Kazakhstan's Assassinated Democracy. Yerzhan Psy.D. Dosmukhamedov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Yerzhan Psy.D. Dosmukhamedov
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601768
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Western politicians will change their attitude towards or their opinion of the Kazakh leader in the context of this book?

      Undoubtedly, yes. Because the book is a documentary style publication. The publisher which released the book is located in the West. Because of this location within European jurisdiction, it emphasised - along with the book's author - that all its published facts are based on the documentary evidence.

      The publication of a book by a former senior Kazakh statesman, who had access to the most classified secrets, caused certain reactions by the Kazakh Government. These actions violate the fundamental constitutional rights and freedoms of Kazakh citizens, foreigners and stateless individuals residing in Kazakhstan.

      In particular, I mean freedom of access to information. The measures undertaken by the ruling Kazakh regime after the release of the book also violate certain international obligations of Kazakhstan in the field of human rights.

      Because the publisher and author published this material, which, as they state, is based on substantiated documents, a whole range of questions arise that must be urgently addressed by international organisations and law enforcement agencies.

      For example, these questions may include: a) the possibility of a crime, namely an order to murder which was given in the territory of the European Union b) the murder of a citizen in the territory of Spain and the protection of the main suspect by the then-Kazakh Foreign Minister who ordered the issue of a diplomatic passport to him c) falsification of elections which should automatically bring up the issue of the illegitimacy of the current ruling regime in Kazakhstan d) the acceptance of Turkish citizenship by the top state executive which may possibly be an evidence of high treason e) execution of the citizens of Kazakhstan without due process and the court's ruling is an obvious crime in any civilised jurisdiction.

      The above list could be continued. For example, there is one more important issue. Any legal discrediting of the regime presupposes certain political consequences in a democratic society. I mean, in particular, commitment of a continuing state crime - cout d'etat with the purpose of usurpation of power.

      It is obvious from the facts included in the book that such usurpation of power has already taken part in Kazakhstan. This is confirmed at least by the fact of the execution of Altynbek Sarsenbay, a leader of the Kazakh opposition, and his two young associates by top officials in the executive branch of power.

      The book has also confirmed through documentation the genetically inhumane and anti-democratic essence of Nazarbayev's regime. It demonstrated it in both statics and dynamics. Through analysis of certain criminal episodes it shed a light on the archaic vector of the country's development, which is being undertaken by the ruling regime and towards which our society is heading.

      I am confident that the release of the book "The Godfather-in-law" will undoubtedly influence international public opinion and further formation of foreign policy by the democratic community of nations towards Kazakhstan.

      What would you say about the recent arrest of Mukhtar Dzhakishev (President of the National Atomic Company) and his deputies? Would his arrest affect the international image of Kazakhstan and more specifically the image of the Kazakh National Atomic Company? In whose interest is the arrest?

      It is clear that there is a redistribution of power in the Kazakh political elite. The power in Kazakhstan is first of all about access to resources. Access to the formation of the rules of the economic game. Today we observe accordingly that one interest group of "spiders", which managed to get closer to the chief rule-maker, is busy beating other weakened "spiders". The arrest of Dzhakishev is exactly within this process.

      I would also like to note that the recent appeal to the President issued after the arrest by 25 top Kazakh businessmen looks rather laughable. It resembles the pitiful outcry of the lambs in the meat factory. I would like to remind them that back in 2007 we all had an opportunity to stand up and insist on the establishment of the political party of the middle class.

      However these lambs preferred to stay quiet by saying "business people should not get involved into politics" as one member of this choir shouted back then. By the way, the book "The "Godfather-in-law" mentions in the opening chapter a transcript of a conversation between President Nazarbayev and Rakhat Aliyev. It makes it absolutely clear that that was exactly what Nazarbayev wanted from the business leaders.

      I therefore may only advise them today to produce another TV advert - similar to the one which they produced on the eve of the last presidential election - flattering the glorious President of Kazakhstan. They may also thank him wholeheartedly for the happy childhood of the Kazakh business community. They may also consider kneeling while signing a song in his honour and kissing his portrait.

      The arrest of Dzhakishev confirms my point which I made about Timur Kulibayev, Nazarbayev's son-in-law. More specifically, a point about his steady movement towards power.

      Tasmagambetov, Shabdarbayev, Muhamedzhanov are only cogs in Timur's bigger plan. Naturally, their own ambitions cannot be implemented without the shadowy financial might of Timur and his access to Nazarbayev.

      Having studied the personality and psychological strengths and weaknesses of his father-in-law, and having combined this knowledge with the experience and unfulfilled ambitions of his own father - Askar Kulibayev - he has managed to incorporate personal ambitions and micro-plans of the above-mentioned statesmen into his mega-plan.

      Kvyatkovskaya, Sagadiyev are even smaller puppets, who have been fed by Timur for many years. I know this because I myself witnessed how Timur made in the past certain situations with their participation.

      The most interesting thing though is that Timur has also managed to include even his powerful father-in-law, i.e. the head of state, into his mega-plan.

      By the hands of Rakhat Aliyev he destroyed the remnants of the domestic legitimacy of the President, and after the release of "The Godfather-in-law" he completely demolished his international image. Thus, as in a famous fairy-tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Alexander Pushkin, he cut off the magic beard of his father-in-law Chernomor and after having put on his head a joker's hat manipulates him as he wishes.

      After having skillfully pushed his father-in-law into the swamp, Timur presently cynically squeezes the last juices from the lost and discredited ageing President.

      Dr. Dosmukhamedov, what would you say about the recent attempt by Akezhan Kazhegeldin to unite the Kazakh opposition and his initiative to hold the civil protest on 1 May 2009?

      What strikes me concerning this synchronized initiative by Kazhegeldin and other pseudo-opposition leaders is this provocative statement by the President's advisor Yertysbayev: "I don't think they will manage to unite".

      Today, when the ruling regime is falling apart - both economically and politically - it naturally needs one "united opposition" which is easier to control.

      Through such a "united opposition party" the regime will always easily shut the voice of the people. Hence, the perpetual wish of the regime is to create either a shadow Parliament, and having failed to do so, it now tries to create a "united opposition party".

      My response to this is clear: I cannot trust the "opposition" which is being secretly fed by the President and KGB.

      Accordingly, there cannot be any discussion about our taking part in yet another deceptive scenario by the Presidential administration, articulated by Kazhegeldin and Co. Political process is evolutionary by its nature. Therefore there is no need to compel someone to jump into a "happy future".

      I firmly believe that in the conditions of a totalitarian state, we need as many as possible independent voices of emerging civil society. The more the better! And there is no need to criticize someone by saying: "If you are not with us - you are against us".

      Since the ancient times people hunted bears with small dogs who with the volume of their barking were capable to cause the bear to have a heart attack. The Presidential administration today wishes to unite into one line the weak remaining members of the civil society, so it can smash them over the wall once and forever. They will not succeed in this!
