to one another in their essential constitution, evolution and mode of operation.

      (7)Time and space are not what they seem to be. Our perception of time and space is bound to the human level of awareness. (This is a vast and complicated topic which we will set aside for the time being.)

      (8)All is connected to everything and all is affected by everything.

      (9)All of creation is in God [For the purpose of this book, I use the term God without reference to any specific creed or form or gender. If you prefer, substitute the word God with Infinite Spirit or any of the other terms which carry less personified associations. I also have no investment in seeing God as male, female, both or neither.] and God is in all of creation. (Even "evil" and "darkness" are nothing but lower frequencies of Light.)

      For those of you who are not used to thinking in abstract metaphysical terms, please be patient with yourselves. You may wish to go over this condensed version of "Metaphysics 101" a few more times before you have a better understanding of its implications.

      The Metaphysical Basis of Earth Changes

      Many attempts have been made to explain the underlying dynamics and mechanics of this time of transition from a metaphysical perspective. Once again, I will try to give a condensed and necessarily simplified outline of my understanding.

      (1)Change is the order of the Universe.

      (2)While the Creator is beyond duality, Creation exists only within duality. This duality can be thought of as yin and yang, male and female, negative and positive, light and darkness, etc. Another way of understanding the essence of Creation is to conceive of it as the friction between two forces, the forces of expansion and contraction. In the emotional domain, the force of contraction is experienced as fear and the force of expansion is experienced as love. In the mental domain, contraction corresponds to judgment, separation, "ego," etc. Expansion corresponds to acceptance, oneness and absence of "ego."

      (3)The Universe is changing its balance of expansion and contraction in a cyclical manner (it is breathing in and out, so to speak). These cycles span long periods of time (some say, for instance, 24,000 years). After a long period of contraction we are currently approaching the still point before the pendulum swings into expansion.

      (4)For a long period of time, planet Earth has suffered from an excess of "masculine" or yang energies, contributing to the environmental crisis and exploitation of nature. To preserve life on this planet, it is time for a rebalancing and the re-emergence of the "feminine" or yin energies. This will lead to a more natural lifestyle in greater harmony with Mother Earth.

      (5)Astrologically speaking, our solar system as a whole is moving from the Piscean age, which lasted about 2,000 years, into the age of Aquarius, which signifies a major shift in the prevalent energies. Furthermore, we are currently experiencing the advent of a Plutonian-based cycle that occurs every 250 years. This cycle coincides with one that occurs only every 26,000 years: The magnetic north pole is moving towards direct alignment with Polaris, commonly known as the North Star. In addition, a little known but significant lunar cycle of 40,000 years is currently coming to completion. Although we have insufficient experience with astrological events of this magnitude and intensity, one can safely state that these are no ordinary times. [I thank Kristina Strom for her help and astrological expertise.]

      (6)Once the time of transition has past, life on earth will continue, though greatly changed. While we can say little with certainty about the future, the massive influx of higher-vibrational energies promises a transformation into a more harmonious world with greatly enhanced possibilities of accessing and expressing the higher frequencies of Light and the wisdom and love prevalent on those planes.

      Chapter 3

      Understanding Our Nature as Beings of Light

      Why Personal and Planetary Transformation Are Interrelated

      One of the principles stated above was that there is a correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm. In other words, when the earth and this solar system undergo massive changes, it is inevitable that there are parallel changes occurring in the human energy field. Before we can spell out some of the effects of these changes on the human experience let us briefly review some basic assumptions about the nature of human beings.

      (1)We are not limited to what we appear to be. Human beings are more than the sum of their body parts, more than a biological organism made of skin and bones.

      (2)The human body can be understood as a condensed cloud of "patterned" energy. The physical body is only one segment of the full spectrum of vibrations that comprise the totality of our being.

      (3)In addition to the physical body, human beings are composed of interpenetrating energy fields of lesser density, often called emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

      (4)There is no real separation or delineation between the energy fields that are "us" and those that are "not us." All is interconnected, all energy fields have an effect on all others, both within our material and subtle bodies as well as beyond.

      (5)We are constantly "communicating" and exchanging energies with the energy fields around us and within us through our "subtle anatomy" such as the aura, the chakra system, and the meridians (see below for details). We are, in other words, like radio stations that receive and transmit constantly on many different wavelengths.

      When we perceive the true nature of the human being to be a multidimensional energy field without fixed boundaries and in constant communication with surrounding energy fields, we can understand more easily how and why we are inevitably affected by changes in the prevailing frequencies. Likewise, we can also understand how our own energy fields affect all others. This is the basis of our role as co-creators in this process of planetary evolution.

      More About the Human Energy Field