Affirmations and Thought Forms. Linda LLC Stein-Luthke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Linda LLC Stein-Luthke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601997
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of Manifestation, but they do operate from the same universal principles: That you will reap what you have sown. This is also what many humans have called Karmic Law.

      All of these laws can appear to be incomprehensible and difficult -- not worth the effort to comprehend. But when one has suffered enough from not choosing to know these universal truths, then one may finally stop and listen. This is what happened for Leia and Manalus. And this is what is now happening for many others as well.

      We, of the Ascended Master realm, can watch but cannot help unless asked, because you live on a plane of free will. But when we are asked, our help is without reservation. Our function is to empower you through knowledge in how to make new free choices that can end the suffering and create healing and greater harmony for the Earth as it travels to a new life and Golden Era for all. So, thank you for choosing to take this journey with us, even if it is just for a little while. We promise you, it will be fascinating and fruitful, if you allow it.

      Chapter 2

      The Principles of Manifestation

      For the sake of brevity, and because the human mind cannot comprehend completely why these laws work, for this endeavor we shall simply state the Laws of Manifestation as they apply to the Earth plane at this time.

      All of creation is vibration. This is most important to remember. All creation, everything that you can see, and everything you cannot see, operates on a vibrational frequency of sound and Light. As one develops what is called psychic abilities, one can begin to experience a greater variety of the vibrational frequencies, and utilize that experience for greater awareness. But even without these abilities one can still know simply from experiences on the Earth that all is vibration. Your scientists know this and utilize this information in order to create. It is the same for you, also. You just may not, until this moment, have understood that this is so.

      Consider, for instance, the atom, the building block of all that you behold with your physical senses. Every atom has movement within its structure. That movement occurs at a certain frequency, depending on the structure of the atom. You cannot see the atom with your eye, yet you can see what a group of atoms can become. The same is true for all the different vibrational frequencies. You may not see them or sense them with your five senses, but you are always experiencing what is being created by these frequencies. This brings us to the next principle or law.

      All manifestation begins as higher-vibrational frequencies. Again, you may not consciously be aware that this is so. But it simply is so. Everything that you behold with your conscious five senses was first in existence on a higher-vibrational field of energy. In fact, all creation exists simultaneously in these higher-vibrational fields. On Earth, they manifest into what you call time and space. These are Earthbound concepts: time and space. Outside the confines of your planet these concepts are not applicable. And so, all that has been created, or will ever be created for your planet, exists now simply to be pulled into the Earth and utilized when your space and time are right for it to manifest.

      There are many possible realities that exist at higher frequency waiting to become probable realities, and then to become human experience. Now, this can become complicated for the human mind to comprehend, but again, for the sake of brevity, we simply ask you to consider that there are many options available in the timeless-spaceless higher-vibrational frequencies, and the human can have free will as to which reality the being wishes to experience on Earth. We say can have free will, but indeed does have free will whether the being is aware of it or not. The purpose of this publication is to aid the human in becoming aware of this choice, and then activating these principles for the Highest Good.

      All thought exists first at higher-vibrational frequencies and then can create and manifest into physical reality. You see this every day in every way. Now we ask you to become aware of this simple truth. Before you do anything, make any move, build or create anything on the human plane, you first experience the thought of this. Without the thought, there is no creation. Because of lack of discipline, you may not be aware of all the thoughts that go into creating everything that you experience, and, indeed, you very often may choose to credit outside influences for much that you experience, but we tell you now, and we will tell you again as this publication continues, it is you creating, through your thoughts -- whether you are consciously aware of it or not -- all that occurs for you at any time. You choose your experience from the thoughts.

      Thoughts begin first as possible realities, then as probable realities, and finally as manifestation. And so, you may entertain an idea of traveling to visit your aunt in another place. You have the thought of it. You check all the factors that would make such a journey possible, and realize that it is possible. Then you proceed to plan it, making it a probability. And once all of the plans are in place, you travel to your aunt for a visit. The visit has manifested into physical reality. All manifestation follows an identical pattern.

      Once a thought is created, as with all creation, it exists forever as an energy pattern, or vibrational frequency. The only change possible is from one vibrational frequency to another. But it will always exist. Your scientists know that all creation is eternal. And, indeed, outside the time-space continuum, it all exists simultaneously. The scientists also know that even though all perceived creation exists eternally, it is possible to have whatever has been created change form. So, you have created a physical thing that has outlived its usefulness -- perhaps it is now a pile of trash. What can you do with it? In many cases, you seek to destroy it by fire. But even then, look after the flames have died and see what has happened. There are still ashes to contend with. Nothing ever simply disappears, it only changes form.

      All of creation is subject to Karmic Law. The basic law of Karma, for the sake of brevity and ease of comprehension, is that you reap what you have sown. When one asks, as one often does, “Why me?”, this can be the answer one may accept. It is not a heartless answer. It is simply the law of manifestation least likely to be accepted and most constantly utilized by all humans.

      There is hope, however, for all Karmic Law is subject to change, as is all of creation. Indeed, all creation is in a constant state of change. This can be the most confusing statement of all. For we are stating that all creation and manifestation is subject to Karmic Law, and then we tell you your Karma can be changed, and in an instant! Most of humanity, however, is not even aware that Karmic Law exists, making it impossible for them to then understand that it can be changed, once understood. But that is what this publication is, ultimately, all about -- creating change through the positive use of Thought Forms and Affirmations.

      Now that you have a grasp of the basic principles, let us begin. Remember, always, that all these words matter little. What will really help you to comprehend what we have said here is experience. As we share how to create these changes within yourself and your world, understand that only through applying the information that we offer will you really know that all that has been stated here is real and true. Once applied and experienced, you will then have the comprehension to continue on to even greater awareness of how to exist in full empowerment upon the human plane.

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