In This Place. Kim L. Abernethy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kim L. Abernethy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601638
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      In This Place

      Cultural and Spiritual Collisions Refine a Young Missionary in Liberia, West Africa


      Kim L. Abernethy

      Copyright 2011 Kim L. Abernethy,

      All rights reserved.

      Cover photo: Heidi Sheppard

      Cover Design: Nancy Freund

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0163-8

      All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.


      For noncommercial use, churches or individuals desiring to share stories for ministry use are permitted to copy or excerpt information from this book or refer to stories as part of sermon illustrations, provided that the author is given credit. In print, please use the phrase,“Reprinted with permission from In Every Place Publishing.” For all other uses, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. To obtain permission or to contact the author, please write Kim Abernethy at: [email protected].

      I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark

      sayings of old: Which we have heard and known, and

      our fathers have told us.

      We will not hide them from their children, shewing to

      the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His

      strength, and His wonderful works that He hath done.

      Psalm 78: 2-4


      To my 3 daughters and their families (present and future):

      In case you didn’t know, YOU are my favorite.

      ~ Michelle–may you continue to be awed by His holiness

      ~ Stefanie–may He always prove to be enough in your life

      ~ Lauren–may you never cease to be amazed by His glory

      ~ Frank, my first son-in-love–May you continue to know

      His peace that endures

      To Patrick and Crystal Mitchell, when I first met you and heard your desire to make a radical difference in God’s kingdom, you inspired me to make this book a reality. Throughout the writing of it, besides my own family, your faces (the representation of young Christian warriors who desire to know the fullness of His glory) were foremost in my heart. THIS IS MY GIFT TO YOU. WATCH Him do extraordinary things! And KEEP your own journals.

      To Jeff, my husband of 30 years: The vows we took all those years ago still resound in my heart. “Believing I was made for you only....” That said, God certainly knew I needed adventure in my life. Following you around the world has been extremely challenging, oftentimes difficult, and more times than not, simply amazing, but never boring. I love your heart for Christ. I love your quiet, but strong spirit. You are a spiritual leader in every way though I have not always appreciated that. Thank you for loving me unconditionally.


      Early in 1987 the calling to write this story began deep in my heart. God had given me a desire to keep rather detailed journals of our cultural adaptations and the emotions behind the challenging times we experienced when first arriving in Liberia! The journals were initially written out of a desire to share these experiences with our family. Although most of my journals were either handwritten or typed on an old Selectric II typewriter, I am forever grateful that I committed to document our first years as missionaries in West Africa.

      I am even more grateful for my mother and father who kept those journals in a file. About ten years ago, my mother handed me a thick manila folder stuffed with various sized papers. “These are for when you write your book,” she said as she handed them to me. “I know you will write one day about all that God has shown you in Africa. These should help.” Stunned they really had kept all my African journals, the seed to write grew into a plant shuttering with potential.

      It has been a five year journey to bring this book to reality, mostly because of the demanding yet rewarding ministry that we have with college students. Carving out time in the summers and breaks, I began to plunder through my journals and was amazed all over again at God. Though our stories are not the most compelling I have ever heard nor the most important, they are real and powerful. Simply put, God asked me to put them down in book form for HIS GLORY! May He amaze you with His sovereign beauty as you read!

      Jeff and I are deeply thankful for our parents, Bob and Geraldine Lennon and Hal and June Abernethy, for how they have loved and guided us, for the vivid examples of how Christians should live through all phases of life; and for the many prayers on our behalf. We felt the power of their love and heartfelt petitions deep in the jungles of West Africa. Any spiritual fruit reaped throughout our years of ministry is placed in their accounts! We are blessed more than we could ever describe with our four amazing parents!!

      Debbie Benfield, Melissa Carrara, and Joy Almond, TR Black and Kelly Gurley-Scites–You blessed me with taking your valuable time to do some great editing! You were a powerful part of this project and important parts of my life.

      Janet Grams–for using your photography skills to provide a great head shot of Jeff & me. The pictures were taken in the botanical gardens on the campus of UNC-Charlotte where we have ministered for the past eight years with Campus Bible Fellowship International.

      Heidi Sheppard–an up and coming young photographer. She is the daughter of Mark and Nancy Sheppard, our former co-workers, who are still ministering in Liberia with Baptist Mid-Missions. The picture on the front cover is hers and was taken in Liberia. Thank you, Heidi, for willingly sharing.

      Nancy Freund–an amazing graphic designer and editor for Baptist Mid-Missions. She graciously offered to design my book cover while we were working on a CBFI project. It is evident that the cover is a work born out of her heart for God.

      April Stinson–you find joy in bringing the beauty out in others. Thank you for being a blessing and going the extra mile. I’ve seen your heart as you work and know that your love for God is real!

      Barb Stevenson–Over twenty years ago, I aspired to be a Bible teacher/speaker that could touch the lives of others just as you had so powerfully touched mine. You so wisely said to me, “Kim, no doubt you will, but first you must live out your own life stories. You need to see that God is exactly who He says He is.” And so, I have. Just as you said. Thank you being the kind of example that I could follow.

      Debbie Johnson–Thank you for going above and beyond on the last edit! “Feed a sneak” is a classic! You are dear to my heart.

      PRELUDE–November 1985

      If I believed in omens, I would have been worried. After nineteen months of deputation and five months of planning, buying, and packing a 40-foot metal container with supplies and household items for our “maiden” years in Liberia, West Africa, our departure date had come! November 12, 1985, was the date that we had decided on even though we realized that it was very close to Thanksgiving and Christmas, making it more difficult for our families and us. Undeterred, there was just no stopping those new missionaries who had already turned eager eyes toward our country, our people whom God had given us!

      Thinking back on the night before we were to leave, I do not believe that either Jeff or I slept very well. Our hearts and minds were full. We had no idea what to expect, what we should have been feeling,